How to Patch GBA ROMs on Mac OS with MultiPatch

Multipatch patch rom on mac os
Pokemon rom hacks are played mostly on mobile phones especially on Android or Apple iOS supported devices, while some users choose to play on their Windows PC. But It is very uncommon and only a few people play ROM hacks on Mac OS.

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Just in case you’re one of those players who feel more comfortable playing Pokemon games on MAC and you need to patch a Pokemon ROM hack, this guide is for you. In this tutorial, we will be using the most popular ROM file patcher for MAC OS called Multipatch.

Before we proceed to the tutorial, you need the following files to accomplish the task.

  1. Clean GBA ROM file (Clean means you haven’t applied any patch in the file)
  2. Multipatch File Patcher
  3. .ips Pokemon ROM hack patch file

Patching GBA ROM to Play Pokemon ROM Hacks on MAC OS

Patching any Pokemon rom hacks on MAC OS is relatively easy with Multipatch, it’s a straightforward task that takes only a few seconds or as easy as five mouse clicks.
Browse files for patching multipatch
Step 1: Click and run Multipatch File Patcher, assuming that you’ve already downloaded and installed the app.

Step 2: Browse and select your patch file, this is the .ups or .ips ROM hack file.

Step 3: Browse and select your GBA ROM file you want to get patched.

Step 4: Browse to the location where you want to save the patched Pokemon ROM hack file.

Step 5: Finally, click on “Apply Patch” button to start the patching process. Once done, a message pops up telling you that the patching process is successfully completed.
Multipatch file patched
Patching for Mobile Use
You can also use this method if you need to patch a Pokemon ROM hack and want to play it on your mobile devices. Just grab the generated .gba file to your Android or iOS phone and you’re good to go.

Other Supported File Types for Patching
MultiPatch doesn’t only support IPS and UPS but also the files types such as XDelta, BSDiff, and BPS. This means MultiPatch is not only useful for patching Pokemon games but also for other modified files.

Got a question regarding this topic or maybe you need some help? Post your comments below and I’m here to answer your queries as humanly as possible.

About PokeCoder

I'm a Pokemon fan since childhood, and I love watching Pokemon movies and TV series. When playing Pokemon games, I use emulators, and I very much enjoy a game when I use a cheat. Join me exploring the world of Pokemon gaming using cheat codes.

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7 thoughts on “How to Patch GBA ROMs on Mac OS with MultiPatch”

  1. I’m using a freshly downloaded Pokemon ruby rom to get patched with Pokemon Jupiter (a ruby hack), but it keeps failing. What might be the issue assuming I’m using multipacher correctly?

    • Hey there Garyle, thanks for coming here. Check your Ruby rom version, some rom hacks requires V1.0 rom version for patching and I guess that’s in the case with Pokemon Jupiter. You might have Ruby V1.1.

  2. I am trying to patch a pokemon xd iso for dolphin and i followed this format exactly and everytime i get a popup saying “patching failed: input file (the file youre applying the patch to) size and/or CRC32 invalid. This means you picked the wrong file.” Please help me i just want to get pokemon xg next gen running on my mac
