Pokemon Silver Cheats – GameShark Codes, Glitches, and Guides

Pokemon Silver is the opposite game of Gold released back in 1999 for the Gameboy Color. Like most Pokemon games, it follows the basic gameplay mechanics.

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These mechanics would be to catch Pokemon, beat Gym Leaders, and become the Champion while progressing through the story. That being said, there are Pokemon Silver cheats that you can use.

Back then, you could use the right cheat codes to get some good results.

Now, if you are using emulators and other programs, you can always use the right cheats as well. Here are just a few cheats that you can use with the right emulator. When it comes to using the cheat, you need to input the code on the cheat option.

Pokemon silver cheats

Also check: Pokemon Emulator for Android, iOS, Windows and Mac OS

What to Do if the Cheat Don’t Work

Most emulators are easy to use, but if a code doesn’t work, then that can mean several things. One thing is that you input the code incorrectly. The other thing is that you need to enable or turn on the code which you can turn it off in some cases.

With regards to GBC emulators, if you’re planning to use cheats or just want a better app, we highly recommend using My OldBoy! – GBC Emulator or John GBC – GBC emulator for maximum GBC gaming experience for Android users.

Pokemon Silver Cheat Codes and Cheating Guide


Keep in mind as well that some codes may cause the game to freeze, lag, and even crash. Here are just a few cheats that you may want to use, and keep in mind that you don’t have to use all of them.

Have all Gym Badges


Pokemon silver cheats

Johto Badges

Kanto Badges

Enter the code to gain access to all of the Badges from the respective region. You can only access the Kanto Badges once you finish the first part of the game.

Teleport to different locations

How to use: Enter the code below and change the two XX to the code corresponding to the location that you want to go. Just use Fly and click on any location on the map and you’ll end on the area that you choose. Example: Enter code 0103EDCE to teleport to Viridian city.


00 Your House
01 Viridian City
02 Pallet Town
03 Viridian City
04 Pewter City
05 Cerulean City
06 Near the Power Plant
07 Vermilion City
08 Lavender Town
09 Saffron City
0A Celadon City
0B Fuchsia City
0C Cinnabar Island
0D Indigo Plateau
0E New Bark Town
0F Cherrygrove City
10 Violet City
11 Union Cave
12 Azalea Town
13 Cianwood City
14 Goldenrod City
15 Olivine City
16 Ecruteak City
17 Mahogany Town
18 Lake of Rage
19 Blackthorn City
1A Mt. Silver
1B S.S. Aqua

Walk through walls
Pokemon silver cheats


Using the code allows you to walk through walls, trees, and others. Just be careful because walking through some areas and on water may cause the game to crash. Input all four codes separately.

Using the bike
Pokemon silver cheats

Entering the code allows you to use the bike all the time, even when you haven’t accessed it yet in the story.

One hit kill

Input the code that allows you to defeat enemy Pokemon in one hit.

No random encounters

Entering the code removes all random battles on grasses and encounter areas. However, trainer and gym battles will still happen when you get caught in the line of sight.

Get all three Starting Pokemon
Pokemon silver cheats


As soon as the game begins, enter this code. Before entering Professor Elm’s building, you should activate this code. This is because once Elm’s dialogue is finished, the code can no longer be used. When the code is activated and the dialogue begins, you can select your first Starter.

A new dialogue will appear, after which you can continue playing the game. Proceed to the other Poke Balls that contain the final two Starters. Choosing one will cause Professor Elm to repeat the same conversation.

Get the Final Starter when that dialogue concludes, and Elm will speak for the final time, and you will have all three Starters. When you have all three, turn off the code and even delete it.

Encounter Shiny Pokemon
Pokemon silver cheats


Enter the code to always encounter a Shiny Pokemon.

Hatching Eggs faster

010145DA (First Pokemon)
010175DA (Second Pokemon)
0101A5DA (Third Pokemon)
0101D5DA (Fourth Pokemon)
010105DB (Fifth Pokemon)
010135DB (Sixth Pokemon)

Use the code where the Egg will be placed in your Pokemon roster. If the Egg is placed on slot 3 or third, then use the Third Pokemon code.

Battle Gym Leaders again


Enter the code to battle Gym Leaders again and again.

Wild Pokemon encounter modifier


01 Bulbasaur
02 Ivysaur
03 Venusaur
04 Charmander
05 Charmeleon
06 Charizard
07 Squirtle
08 Wartortle
09 Blastoise
0A Caterpie
0B Metapod
0C Butterfree
0D Weedle
0E Kakuna
0F Beedrill
10 Pidgey
11 Pidgeotto
12 Pidgeot
13 Rattata
14 Raticate
15 Spearow
16 Fearow
17 Ekans
18 Arbok
19 Pikachu
1A Raichu
1B Sandshrew
1C Sandslash
1D Nidoran Female
1E Nidorina
1F Nidoqueen
20 Nidoran Male
21 Nidorino
22 Nidoking
23 Clefairy
24 Clefable
25 Vulpix
26 Ninetails
27 Jigglypuff
28 Wigglytuff
29 Zubat
2A Golbat
2B Oddish
2C Gloom
2D Vileplume
2E Paras
2F Parasect
30 Venonat
31 Venomoth
32 Diglett
33 Dugtrio
34 Meowth
35 Persian
36 Psyduck
37 Golduck
38 Mankey
39 Primeape
3A Growlithe
3B Arcanine
3C Poliwag
3D Poliwhirl
3E Poliwrath
3F Abra
40 Kadabra
41 Alakazam
42 Machop
43 Machoke
44 Machamp
45 Bellsprout
46 Weepinbell
47 Victreebell
48 Tentacool
49 Tentacruel
4A Geodude
4B Graveler
4C Golem
4D Ponyta
4E Rapidash
4F Slowpoke
50 Slowbro
51 Magnemite
52 Magneton
53 Farfetchd
54 Doduo
55 Dodrio
56 Seel
57 Dewgong
58 Grimer
59 Muk
5A Shellder
5B Cloyster
5C Gastly
5D Haunter
5E Gengar
5F Onix
60 Drowzee
61 Hypno
62 Krabby
63 Kingler
64 Voltorb
65 Electrode
66 Exeggcute
67 Exeggutor
68 Cubone
69 Marowak
6A Hitmonlee
6B Hitmonchan
6C Lickitung
6D Koffing
6E Weezing
6F Rhyhorn
70 Rhydon
71 Chansey
72 Tangela
73 Kangaskhan
74 Horsea
75 Seadra
76 Goldeen
77 Seaking
78 Staryu
79 Starmie
7A Mr Mime
7B Scyther
7C Jynx
7D Electabuzz
7E Magmar
7F Pinsir
80 Tauros
81 Magikarp
82 Gyarados
83 Lapras
84 Ditto
85 Eevee
86 Vaporeon
87 Jolteon
88 Flareon
89 Porygon
8A Omanyte
8B Omastar
8C Kabuto
8D Kabutops
8E Aerodactyl
8F Snorlax
90 Articuno
91 Zapdos
92 Moltres
93 Dratini
94 Dragonair
95 Dragonite
96 Mewtwo
97 Mew
98 Chikorita
99 Bayleef
9A Meganium
9B Cyndaquil
9C Quilava
9D Typhlosion
9E Totodile
9F Croconaw
A0 Feraligatr
A1 Sentret
A2 Furret
A3 Hoothoot
A4 Noctowl
A5 Ledyba
A6 Ledian
A7 Spinarak
A8 Ariados
A9 Crobat
AA Chinchou
AB Lanturn
AC Pichu
AD Cleffa
AE Igglybuff
AF Togepi
B0 Togetic
B1 Natu
B2 Xatu
B3 Mareep
B4 Flaafy
B5 Ampharos
B6 Bellossum
B7 Marill
B8 Azumarill
B9 Sudowoodo
BA Politoed
BB Hoppip
BC Skiploom
BD Jumpluff
BE Aipom
BF Sunkern
C0 Sunflora
C1 Yanma
C2 Wooper
C3 Quagsire
C5 Umbreon
C6 Murkrow
C7 Slowking
C8 Misdreavus
C9 Unown
CA Wobbuffet
CB Girafarig
CC Pineco
CD Forretress
CE Dunsparce
CF Gligar
D0 Steelix
D1 Snubbull
D2 Granbull
D3 Qwilfish
D4 Scizor
D5 Shuckle
D6 Heracross
D7 Sneasel
D8 Teddiursa
D9 Ursaring
DA Slugma
DB Magcargo
DC Swinub
DD Piloswine
DE Corsola
DF Remoraid
E0 Octillery
E1 Delibird
E2 Mantine
E3 Skarmory
E4 Houndour
E5 Houndoom
E6 Kingdra
E7 Phanpy
E8 Donphan
E9 Porygon2
EA Stantler
EB Smeargle
EC Tyrogue
ED Hitmontop
EE Smoochum
EF Elekid
F0 Magby
F1 Miltank
F2 Blissey
F3 Raikou
F4 Entei
F5 Suicune
F6 Larvitar
F7 Pupitar
F8 Tyranitar
F9 Lugia
FA Ho-Oh
FB Celebi

Pokemon Gender modifier

Changing to Male

Changing to Female

Using the code changes the first position’s Pokemon to the opposite gender. You have to input the code opposite of your Pokemon’s default gender.

TM and HM modifier


71 TM 01 Dynamic Punch
72 TM 02 Headbutt
73 TM 03 Curse
74 TM 04 Roll Out
75 Tm 05 Roar
76 TM 06 Toxic
77 TM 07 Horn Drill
78 TM 08 Rock Smash
79 TM 09 Psych Up
7A TM 10 Hidden Power
7B TM 11 Sunny Day
7C TM 12 Sweet Scent
7D TM 13 Snore
7E TM 14 Blizzard
7F TM 15 Hyper Beam
80 TM 16 Icy Wind
81 TM 17 Protect
82 TM 18 Rain Dance
83 TM 19 Giga Drain
84 TM 20 Endure
85 TM 21 Frustration
86 TM 22 Solar Beam
87 TM 23 Iron Tail
88 TM 24 Dragon Breath
89 TM 25 Thunder
8A TM 26 Earthquake
8B TM 27 Return
8C TM 28 Dig
8D TM 29 Psychic
8E TM 30 Shadow Ball
8F TM 31 Mud-Slap
90 TM 32 Double Team
91 TM 33 Ice Punch
92 TM 34 Swagger
93 TM 35 Sleeptalk
94 TM 36 Sludge Bomb
95 TM 37 Sandstorm
96 TM 38 Fire Blast
97 TM 39 Swift
98 TM 40 Defense Curl
99 TM 41 Thunderpunch
9A TM 42 Dream Eater
9B TM 43 Detect
9C TM 44 Rest
9D TM 45 Attract
9E TM 46 Thief
9F TM 47 Steel Wing
A0 TM 48 Fire Punch
A1 TM 49 Fury Cutter
A2 TM 50 Nightmare

To receive the TM or HM you want, enter the code. Simply replace the two Xs with the code for the TM or HM you desire. Once the code is activated, simply open your pack and look for the TM or HM, which you can use an endless number of times.

Unlimited Item modifier
















Codes arrange from Slot 1 to 15 (Input separately)















03 Bright Powder
07 Bike
08 Moon Stone
09 Antidote
0A Burn Heal
0B Ice Heal
0C Awakening
0D Paralyze Heal
0E Full Restore
0F Max Potion
10 Hyper Potion
11 Super Potion
12 Potion
13 Escape Rope
14 Repel
15 Max Elixer
16 Fire Stone
17 Thunder Stone
18 Water Stone
1A HP Up
1B Protein
1C Iron
1D Carbos
1E Lucky Punch
1F Calcium
20 Rare Candy
21 X Accuracy
22 Leaf Stone
23 Metal Powder
24 Nugget
25 Pokedoll
26 Full Heal
27 Revive
28 Max Revive
29 Guard Spec
2A Super Repel
2B Max Repel
2C Dire Hit
2E Fresh Water
2F Soda Pop
30 Lemonade
31 X Attack
33 X Defend
34 X Speed
35 X Special
36 Coin Case
37 Itemfinder
39 Exp Share
3A Old Rod
3B Good Rod
3C Silver Leaf
3D Super Rod
3E PP Up
3F Ether
40 Max Ether
41 Elixer
42 Red Scale
43 Secret Potion
44 S.S. Ticket
45 Mystery Egg
47 Silver Wing
48 MooMoo Milk
49 Quick Claw
4A PSNcureberry
4B Gold Leaf
4C Soft Sand
4D Sharp Beak
4E PRZcureberry
4F Burnt Berry
50 Ice Berry
51 Poison Barb
52 Kings Rock
53 Bitter Berry
54 Mint Berry
55 Red Apricorn
56 Tiny Mushroom
57 Big Mushroom
58 Silver Powder
59 Blue Apricorn
5B Amulet Coin
5C Yellow Apricorn
5D Green Apricorn
5E Cleanse Tag
5F Mystic Water
60 Twisted Spoon
61 White Apricorn
62 Blackbelt
63 Black Apricorn
65 Pink Apricorn
66 Black Glasses
68 Pink Bow
69 Stick
6A Smoke Ball
6B Nevermelt Ice
6C Magnet
6D Miracle Berry
6E Pearl
6F Big Pearl
70 Everstone
71 Spell Tag
72 Rage Candy Bar
75 Miracle Seed
76 Thick Club
77 Focus Band
79 Energy Powder
7A Energy Root
7B Heal Powder
7C Revival Herb
7D Hardstone
7E Lucky Egg
7F Card Key
80 Machine Part
82 Lost Item
83 Stardust
84 Star Piece
85 Basement Key
86 Pass
8A Charcoal
8B Berry Juice
8C Scope Lens
8F Metal Coat
90 Dragon Fang
92 Left Overs
96 Mystery Berry
97 Dragon Scale
98 Beserk Gene
9C Sacred Ash
9E Flower Mail
A3 Light Ball
A7 Normal Box
A8 Gorgeous Box
A9 Sun Stone
AA Pokadot Bow
AC Upgrade
AD Berry
AE Gold Berry
AF Squirtbottle
B2 Rainbow Wing
B4 Brick Piece
B5 Surf Mail
B6 Little Blue Mail
B7 Portrait Mail
B8 Lovely Mail
B9 Eon Mail
BA Morph Mail
BB Blue Sky Mail
BC Music Mail
BD Mirage Mail
01 Master Ball
02 Ultra Ball
04 Great Ball
05 Poke Ball
9D Heavy Ball
9F Level Ball
A0 Lure Ball
A1 Fast Ball
A4 Friend Ball
A5 Moon Ball
A6 Love Ball
B1 Park Ball

The first set of codes is for use on a single item, while the second set is for use on an unlimited number of items. Change the Xs to the appropriate codes for the item you want. If you count the codes as well, you can determine which slot in your pack they belong to. In short, the first codes can be used to hold the first item slot, and the eighth code can be used to hold the eighth item slot, so keep that in mind. It’s preferable to have unlimited item codes enabled, but you have other options.

Unlimited Master Ball in PC


Enter the code to have an unlimited number of Master Balls. Just check your pack to see if you have them.

Unlimited Money


To get an infinite supply of cash, enter the code. Even though the money has a number, it will not decrease when you purchase items.

Unlimited PP

012814CB (First Move)

012815CB (Second Move)
012816CB (Third Move)
012817CB (Fourth Move)

To get a limitless amount of PP, enter the appropriate code for the move. Even if the Pokemon’s status says 12/35 PP, in battle it will exceed that restriction and you will be able to utilize it continuously.

Unlimited Casino Coins

Enter the code to get unlimited Casino Coins. You do need to access the casino to use them.

Unlimited Rare Candies in PC


Input the code to get an unlimited amount of Rare Candies. Open your pack to access them.

Unlimited HP

Input the code where it allows your Pokemon to exceed its base and full HP.

In case you’re using another system and you can’t input codes, you can use some of these glitches to get some kind of advantage. Just be mindful that doing these glitches may cause the game to crash.

Popular Pokemon Silver Glitches

Item and Pokemon Duplication Glitch

This is a classic glitch that a lot of people use. You can clone your Pokemon as well as an item. The process is the same whether you wish to duplicate a Pokemon or an item.


  1. If you’re going to duplicate stuff, use a low-level Pokemon or one you can afford to give up.
  2. Place an item in the Pokemon if you wish to duplicate it.
  3. Select a BOX on the PC where you want to place a Pokemon.
  4. Suppose you want to use BOX 5 as your main box for the time being.
  5. Deposit the Pokemon you want to copy, or the Pokemon that has the item you want to duplicate, in the appropriate slot.
  6. Change the BOX once more, and the game will prompt you to save.
  7. When it comes to saving, select yes; however, turn off or reset your device before the message “SAVING, DO NOT TURN OFF THE POWER” appears.
  8. If you followed the steps successfully, the Pokemon in BOX 5 or wherever you placed them will be duplicated, together with the item they are carrying, the next time you turn on your device.

When you can’t input codes, this duplicate glitch can help you get a lot of Master Balls, Rare Candies, or even Legendary Pokemon.

Get all three starting Pokemon Glitch

We already have a code for this, but you can also use this glitch. Getting all three starters may take longer, but it is also more effective.


  1. When you start a new game, go to Professor Elm’s Lab and save when you get to the point where you choose your starter Pokemon.
  2. Continue through the game’s story until you’ve captured one Pokemon and gained access to the Pokemon Storage Box.
  3. Now that you have access to the boxes, capture whatever Pokemon you choose. It doesn’t have to be a specific Pokemon.
  4. Deposit your starter Pokemon in the box; this is why you must have a Pokemon caught because you must leave one in your team behind.
  5. After you’ve deposited your starter Pokemon, save the game, but turn off or reset your device when the text “SAVING, DO NOT TURN OFF THE POWER” appears, just like you did with the Pokemon and item duplication.
  6. When you reload the game, you’ll be back in Professor Elm’s lab, where you must select your starter Pokemon.
  7. Pick a starter Pokemon that you haven’t yet deposited.
  8. Repeat the second procedure until you are able to do the save glitch once more.
  9. Reload the game and select the last starter Pokemon that you didn’t obtain the first time around. When you’ve completed all of the steps correctly, you’ll be able to choose your third starting Pokemon, with the other two starters available in your Pokemon Storage Box.
Getting a Celebi Glitch

The original method to get a Celebi is that there were Nintendo events that gave players a Celebi. Considering that it has been decades since the event ended, the only other way to do it is to use codes or with this glitch that has a very long method.

  • You first need to have a Quagsire. You can evolve a Wooper to a Quagsire at level 20 or just catch a Quagsire right away because the level is irrelevant.
  • The Quagsire needs to carry an HP UP as well as teach the Quasire the move Sleep Talk which you can learn from TM 25. Sleep Talk has to be the first one in Quagsire’s list.
  • The next thing is that you need to have two low level Pokemon but it is irrelevant as to which ones they are but make sure that they are less than level 10.
  • You also need the Coin Case for this glitch because that alone features a plethora of glitches.
  • Head to the PC and you need to deposit specific items in the corresponding order with the corresponding amount.

01) Any item = any amount
02) Any item = 38 pieces
03) TM 27 = 2 pieces
04) Fresh Water = 42 pieces
05) Lovely Mail = 1 piece
06) HM 07 = 1 piece
07) Poke Ball = 65 pieces
08) Great Ball = 4 pieces
09) Everstone = 1 piece
10) Super Potion = 2 pieces
11) Surf Mail = 51 pieces
12) Full Heal = 18 pieces
13) Flower Mail = 46 pieces
14) HM 03 = 1 piece
15) X Speed = 1 piece
16) TM 06 = 1 piece
17) Poke Doll = 1 piece
18) TM 41 = 1 piece

  • Remember those two low level Pokemon that you have? Place them in the first and third slots of your Pokemon Party. The one in the second slot is irrelevant, and the Quagsire with the HP UP and Sleep Talk as its top move should be on the fourth slot.
  • Go to Professor Elm’s lab and just stand at the entrance.
  • Save the game, and then you can reset or turn it off and on.
  • Once you load the game, head out the lab, and go to the first tree on the right of Professor Elm’s lab.
  • Listen to one of the cries from your Pokedex from any of these Pokemon namely Bellsprout, Omanyte, Machop, or Machoke.
  • Now open the Coin Case in your inventory and it will show the coins that you have, although how much coins you have is irrelevant.
  • Head to the Day Care Center and hand the low level Pokemon on your first slot to the old man.
  • Wait for a couple of seconds and talk to the old man again and he will ask you if you want to take back your Pokemon.
  • Pay whatever amount he asks for and the Pokemon will come back as Celebi.

One thing to remember is that the Celebi will keep the name of the low-level Pokemon that you utilized. You may easily alter the name of your Celebi with the name changer, and don’t forget to delete the moves using the Move Deleter NPC.

Shared Cheats

Master Ball in first item slot (Shared by: Brandon)

Note: This cheat will replace the first item in your item slot with master ball. Be sure to put only the item in the first slot that you don’t mind losing. After applying the code below, you can pair it with this code 0163B9D5 to get an infinite amount of the item.


For more information, click here.

Infinite amount in first item slot (Shared by: Brandon)

Note: The cheat is used to get an infinite number in your first item slot. You can pair this cheat with other item cheats, such as master ball, rare candy, etc..

TM Cheat (Shared by: Deb)

Enter code 0163XXD5 and replace XX with the appropriate TM ID.

7E TM01 Dynamic Punch
7F TM02 Headbutt
80 TM03 Curse
81 TM04 Rollout
82 TM05 Roar
83 TM06 Toxic
84 TM07 Zap Cannon
85 TM08 Rock Smash
86 TM09 Psych Up
87 TM10 Hidden Power
88 TM11 Sunny Day
89 TM12 Sweet Scent
8A TM13 Snore
8B TM14 Blizzard
8C TM15 Hyper Beam
8D TM16 Icy Wind
8E TM17 Protect
8F TM18 Rain Dance
90 TM19 Giga Drain
91 TM20 Endure
92 TM21 Frustration
93 TM22 Solar Beam
94 TM23 Iron Tail
95 TM24 Dragon Breath
96 TM25 Thunder
97 TM26 Earthquake
98 TM27 Return
99 TM28 Dig
9A TM29 Psychic
9B TM30 Shadow Ball
9C TM31 Mud-Slap
9D TM32 Double Team
9E TM33 Ice Punch
9F TM34 Swagger
A0 TM35 Sleeptalk
A1 TM36 Sludgebomb
A2 TM37 Sandstorm
A3 TM38 Fire Blast
A4 TM39 Swift
A5 TM40 Defense Curl
A6 TM41 Thunderpunch
A7 TM42 Dream Eater
A8 TM43 Detect
A9 TM44 Rest
AA TM45 Attract
AB TM46 Thief
AC TM47 Steel Wing
AD TM48 Fire Punch
AE TM49 Fury Cutter
AF TM50 Nightmare

Closing Statement

Hopefully, our Pokemon Silver cheats helped you during your time of need. We also have our Pokemon Gold cheats you can take a look at. As always, you’re always welcome to ask for help if any of the codes don’t work for you or we are open for cheat requests, post your message in the comment form below. Happy Pokemon Silver gaming.

About Taichee

Taichee is the ultimate writer for Pokémon gaming enthusiasts. With extensive experience, he expertly delves into popular Pokemon game series and ROM hacks for GBC, GBA, and NDS, meticulously testing cheats and sharing general gaming strategies on Pokemoncoders.

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75 thoughts on “Pokemon Silver Cheats – GameShark Codes, Glitches, and Guides”

  1. Used the Starter cheat and now I can’t progress further than talking to Elm after rival steals Pokémon. I can’t give the egg to him

  2. Be careful with the cheats. I just used the spawn a TM Rock Smash and now i cant encounter anything in the grass. I used the yellow cheats and no problem.

  3. Wild pokemon encounter modifier doesn’t appear to be working. Just says invalid code. Tried replacing ’01’ in 01XXEDD0 with ‘3B’ for Arcanine, no joy.

  4. hello

    i was looking for code for masterballs but all i found here was for it to set them between others misc items or in keypocket so i experimented a bit and the codes are similar for their ulimited amount and it put them straight to ballpacket for xx for type of ball

    1slot 01xxfdd5 and for max balls another code 0163fed5 (99pcs)

    (so for master 0101fdd5 on first position)

    2slot 01xxffd5 and for max balls another code 016300d6

    3slot 01xx01d6 and for max balls another code 016302d6

    4slot 01xx03d6 and for max balls another code 016304d6

    5slot 01xx05d6 and for max balls another code 016306d6
    it should work for all silver gold and crystal version

  5. Be careful with master ball cheats, it will make you unable to catch more than 20 pokemon. It’s better to sell rare candys or do a money cheat and buy the ultra ball. This goes for all pokemon games.

  6. Did anyone by chance use some if the item cheats and has now lost ALL of their KEY ITEMS? After beating Misty in Kanto all of my key items have disappeared. I was starting to think *spolier for gameplay* that the thief of the power plant stole them all somehow. How do I get those back without starting all over?

  7. If anyone is interested in the correct TM list, or if the Admins would like to update the list:

    7E TM01 Dynamic Punch
    7F TM02 Headbutt
    80 TM03 Curse
    81 TM04 Rollout
    82 TM05 Roar
    83 TM06 Toxic
    84 TM07 Zap Cannon
    85 TM08 Rock Smash
    86 TM09 Psych Up
    87 TM10 Hidden Power
    88 TM11 Sunny Day
    89 TM12 Sweet Scent
    8A TM13 Snore
    8B TM14 Blizzard
    8C TM15 Hyper Beam
    8D TM16 Icy Wind
    8E TM17 Protect
    8F TM18 Rain Dance
    90 TM19 Giga Drain
    91 TM20 Endure
    92 TM21 Frustration
    93 TM22 Solar Beam
    94 TM23 Iron Tail
    95 TM24 Dragon Breath
    96 TM25 Thunder
    97 TM26 Earthquake
    98 TM27 Return
    99 TM28 Dig
    9A TM29 Psychic
    9B TM30 Shadow Ball
    9C TM31 Mud-Slap
    9D TM32 Double Team
    9E TM33 Ice Punch
    9F TM34 Swagger
    A0 TM35 Sleeptalk
    A1 TM36 Sludgebomb
    A2 TM37 Sandstorm
    A3 TM38 Fire Blast
    A4 TM39 Swift
    A5 TM40 Defense Curl
    A6 TM41 Thunderpunch
    A7 TM42 Dream Eater
    A8 TM43 Detect
    A9 TM44 Rest
    AA TM45 Attract
    AB TM46 Thief
    AC TM47 Steel Wing
    AD TM48 Fire Punch
    AE TM49 Fury Cutter
    AF TM50 Nightmare

    • Thanks for sharing Deb. Let’s hear feedback from our readers about the cheat.

      Can anyone verify if the codes shared are working? Your feedback is appreciated.

      Update: TM codes were added under the Shared cheats section. Thank you Deb.

  8. So I can’t get the tm cheat to work which sucks cuz it severely limits what I can do with the pokemon I capture. Who tf made voltorb and electrode not learn any electric moves by leveling?? Anyone have a solution? Using my old boy paid version.

    • Ok i figured it out myself, so tm01 actually starts with 7E so ignore everything above 7E. They go in sequential order after that, so tm02 is 7F. Tm03 is 80, tm04 is 81 and so on and so forth. Once you get to A2 keep going. A3 a4 a5, 6 7 8 9 and then AA AB all the way to AF=tm50

  9. For those having trouble with the Master Ball Cheat:

    – Enter this code to make the first item in your inventory be a Master Ball (0101B8D5)

    [The article lists the second inventory slot code twice by mistake. The one I’ve indicated above is actually the correct code to modify the first inventory slot.]

    Please note that this will replace whatever is currently in that slot so make sure you put something there you don’t mind losing before activating this cheat.

    – Then enter this code to get an infinite amount of whatever is in the first slot, which should be a Master Ball once the previous code is activated (0163B9D5).

    I’ve personally confirmed that this setup grants infinite Master Balls.

  10. So i used a cheat, and now, i cant encounter wild pokemon, heard anything like that? and if so, is there a way to fix that?

  11. I lost my coin case from the rare candy code. Is there any way to get it back, because even when I turn the code off, it has been replaced with unlimited rare candies.

  12. If your playing on my ol gameboy app you can only use masterball cheat or rare candy cheat. You can switch them back in forth but you’ll only get one of them if both are turned on. Also do not use badges cheat. You will get stuck after beating team rocket in the town with tge red gyarados and you won’t be able to defeat them in goldenrod. Professor elm is suppose to call you after you get one of tge badges but if you have them all with tge cheat he won’t call and your stuck. Also don’t use any cheats until after you have compleated the mystery egg task at tge beginning (Yes this means don’t use tge start with all 3 starters cheat..) it messes with elm and his lines get all messed up and you won’t be able to compleate the mystery egg task so the entire game is messed up than.

  13. I do the getting all johto badges cheat and regrets it cause the story became useless also the infinity master ball and rare candy cheat any tips to undo it

    • Which GBA emulator are you using? Unfortunately, some emulators do not work with cheats. We usually VBA for PCs in our testing of cheats.

    • Make sure you’re not trying to encounter multiple wild pokemon at the same time. From my experience if I’m trying to spawn all 3 Gen 1 starters, they’ll often take on the names of each other or even the name of the first pokemon in my party.

    • I dont know if this will help considering how old this comment is, but the solution to catching Mew is making sure to catch it before it uses transform. The best option is to master ball it, however it will require luck and a pokemon that knows a sleep inducing move to catch it without using a master ball. Everytime you try to catch Mew and it has used transform it will always be a ditto.

  14. Game coin cheats worked, now my lvp 19 Flaafy has thunder and I have dratini w/out needing pokebucks

  15. Hi I have a question on how to use the item cheat code on My Old Boy. Its not showing up in my bag or in the pc! Please help

    • Try supergbc all the codes wark on it just didn’t have more 10
      because it will start to automatically activatede them

  16. What pokemon can use fly???????????????????????????????????

  17. How can i catch mythycal pokemon? How can i catch shiny pokemon? How can i get a 10 rare candy? How can i pass the elite four? How can i one hit kill?


    • Just input the first code with the x’s (delete the x’s) And input the corresponding Pokemon number where the x’s used to be its rly not that hard

  18. Hey, none of the cheat codes are working.

    I’m using GBC – My OldBoy free on my android phone.

    Please help.
