Pokemon Gold And Silver 97: Reforged Cheats

There are a good number of Gameboy Color ROM hacks out there. Gen 2 is a very popular generation in the series with games like Gold, Silver, and Crystal. This is why we’ll be tackling with a list of working Pokemon Gold and Silver 97: Reforged cheats. These two
Pokemon ROM hacks being Gold and Silver 97: Reforged are both based on Crystal.

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They have the same cheats despite being two individual games. All the cheats are Game Shark types, so there is no need to worry about inputting the cheat type.

Don’t turn on too many cheats at once so that the game doesn’t crash or glitch. We’ll also add more instructions in case the cheat needs them.

Other ROM Hack Cheats

List of Working Pokemon Gold and Silver 97: Reforged Cheats

Unlimited Master Ball Cheats (Poke Mart)
Gold and silve 97: reforged cheats


Let’s start with one of the most useful Pokemon Gold and Silver 97: Reforged cheats which is the unlimited Master  Ball cheat.

Unlimited Rare Candy (Bag)


Input the code and you can have an unlimited amount of Rare Candies in your Bag. Even if the Rare Candy is zero, you can use it in an unlimited amount.

Buy Rare Candies (Poke Mart)


Input the code and you can buy Rare Candies from any Poke Mart. The Candies are for sale which is a bit expensive so it is best to pair it with the unlimited money cheat. (see below)

Max Poke Balls (Bag)

Input the code and you can have a max amount of Poke Balls in their respective Item Slot. Use the Slot 1 code if you want the Poke Balls to appear on Slot 1.

Slot 1 0163FED5 9163D9D8
Slot 2 016300D6 9163DBD8
Slot 3 016302D6 9163DDD8
Slot 4 016304D6 9163DFD8
Slot 5 016306D6 9163E1D8
Slot 6 016308D6 9163E3D8
Slot 7 01630AD6 9163E5D8
Slot 8 01630CD6 9163E7D8
Slot 9 01630ED6 9163E9D8
Slot 10 016310D6 9163EBD8
Slot 11 016312D6 9163EDD8
Slot 12 016314D6 9163EFD8

Max Money


Input the code and you can have maxed out money in your profile.

Walk Through Walls


Input the code and you can walk through walls and any other terrain.

Use Bike All The Time

010182D6 91015DD9

Input the code and you can ride your Bike all the time. Turn off the cheat to get off the Bike.

Unlock All Badges


Input the code and you can have all the Badges unlocked. This is perhaps one of the Gold and Silver 97: Reforged cheats that you can do without.


Be careful, this code may glitch out your game.

Encounter Shiny Pokemon


Input the code and you can encounter Shiny Wild Pokemon all the time.

Hatch Eggs Faster

1st Egg 010145DA 9101FADC
2nd Egg 010175DA 91012ADD
3rd Egg 0101A5DA 91015ADD
4th Egg 0101D5DA 91018ADD
5th Egg 010105DB 9101BADD
6th Egg 010135DB 9101EADD

Input the code to where the Pokemon Egg in your party is. It will hatch the Egg much faster than normal.

Wild Pokemon Modifier

Change the YY to the corresponding Pokemon code that you want to encounter located below. This is also one of the most useful Gold and 97: Reforged cheats you can use.

Considering this is a ROM hack, there might be some codes that will not work or will give you a different Pokemon


Pokemon Codes

01: Bulbasaur
02: Ivysaur
03: Venusaur
04: Charmander
05: Charmeleon
06: Charizard
07: Squirtle
08: Wartortle
09: Blastoise
0A: Caterpie
0B: Metapod
0C: Butterfree
0D: Weedle
0E: Kakuna
0F: Beedrill
10: Pidgey
11: Pidgeotto
12: Pidgeot
13: Rattata
14: Raticate
15: Spearow
16: Fearow
17: Ekans
18: Arbok
19: Pikachu
1A: Raichu
1B: Sandshrew
1C: Sandslash
1D: Nidoran Female
1E: Nidorina
1F: Nidoqueen
20: Nidoran Male
21: Nidorino
22: nidoking
23: Clefairy
24: Clefable
25: Vulpix
26: Ninetails
27: Jigglypuff
28: Wigglytuff
29: Zubat
2A: Golbat
2B: Oddish
2C: Gloom
2D: Vileplume
2E: Paras
2F: Parasect
30: Venonat
31: Venomoth
32: Diglett
33: Dugtrio
34: Meowth
35: Persian
36: Psyduck
37: Golduck
38: Mankey
39: Primeape
3A: Growlithe
3B: Arcanine
3C: Poliwag
3D: Poliwhirl
3E: Poliwrath
3F: Abra
40: Kadabra
41: Alakazam
42: Machop
43: Machoke
44: Machamp
45: Bellsprout
46: Weepinbell
47: Victreebell
48: Tentacool
49: Tentacruel
4A: Geodude
4B: Graveler
4C: Golem
4D: Ponyta
4E: Rapidash
4F: Slowpoke
50: Slowbro
51: Magnemite
52: Magneton
53: Farfetch’d
54: Doduo
55: Dodrio
56: Seel
57: Dewgong
58: Grimer
59: Muk
5A: Shellder
5B: Cloyster
5C: Gastly
5D: Haunter
5E: Gengar
5F: Onix
60: Drowzee
61: Hypno
62: Krabby
63: Kingler
64: Voltorb
65: Electrode
66: Exeggcute
67: Exeggcutor
68: Cubone
69: Marowak
6A: Hitmonlee
6B: Hitmonchan
6C: Lickitung
6D: Koffing
6E: Weezing
6F: Rhyhorn
70: Rhydon
71: Chansey
72: Tangela
73: Kangaskhan
74: Horsea
75: Seadra
76: Goldeen
77: Seaking
78: Staryu
79: Starmie
7A: Mr. Mime
7B: Scyther
7C: Jynx
7D: Electabuzz
7E: Magmar
7F: Pinsir
80: Tauros
81: Magikarp
82: Gyarados
83: Lapras
84: Ditto
85: Eevee
86: Vaporeon
87: Jolteon
88: Flareon
89: Porygon
8A: Omanyte
8B: Omastar
8C: Kabuto
8D: Kabutops
8E: Aerodactyl
8F: Snorlax
90: Articuno
91: Zapdos
92: Moltres
93: Dratini
94: Dragonair
95: Dragonite
96: Mewtwo
97: Mew
98: Chikorita
99: Bayleef
9A: Meganium
9B: Cyndaquil
9C: Quilava
9D: Typhlosion
9E: Totodile
9F: Croconaw
A0: Feraligatr
A1: Sentret
A2: Furret
A3: Hoothoot
A4: Noctowl
A5: Ledyba
A6: Ledian
A7: Spinarak
A8: Ariados
A9: Crobat
AA: Chinchou
AB: Lanturn
AC: Pichu
AD: Cleffa
AE: Igglybuff
AF: Togepi
B0: Togetic
B1: Natu
B2: Xatu
B3: Mareep
B4: Flaaffy
B5: Ampharos
B6: Bellossom
B7: Marill
B8: Azumaril
B9: Sudowoodo
BA: Politoed
BB: Hoppip
BC: Skiploom
BD: Jumpluff
BE: Aipom
BF: Sunkern
C0: Sunflora
C1: Yanma
C2: Wooper
C3: Quagsire
C4: Espeon
C5: Umbreon
C6: Murkrow
C7: Slowking
C8: Misdreavus
C9: Unown (can show up in any form)
CA: Wobbuffet
CB: Girafarig
CC: Pineco
CD: Forretress
CE: Dunsparce
CF: Gligar
D0: Steelix
D1: Snubbull
D2: Granbull
D3: Qwilfish
D4: Scizor
D5: Shuckle
D6: Heracross
D7: Sneasel
D8: Teddiursa
D9: Ursaring
DA: Slugma
DB: Magcargo
DC: Swinub
DD: Piloswine
DE: Corsola
DF: Remoraid
E0: Octillery
E1: Delibird
E2: Mantine
E3: Skarmory
E4: Houndour
E5: Houndoom
E6: Kingdra
E7: Phanpy
E8: Donphan
E9: Porygon2
EA: Stantler
EB: Smeargle
EC: Tyrogue
ED: Hitmontop
EE: Smoochum
EF: Elekid
F0: Magby
F1: Miltank
F2: Blissey
F3: Raikou
F4: Entei
F5: Suicune
F6: Larvitar
F7: Pupitar
F8: Tyranitar
F9: Lugia
FA: Ho-oh
FB: Celebi

Wild Pokemon Gender Modifier


010419D1 910430D2


010519D1 910530D2

Input the code corresponding to the Gender that you want the Wild Pokemon to have that you’ll encounter.

Enemy Pokemon Starts With a Status Ailment

Input the code and the enemy Pokemon will start with a Status ailment. Change the YY to the status that you want your enemy Pokemon to have.


Status Codes

01: SLP (The Pokemon will wake up in the 1st turn)
02: SLP (The Pokemon will wake up in the 2nd turn)
03: SLP (The Pokemon will wake up in the 3rd turn)
04: SLP (The Pokemon will wake up in the 4th turn)
05: SLP (The Pokemon will wake up in the 5th turn)
06: SLP (The Pokemon will wake up in the 6th turn)
07: SLP (The Pokemon will wake up in the 7th turn)
08: PSN (The poison will wear off when you turn off the GameShark switch)
0f: PSN + SLP(wears off when you turn off the GameShark switch)
10: BRN (wears off when you turn off the GameShark switch)
17: BRN + SLP (wears off when you turn off the GameShark switch)
20: FRZ (wears off when you turn off the GameShark switch)
30: FRZ + BRN (wears off when you turn off the GameShark switch)
40: PAR (wears off when you turn off the GameShark switch)

In Closing

That pretty much covers our list of working Pokemon Gold and Silver 97: Reforged cheats. We pretty much covered the bases like Money, Master Balls, Rare Candies, and Pokemon Modifiers. The other cheats, like stat modifiers aren’t working, unfortunately.

Also, see our guide on How to Fix Not Working and Glitchy Cheats if you encounter issues upon activating these cheats.

Another cheat is stealing the enemy Trainer’s Pokemon is glitching out. If you do have some cheats that are working, feel free to comment. We credit you and will expand this list for more working cheats for Gold and Silver 97.

About Taichee

Taichee is the ultimate writer for Pokémon gaming enthusiasts. With extensive experience, he expertly delves into popular Pokemon game series and ROM hacks for GBC, GBA, and NDS, meticulously testing cheats and sharing general gaming strategies on Pokemoncoders.

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3 thoughts on “Pokemon Gold And Silver 97: Reforged Cheats”

    • Hello zombifiedsquid, thank you for joining us and sharing your experience with the rare candy cheat. As a rule of thumb when using cheats, remember to enable only one cheat at a time and avoid excessive use of cheats. Once enabled, remember to disable or remove the cheat entirely from your emulator. Hopefully, my advice proves helpful to you.

  1. Seriously, & Sincerely, Walking through walls was the only code I wished would work😭 thank you for the other codes to try, some like masterball buy for zero or rare candy’s works…. only needed the walk through walls one, any advise or guide or how to or glitches or help for how to make this work 🥺 sincerely please 🙏🏽 help if possible????
