Pokemon Azure Horizons Walkthrough

Hello, how are you doing? This is Allen and I welcome you to my updated Pokemon Azure Horizons Walkthrough.

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**NOTE: To search for a specific location or Pokemon press CTRL and F then type in the short code which is in brackets e.g. CTRL F and type in greto for Greenwood Town.

Pokemon Azure Horizons Walkthrough
(4 March 2023 Hacksrepairman Continued Beta 2)

Pokemon azure horizons walkthrough

[0001] The Start

We begin with the standard Professor introduction, this time it is from Prof. Alder. You get to name your character and your Rival/neighbour. I don’t know what his official name BUT according to the Trainer editors which I will be using, he is listed as Terry (in my previous playthroughs I named him Cody)…so I’ll go with Terry now.

Also see: Pokemon Azure Horizons Cheats

You can still name him something else of course. Afterwards you’ll appear in your room, all nice and tidy. Check the PC, there’s a Potion waiting in storage, then head downstairs to meet your brother.

He reminds you to visit Prof. Alder’s lab because today is the day when you get your Pokemon. Just as you’re walking out of the house, Terry walks in unannounced and you can bet he is super excited about getting his own Pokemon 🙂 he’ll meet you at the lab.

[greto] Greenwood Town


Where the seeds of new beginnings are planted.

Greenwood town

**HMs Needed: Surf.

Places of Interest
Player’s House
Rival’s House
Greenwood Pokemon Lab

**NOTE: Unfortunately this game still does not have any official documentation, so for information such as Pokemon Found I am going to be relying on a few editor programs. I did put out a request online for anyone or a team of people to help by creating documentation but nobody responded.

Pokemon Found
(SURF: Lv5-40)
Tentacool [Water/Poison]
Krabby [Water]
Magikarp [Water] (Levels 5-10, Rate 100%)
Horsea [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 60%)
Magikarp [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Krabby [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Horsea [Water] (Levels 15-25, Rate 40%)
Shellder [Water] (Levels 15-25, Rate 40%)
Gyarados [Water/Flying] (Levels 15-25, Rate 15%)
Seadra [Water] (Levels 25-35, Rate 4%)
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 25-35, Rate 1%)

Tentacool: Clear Body/Liquid Ooze
Krabby: Hyper Cutter/Shell Armor
Magikarp: Swift Swim
Gyarados: Intimidate
Horsea: Swift Swim
Seadra: Poison Point
Shellder: Shell Armor
Psyduck: Damp/Cloud Nine

Like with many humble hometowns in the Pokemon world, there’s not much going on here haha gotta keep with tradition, eh? You can head over to Terry’s house and meet his mom and little sister. Terry is already at the Lab but no sign of Prof. Alder…until you try to leave town. That’s when he does his best Prof. Oak impersonation of appearing from nowhere to stop you and lead you back to the Lab.


Previously the Starters were the Gen 3 trio, but now you’ll get to choose from the 4th Generation:

TURTWIG – The Tiny Leaf Pokemon
Level: 5
Type: Grass
Ability: Overgrow
Moves: Tackle, Withdraw, —, —

PIPLUP – The Penguin Pokemon
Level: 5
Type: Water
Ability: Torrent
Moves: Pound, Growl, —, —

CHIMCHAR – The Chimp Pokemon
Level: 5
Type: Fire
Ability: Blaze
Moves: Scratch, Leer, —, —

And in classic fashion Terry will choose the type that is stronger than yours. Also note that in this game Tackle has 35 Power and 95 Accuracy instead of at least 40/100. Terry doesn’t stop you for a battle so you can exit the Lab and leave town by going east to Route 801.

[rt801] Route 801
Route 801 1

Pokemon Found
Zigzagoon [Normal] (Levels 2-3, Rate 24%) {Oran Berry 5%}
Sentret [Normal] (Levels 2-3, Rate 22%) {Oran Berry 5%}
Bidoof [Normal] (Level 2, Rate 10%)
Pidgey [Normal/Flying] (Levels 2-3, Rate 10%)
Seedot [Grass] (Level 3, Rate 10%)
Caterpie [Bug] (Levels 2-3, Rate 10%)
Ralts [Psychic/Fairy] (Level 3, Rate 9%)
Starly [Normal/Flying] (Level 2, Rate 5%)

Zigzagoon: Pickup
Sentret: Run Away/Keen Eye
Bidoof: Own Tempo
Pidgey: Keen Eye
Seedot: Chlorophyll/Early Bird
Caterpie: Shield Dust
Starly: Keen Eye
Ralts: Synchronize/Trace

According to the signboard, the next destination is Gordian Town further on. You can do some early training before continuing east because before you can get very far, Terry shows up for that first Rival Battle.

Rival Battle
Rival Terry
Lv5 Chimchar [Fire] {Blaze}
Lv5 Turtwig [Grass] {Overgrow}
Lv5 Piplup [Water] {Torrent}
Prize: P160

CHIMCHAR: Scratch, Leer, —, —
TURTWIG: Tackle, Withdraw, —, —
PIPLUP: Pound, Growl, —, —

Terry says that Prof. Alder wants you to pick up something for him at Gordian’s PokeMart (of course :)). Continue east, Gordian isn’t very far.

[gordt] Gordian Town


Gordian town

The Fragrant Paradise!

Places of Interest
Pokemon Center
Gordian Town Mart
Gordian Town Gym

When you arrive you’ll see a man in green first. He’ll give you a brief tour of the town (includes showing you the closed Gym…) and then he’ll reward you with the Town Map. He also offers an interesting note: if you reach a certain location in a forest or cave, press A to get information about that place. The notice on the Gym door says the place is closed for renovations. Signed by Gym Leader Quinn. Let’s look around before picking up that mysterious something from the Mart:

Blocking the north exit is a boy and his stubborn Slowpoke. South of town is a little bit of Route 822 before stretching further south as a water route to a place called Polaris City. There’s an Underground Path here which leads to Amethyst City but the path is being worked on at the moment. Back in town, check the eastern house: it’s occupied by an old lady and has a doorway blocked by boxes. There’s a breeze is blowing through from that doorway. What could that be? That ends the extra tour, head for the Mart. Just before you can enter, a young woman shows up. Her name is Celeste, a new aide at the Lab. She has a Potion for you that Prof. Alder forgot to give you and then she returns to the Lab. Interesting, this is something new that this update brings and we might as well start to wonder what more will Celeste do in the story. It turns out this is the opposite gender player character, if you are playing as Celeste then you’ll meet Brian instead. I found this out from a document that fellow walkthrough writer Olivia R. shared with me, thanks to her. You can check out her stuff at her blog https://bioactivesolstice.blogspot.com/2022/03/pokemon-rom-hack-walkthroughs.html

Potion P300
Antidote P100
Parlyz Heal P200

The first of two Mart clerks will give you the Parcel for Prof. Alder. The second clerk sells the regular items. Race back to the Lab and deliver the Parcel, which contains memory cards for the PokeDexes. Terry shows up in time for the two of you to receive the PokeDexes. You know the deal: challenge the Pokemon League but on the way there you can attempt to complete the little digital encyclopedia. There are 488 slots to fill in now (386 previously). Then Alder also gives you 5 Poke Balls. Return home to get Running Shoes from your brother then head back to Gordian Town. The first Mart clerk now sells Orange Mail (P50) and Fluffy Tails (P1000). Poke Balls are now available too. Once you’re ready go north to Route 802.

[rt802] Route 802


Route 802

Pokemon Found
Zigzagoon [Normal] (Level 2, Rate 20%) {Oran Berry 5%}
Rattata [Normal] (Level 3, Rate 20%)
Starly [Normal/Flying] (Level 3, Rate 10%)
Pidgey [Normal/Flying] (Level 3, Rate 10%)
Caterpie [Bug] (Level 3, Rate 10%)
Bidoof [Normal] (Level 4, Rate 10%)
Poochyena [Dark] (Level 4, Rate 5%) {Pecha Berry 5%}
Nidoran(M) [Poison] (Level 3, Rate 5%)
Ralts [Psychic/Fairy] (Level 4, Rate 4%)
Kricketot [Bug] (Level 4, Rate 4%)
Burmy (Sandy Cloak) [Bug] (Level 4, Rate 2%)

Zigzagoon: Pickup
Rattata: Run Away/Guts
Starly: Keen Eye
Pidgey: Keen Eye
Caterpie: Shield Dust
Bidoof: Own Tempo
Poochyena: Run Away
Nidoran: Poison Point
Ralts: Synchronize/Trace
Kricketot: Shed Skin
Burmy: Shed Skin

**NOTE: Burmy is genderless in this game but gains a gender after evolution, which depends on Personality like Wurmple’s evolutions: High Personality gets you Wormadam and Low Personality gets you Mothim at Level 20.

According to the signboard Morphic Tunnel is to the east from here. The first person you’ll meet on the way there is Colin.

Youngster Colin
Lv2 Zigzagoon [Normal]
Lv2 Pidgey [Normal/Flying]
Prize: P88

There is a Potion in the bottom left corner of the grass after Colin. Northeast from there is Jessy.

Lass Jessy
Lv4 Sentret [Normal]
Prize: P64

Just past her is the tunnel entrance and Terry is standing by it. He says you’ll need to travel through Morphic Tunnel in order to reach the next city, but because a group of “weirdos” is occupying the tunnel at the moment that has made travelling inside a bit dangerous. A group of weirdos shouldn’t be a problem for you and Terry, right?

[mortu] Morphic Tunnel


Morphic tunnel 1f

**HMs Needed: Rock Smash.


Pokemon Found
Geodude [Rock/Ground] (Levels 2-4, Rate 30%)
Zubat [Poison/Flying] (Levels 2-4, Rate 30%)
Machop [Fighting] (Levels 2-4, Rate 10%)
Makuhita [Fighting] (Levels 2-4, Rate 10%)
Meditite [Fighting/Psychic] (Levels 2-4, Rate 10%)
Teddiursa [Normal] (Level 2, Rate 5%) {Oran Berry 50%/Sitrus Berry 5%}
Aron [Steel/Rock] (Levels 2-4, Rate 5%) {Hard Stone 5%}

Geodude: Rock Hard/Sturdy
Zubat: Inner Focus
Machop: Guts
Makuhita: Thick Fat/Guts
Meditite: Pure Power
Teddiursa: Pickup
Aron: Sturdy/Rock Hard

Search that rock which is just above from the entrance for a hidden Tinymushroom.

Azure horizons hrm 2021 morphic tunnel 1f tinymushroom

As you move to the left there’s a tremor coming from somewhere below. What’s causing that? Continue going until you find a descending staircase, check the rock above the staircase for a hidden Red Shard.

Azure horizons hrm 2021 morphic tunnel 1f red shard

Below the staircase you’ll find a Hiker and his Machop on the right, they’re clearing away boulders that have fallen down because of the tremours. This means that the short road to Azure City is currently blocked and you’ll have to take the long way instead, darn. Head for the ladder on the southwest side, another tremor happens just before you climb down.

-B1F- [AREA A]

Morphic tunnel b1f a

Pokemon Found
Geodude [Rock/Ground] (Levels 2-4, Rate 30%)
Zubat [Poison/Flying] (Levels 2-4, Rate 20%)
Cubone [Ground] (Levels 2-4, Rate 15%) {Thick Club 5%}
Machop [Fighting] (Levels 2-4, Rate 10%)
Makuhita [Fighting] (Levels 2-4, Rate 10%)
Whismur [Normal] (Levels 2-4, Rate 10%) {Chesto Berry 5%}
Aron [Steel/Rock] (Levels 2-4, Rate 5%) {Hard Stone 5%}

Geodude: Rock Hard/Sturdy
Zubat: Inner Focus
Cubone: Rock Hard//Lightningrod
Machop: Guts
Makuhita: Thick Fat/Guts
Whismur: Soundproof
Aron: Sturdy/Rock Hard

Head south to the next ladder.

Lass Jeanne
Lv4 Cleffa [Fairy]
Prize: P80

Youngster Jake
Lv4 Zigzagoon [Normal]
Lv7 Nidoran(M) [Poison]
Lv5 Pidgey [Normal/Flying]
Prize: P220


Morphic tunnel b2f

Pokemon Found
Geodude [Rock/Ground] (Levels 2-4, Rate 20%)
Zubat [Poison/Flying] (Levels 2-5, Rate 20%)
Rattata [Normal] (Levels 2-4, Rate 10%)
Whismur [Normal] (Levels 2-5, Rate 10%) {Chesto Berry 5%}
Machop [Fighting] (Levels 2-4, Rate 10%)
Makuhita [Fighting] (Levels 3-5, Rate 10%)
Nincada [Bug/Ground] (Levels 3-5, Rate 9%)
Aron [Steel/Rock] (Levels 3-5, Rate 5%) {Hard Stone 5%}
Cleffa [Fairy] (Levels 2-5, Rate 5%) {Moon Stone 5%}
Clefairy [Fairy] (Level 5, Rate 1%) {Moon Stone 5%}

Geodude: Rock Hard/Sturdy
Zubat: Inner Focus
Rattata: Run Away/Guts
Whismur: Soundproof
Machop: Guts
Makuhita: Thick Fat/Guts
Aron: Sturdy/Rock Hard
Cleffa: Cute Charm
Clefairy: Cute Charm
Nincada: Compoundeyes

**NOTE: Thanks to Olivia for pointing this out – there’s a problem with Nincada’s evolution. You’ll get Ninjask but no Shedinja. I’m not sure what’s up with that.

On the cliff just above you there is someone in uniform. Could this be a member of the group that Terry mentioned earlier? Hmm. Go all the way east to the end of the passage to pick up a Stardust and then start climbing up the steps. Another tremor happens before you find a second uniformed individual. Say Hello to Team Tundra!

Team Tundra Grunt
Lv3 Rattata [Normal]
Lv4 Snorunt [Ice]
Prize: P400

A third tremor goes on before you meet Grunt #2.

Team Tundra Grunt
Lv3 Poochyena [Dark]
Lv4 Swinub [Ice/Ground]
Prize: P400

Southwest from her there’s a Grunt blocking access to a ladder, he ain’t going anywhere for now so leave him alone. Check the rock that he is facing for a hidden Revive.

Azure horizons hrm 2021 morphic tunnel b2f revive

Northwest from there is another blocked ladder so head northeast to Grunts #3 and #4.

Team Tundra Grunt
Lv4 Hoothoot [Normal/Flying]
Lv4 Swinub [Ice/Ground]
Prize: P400

Team Tundra Grunt
Lv2 Poochyena [Dark]
Lv4 Hoothoot [Normal/Flying]
Lv4 Swinub [Ice/Ground]
Prize: P400

On the right are steps going up and steps going down. If you go up and then all the way to the left you’ll find a Potion. At the bottom of the other steps is Terry, he says he has found the person who is responsible for the tremors but he couldn’t defeat this person. Terry heals your team and then you can go ahead to confront the man. He is searching for something before he turns to face you. He says that Team Tundra is conducting an important operation here and doesn’t like that you’re in the way of it! Your very first Boss Battle, coming up.

Tundra Admin Battle
Tundra Admin Tison
Lv5 Poochyena [Dark] {Run Away}
Lv6 Snorunt [Ice] {Inner Focus}
Lv8 Spheal [Ice/Water] {Thick Fat}
Prize: P320

POOCHYENA: Howl, Tackle, —, —
SNORUNT: Leer, Powder Snow, —, —
SPHEAL: Encore, Water Gun, Powder Snow, Defense Curl

Now that his Pokemon are weakened, Tison decides to stop the activities here and leaves with his crew. Terry overheard them mention ice under something but thinks nothing more of it. We’ll make a note of it anyway. So…first impressions, what do you think of Team Tundra? A bunch of goofballs like MANY other Teams or do they look like they’re going to be an actual threat in this game? Hmm, we’ll see 🙂 Ignore the ladder on the right, we’re going back to the previous ladders which were blocked by Grunts. Go to the southwest ladder, it leads to B1F’s second area.

-B1F- [AREA B]

Morphic tunnel b1f b

Pokemon Found
Geodude [Rock/Ground] (Levels 2-4, Rate 30%)
Zubat [Poison/Flying] (Levels 2-4, Rate 30%)
Machop [Fighting] (Levels 2-4, Rate 10%)
Makuhita [Fighting] (Levels 2-4, Rate 10%)
Meditite [Fighting/Psychic] (Levels 2-4, Rate 10%)
Teddiursa [Normal] (Level 2, Rate 5%) {Oran Berry 50%/Sitrus Berry 5%}
Aron [Steel/Rock] (Levels 2-4, Rate 5%) {Hard Stone 5%}

Geodude: Rock Hard/Sturdy
Zubat: Inner Focus
Machop: Guts
Makuhita: Thick Fat/Guts
Meditite: Pure Power
Teddiursa: Pickup
Aron: Sturdy/Rock Hard

A few Trainers are here, starting with Ann on the right.

Lass Ann
Lv7 Vulpix [Fire]
Prize: P140

Head up onto the rocky platform that is next to Ann, you’ll find Dawn there. Not THAT Dawn 🙂 although it would be a nice surprise if it was her.

Lass Dawn
Lv6 Starly [Normal/Flying]
Prize: P120

Get off the rocky platform and circle around it to the platform’s western side, there’s a Blue Shard in between ledges. Northwest from the platform is Winston.

Camper Winston
Lv7 Baltoy [Ground/Psychic]
Prize: P336

Go northeast from Winston to pick up a Sun Stone then back to Winston and climb onto the platform that he is standing next to, there’s a Blue Shard up there. The ladder which is below the platform leads to a Moon Stone. South from the ladder are ledges, in between the left and right ledges is a Green Shard. If you continue going straight down from the left ledge, you’ll reach Lucas.

Camper Lucas
Lv8 Geodude [Rock/Ground]
Prize: P160

Afterwards return to Winston and head northwest. You’ll meet Tyler and then Dana on the north side.

Youngster Tyler
Lv6 Venonat [Bug/Poison]
Prize: P264

Picnicker Dana
Lv7 Bonsly [Rock]
Prize: P140

On the right is a ladder that leads to TM39 Rock Tomb (TMs are not reusable in this game unfortunately). Now go back to B2F and go to the northwest ladder. Before climbing it back to B1F you can pick the Pearl which is near it. In B1F cross the bridge to find Tyler #2.

Camper Tyler
Lv2 Teddiursa [Normal]
Lv4 Psyduck [Water]
Prize: P192

The path going north from Tyler leads to a Great Ball. Southeast from him is a Potion and over in the northeast is Maya and a ladder back to 1F.

Picnicker Maya
Lv6 Lotad [Water/Grass]
Lv7 Taillow [Normal/Flying]
Prize: P140

You’ll appear on the southeastern side of 1F, on the other side of the rocks that the Hiker and Machop are still trying to clear. Head for the exit.

[rt803] Route 803


Route 803

**HMs Needed: Surf.

Pokemon Found
Zigzagoon [Normal] (Levels 7-8, Rate 20%) {Oran Berry 5%}
Wingull [Water/Flying] (Levels 7-8, Rate 20%)
Geodude [Rock/Ground] (Levels 7-9, Rate 10%)
Lotad [Water/Grass] (Level 8, Rate 10%)
Mareep [Electric] (Level 7, Rate 10%)
Ekans [Poison] (Level 9, Rate 10%)
Electrike [Electric] (Level 9, Rate 5%)
Marill [Water/Fairy] (Level 9, Rate 5%)
Shinx [Electric] (Level 10, Rate 4%)
Bidoof [Normal] (Level 8, Rate 4%)
Whismur [Normal] (Levels 9-10, Rate 2%) {Chesto Berry 5%}
Tentacool [Water/Poison] (Levels 5-40, Rate 100%)
Magikarp [Water] (Level 5, Rate 100%)
Horsea [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 60%)
Magikarp [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Krabby [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Horsea [Water] (Levels 15-35, Rate 84%)
Gyarados [Water/Flying] (Levels 15-25, Rate 15%)
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 25-35, Rate 1%)

Zigzagoon: Pickup
Wingull: Keen Eye
Geodude: Rock Hard/Sturdy
Lotad: Swift Swim/Rain Dish
Mareep: Static
Ekans: Intimidate/Shed Skin
Electrike: Static/Lightningrod
Marill: Thick Fat/Huge Power
Shinx: Intimidate
Bidoof: Own Tempo
Whismur: Soundproof
Tentacool: Clear Body/Liquid Ooze
Magikarp: Swift Swim
Gyarados: Intimidate
Horsea: Swift Swim
Krabby: Hyper Cutter/Shell Armor
Psyduck: Damp/Cloud Nine

In this first part of the route, move east along the upper side to reach TM05 Roar and then come back around to fight Daisy.

Aroma Lady Daisy
Lv6 Hoppip [Grass/Flying]
Lv5 Sunkern [Grass]
Lv8 Oddish [Grass/Poison]
Prize: P256

A little further on is Madeline.

Lady Madeline
((1 Full Restore))
Lv6 Mareep [Electric]
Lv6 Meowth [Normal]
Lv7 Zigzagoon [Normal]
Prize: P700

Cross the bridge to find Donny and then Marie.

Youngster Donny
Lv6 Rattata [Normal]
Lv6 Ekans [Poison]
Lv8 Aron [Steel/Rock]
Prize: P128

Lass Marie
Lv10 Clefairy [Fairy]
Prize: P160

On the south side of the grassy area that Marie is roaming around there is a rock, search it for a hidden Great Ball.

Azure horizons hrm 2021 route 803 great ball

Walk 5 tiles to the right from the rock then face north, you’ll see a dark green spot in the ground. Check there for a hidden Razz Berry then carry on east to the next destination.

Azure horizons hrm 2021 route 803 razz berry
[azurc] Azure City


Azure city

The Ocean’s Azure Vista.

**HMs Needed: Cut.

Places of Interest
Pokemon Center
Azure City Mart
Pokemon Trainer Fan Club
Oceanic Museum
Trainers’ School

PokeBall P200 Potion P300
Antidote P100 Parlyz Heal P200
Wave Mail P50 Berry Juice P100

Quite the busy place we have here, and it’s also the hometown of an Elite 4 member. Interesting, let’s explore:

In the southwest area of town is the Trainers’ School. The first student that you see says he’ll give you a prize if you show him Quinn’s Gym Badge. The pair of little students in the northeast corner are battle-ready.

School Kid Jillian
((1 Potion))
Lv10 Ralts [Psychic/Fairy]
Prize: P240

School Kid Trey
((1 Potion))
Lv10 Eevee [Normal]
Prize: P240

In the house on the northwest end of town lives a man named Darien who wants to trade his Staryu Orion for a Skitty. That’s the good news…the bad news is Orion will suddenly evolve into a Golem right after you receive it! (o_O?) what the…? This glitch did not exist in the previous version and fortunately it doesn’t affect your game in anyway, so…on the bright side though, you’ll get a super, super early Golem which knows Water Gun 🙂

At the dock there are 3 warehouses that can be entered:

The right side warehouse has a Dive Ball and a hidden Elixir by the left box of the two boxes in the upper right corner.

Azure horizons hrm 2021 azure city warehouse 1

The left side warehouse has a hidden Ultra Ball by the far right box.

Azure horizons hrm 2021 azure city warehouse 2 ultra ball

The southwest side warehouse has a hidden Sun Stone by the bottom right box.

Azure horizons hrm 2021 azure city warehouse 3 sun stone

A ship is docked at the harbour, but no S.S. Ticket yet so leave it alone for now.

Enjoy the free tour of the Oceanic Museum, courtesy of Devon Corp. 🙂 yes indeed, they’re not just in Hoenn anymore. We can’t see the Legendary Exhibit down below yet so go upstairs. You’ll find Gym Leader Quinn getting some advice from a famous face who is also from Hoenn – Wallace! He’s here to help promote a special exhibit which will open soon. Maybe we’ll get to battle him later. Speak to Quinn, she decided to take a trip while her Gym was having renovations done. They should be completed by now so Quinn returns to Gordian Town. The shortcut through Morphic Tunnel is open now, great. Speak to the Hiker and learn that he got the work done thanks to a certain HM that he received from a man named Jagen. Another new feature that this update introduces is special NPCs named HM Masters. Previously you would’ve gotten HM Rock Smash from the Hiker but now you have to find Jagen and get it from him. Continue through the tunnel back to Gordian Town.

[g1] Gordian Town Gym
Gordian town gym

Leader: Quinn – “The Far Out Forest Girl!

Nice interior design, an indoor forest to go hand in hand with the Bug-type theme here. No Gym puzzle, just two Gym Trainers Devin and Rodney then Quinn.

Picnicker Devin
Lv8 Ledyba [Bug/Flying]
Lv10 Surskit [Bug/Water]
Prize: P200

Bug Catcher Rodney
Lv12 Caterpie [Bug]
Lv10 Metapod [Bug]
Prize: P160

Quinn hasn’t been Gym Leader for very long but that shouldn’t stop her from putting up a fight!

Gym Battle
Leader Quinn
((1 Potion))
Lv12 Spinarak [Bug/Poison] {Swarm/Insomnia}
Lv14 Yanma [Bug/Flying] {Speed Boost/Compoundeyes}
Lv12 Pineco [Bug] {Sturdy}
Prizes: P1400 + Nymph Badge + TM09 Silver Wind

SPINARAK: Sonicboom, Disable, Signal Beam, Toxic
YANMA: Hypnosis, Silver Wind, Aerial Ace, Sonicboom
PINECO: Rock Tomb, Dig, Revenge, Protect

Flash can now be used outside of battle, nice, and if you visit the Mart you’ll find these extra items on sale:

Super Potion P700
Awakening P250
Burn Heal P250
Ice Heal P250
Escape Rope P550
Repel P350

Sweet. Return to Azure City and the Oceanic Museum, the Legend Exhibit is ready for viewing:

On display are statues of Lugia, Ho-Oh and Deoxys (view them to add their pages to the Pokedex). The woman who is present says the real Pokemon live on Navel Island and Birth Island but she doesn’t know how anyone can get there. The Gentleman made the statues after seeing the Pokemon, he says you should come to him when you’ve become the Champion – he has something to give you. Noted. Exit the Museum and go back to the Trainers’ School and receive TM03 Water Pulse from the first student. He then reveals that the Gordian Town Gym used to be the Azure City Gym before it was moved. TM03 was the prize which was given away at the Gym. Terry is here too to do some learning. Go ahead and show him how much experience you’ve gained since the previous battle.

Rival Battle
Rival Terry
Lv12 Doduo [Normal/Flying] {Run Away/Early Bird}
Lv14 Chimchar [Fire] {Blaze}
Lv14 Turtwig [Grass] {Overgrow}
Lv14 Piplup [Water] {Torrent}
Prize: P448

DODUO: Quick Attack, Peck, Growl, Rage
CHIMCHAR: Scratch, Leer, Fury Swipes, Ember
TURTWIG: Pound, Withdraw, Absorb, Tackle
PIPLUP: Tackle, Growl, Peck, Bubble

He tells you that the next Gym is in Scarlet Town, though he doesn’t seem to know where that is. Shouldn’t his Town Map show him, xD? Prep up if you need to and leave town via the eastern exit. Please note that there’s a glitch which happens on the guy standing by the exit later on – if you Fly back into Azure City and try to walk out via this exit, the guy will stop you as if you haven’t visited the Museum for the very first time yet.

[rt804] Route 804


Route 804

**HMs Needed: Cut.

Pokemon Found
Zigzagoon [Normal] (Levels 7-10, Rate 20%) {Oran Berry 5%}
Poochyena [Dark] (Levels 8-10, Rate 20%) {Pecha Berry 5%}
Rattata [Normal] (Levels 8-10, Rate 10%)
Taillow [Normal/Flying] (Level 9, Rate 10%)
Hoppip [Grass/Flying] (Level 8, Rate 10%)
Growlithe [Fire] (Level 9, Rate 10%) {Rawst Berry 50%}
Electrike [Electric] (Level 10, Rate 5%)
Budew [Grass/Poison] (Level 10, Rate 5%)
Jigglypuff [Normal/Fairy] (Levels 9-10, Rate 5%) {Oran Berry 50%}
Wingull [Water/Flying] (Level 9, Rate 4%)
Persian [Normal] (Level 10, Rate 1%)

Zigzagoon: Pickup
Poochyena: Run Away
Rattata: Run Away/Guts
Taillow: Guts
Hoppip: Chlorophyll
Growlithe: Intimidate/Flash Fire
Electrike: Static/Lightningrod
Budew: Natural Cure/Poison Point
Jigglypuff: Cute Charm
Wingull: Keen Eye
Persian: Limber

Picnicker Hitomi
Lv12 Cubone [Ground]
Lv12 Nidoran(F) [Poison]
Prize: P240

Check the signboard: Route 810 is to the north while Route 805 is to the south. Continue into the grass because there’s a tree keeping us from going straight east.

School Kid Alyssa
((1 Potion))
Lv14 Skitty [Normal]
Prize: P336

Youngster James
Lv11 Spearow [Normal/Flying]
Lv11 Nidoran(M) [Poison]
Prize: P176

Let’s have a look at Route 810 just to see what’s out there then we’ll go down to Route 805.

[rt810] Route 810


Route 810

Pokemon Found
Zigzagoon [Normal] (Level 8, Rate 20%) {Oran Berry 5%}
Pidgey [Normal/Flying] (Level 9, Rate 20%)
Oddish [Grass/Poison] (Level 8, Rate 10%)
Caterpie [Bug] (Level 7, Rate 10%)
Poochyena [Dark] (Levels 8-9, Rate 10%) {Pecha Berry 5%}
Starly [Normal/Flying] (Level 10, Rate 10%)
Shroomish [Grass] (Level 8, Rate 5%)
Hoothoot [Normal/Flying] (Level 9, Rate 5%)
Swablu [Normal/Flying] (Level 10, Rate 4%)
Kricketot [Bug] (Level 10, Rate 4%)
Skitty [Normal] (Levels 9-10, Rate 2%) {Leppa Berry 5%}

Zigzagoon: Pickup
Pidgey: Keen Eye
Oddish: Chlorophyll
Caterpie: Shield Dust
Poochyena: Run Away
Starly: Keen Eye
Shroomish: Effect Spore
Hoothoot: Insomnia/Keen Eye
Swablu: Natural Cure
Kricketot: Shed Skin
Skitty: Cute Charm

It’s a very short route that leads to an entrance for Windward Forest. How unexpected. Move through the grass all the way to the grass-free tile in the southwest corner, you’ll find 4 Wepear Berries if you search there. All you can do is catch Pokemon or train here because the entrance leads to an area of the forest that has a pool that you can’t cross yet without Surf (and there’s a path along one side of the pool which is blocked by a skinny tree). Once you’re done, return to Route 804 and continue south to find the final Trainers Yumi, Sal and then David in the grass southwest from Sal.

Battle Girl Yumi
Lv12 Mankey [Fighting]
Lv12 Machop [Fighting]
Prize: P528

Youngster Sal
Lv10 Snubbull [Fairy]
Lv12 Shroomish [Grass]
Prize: P192

Bug Catcher David
Lv10 Weedle [Bug/Poison]
Lv10 Kakuna [Bug/Poison]
Lv12 Beedrill [Bug/Poison]
Prize: P144

There’s a dark green spot in the bottom left side of the grass, you’ll find 5 hidden Oran Berries on it.

[rt805] Route 805


Route 805

Pokemon Found
Zigzagoon [Normal] (Level 8, Rate 20%) {Oran Berry 5%}
Caterpie [Bug] (Levels 8-10, Rate 20%)
Hoppip [Grass/Flying] (Levels 8-10, Rate 11%)
Pidgey [Normal/Flying] (Levels 8-10, Rate 10%)
Hoothoot [Normal/Flying] (Levels 8-10, Rate 10%)
Oddish [Grass/Poison] (Level 8, Rate 10%)
Sunkern [Grass] (Levels 8-10, Rate 5%)
Ponyta [Fire] (Level 10, Rate 5%)
Weedle [Bug/Poison] (Level 8, Rate 4%)
Taillow [Normal/Flying] (Levels 8-10, Rate 4%)
Venonat [Bug/Poison] (Level 11, Rate 1%)

Zigzagoon: Pickup
Caterpie: Shield Dust
Hoppip: Chlorophyll
Pidgey: Keen Eye
Hoothoot: Insomnia/Keen Eye
Oddish: Chlorophyll
Sunkern: Chlorophyll
Ponyta: Run Away/Flash Fire
Weedle: Shield Dust
Taillow: Guts
Venonat: Compoundeyes

That’s a Net Ball in the grass on the right. According to the signboard Scarlet Forest is further east.

Hiker Greg
Lv9 Geodude [Rock/Ground]
Lv10 Geodude [Rock/Ground]
Lv10 Geodude [Rock/Ground]
Lv12 Nosepass [Rock]
Prize: P192

Aroma Lady Cassidy
Lv11 Bellsprout [Grass/Poison]
Lv12 Chikorita [Grass]
Prize: P384

Then we’ll reach a Coastal Cottage, you can rest up there before going into the forest ahead. The Camper by the entrance has some bad news though – you’ll need HM Cut in order to fully explore the forest.

[scafo] Scarlet Forest


Scarlet forest

**HMs Needed: Cut.

Pokemon Found
Wurmple [Bug] (Levels 10-12, Rate 20%)
Hoothoot [Normal/Flying] (Levels 10-11, Rate 20%)
Gastly [Ghost/Poison] (Levels 10-11, Rate 10%)
Spinarak [Bug/Poison] (Levels 10-12, Rate 10%)
Slakoth [Normal] (Level 10, Rate 10%)
Shroomish [Grass] (Level 10, Rate 11%)
Nincada [Bug/Ground] (Levels 11-12, Rate 5%)
Pineco [Bug] (Level 12, Rate 5%)
Seedot [Grass] (Level 12, Rate 4%)
Metapod [Bug] (Levels 10-12, Rate 4%)
Duskull [Ghost] (Levels 10-12, Rate 1%) {Spell Tag 5%}
Beautifly [Bug/Flying] (Levels 10-12, Rate 1%) {Silver Powder 5%}

Wurmple: Shield Dust
Hoothoot: Insomnia/Keen Eye
Gastly: Levitate
Spinarak: Swarm/Insomnia
Slakoth: Truant
Shroomish: Effect Spore
Nincada: Compoundeyes
Pineco: Sturdy
Seedot: Chlorophyll/Early Bird
Metapod: Shed Skin
Duskull: Levitate
Beautifly: Swarm


Head east from the entrance, you’ll see a skinny tree blocking access to the northeast area. Turn south and carry on, you’ll see Rick in the grass.

Bug Catcher Rick
Lv14 Silcoon [Bug]
Lv14 Cascoon [Bug]
Prize: P168

After walking through the grass you’ll see a man standing among the trees on the right, that’s Dani the timberjack. He’s also the very first HM Master that we meet in the game 🙂 you want that HM Cut? You’ll have to beat Dani for it!

HM Master Battle
Pokemon Trainer Dani
((2 Potions))
Lv15 Sneasel [Dark/Ice] {Inner Focus/Keen Eye}
Lv16 Zangoose [Normal] {Immunity} (Oran Berry)
Prizes: P384 + HM01 Cut

SNEASEL: Slash, Cut, Ice Punch, Leer
ZANGOOSE: Cut, Slash, Swords Dance, Fire Punch

You get the HM but can’t use it in the field yet because you don’t have the Gym Badge from Scarlet Town :S damn. Continue going south then turn to the left and go all the way west into the grass. Check the top left grass-free tile for a hidden Elixir.

Azure horizons hrm 2021 scarlet forest

Don’t jump down the ledge which is just below that grass area because it leads to another area that is blocked by a tree. Instead go south along the path on the right side of the ledge and carry on going southeast.

Psychic Adele
Lv12 Meditite [Fighting/Psychic]
Lv12 Baltoy [Ground/Psychic]
Lv13 Gastly [Ghost/Poison]
Prize: P240

Bug Catcher Sammy
Lv15 Butterfree [Bug/Flying]
Prize: P180

Kindler Jordan
Lv13 Slugma [Fire]
Lv13 Numel [Fire/Ground]
Lv14 Farfetch’d [Normal/Flying]
Prize: P392

Hiding behind the “tree” is the future Hokage Dylan.

Ninja Boy Dylan
Lv13 Nincada [Bug/Ground]
Lv13 Koffing [Poison]
Prize: P156

Carry on east into a grass area that has a Super Potion in the top right corner. Then go south to the exit where we meet a new face, a Bug-type enthusiast named Leon. As far as he’s concerned there just aren’t enough Bug-types around here, but he sees you as a decent Trainer and wants a match. Could he be Rival #2 in the making…?

Trainer Battle
Pokemon Trainer Leon
Lv14 Trapinch [Ground] {Hyper Cutter/Arena Trap}
Lv16 Scyther [Bug/Flying] {Swarm}
Prize: P384

TRAPINCH: Sand Tomb, Quick Attack, Bite, Dig
SCYTHER: Quick Attack, Silver Wind, Swords Dance, Aerial Ace

Yup, we’ll be seeing him again sooner or later.

[rt806] Route 806


Route 806

**HMs Needed: Surf, Cut.

Pokemon Found
Zigzagoon [Normal] (Levels 10-12, Rate 20%) {Oran Berry 5%}
Lotad [Water/Grass] (Levels 10-12, Rate 20%)
Wooper [Water/Ground] (Levels 12-14, Rate 10%)
Poliwag [Water] (Levels 12-13, Rate 10%)
Vulpix [Fire] (Level 12, Rate 10%) {Rawst Berry 50%}
Slowpoke [Water/Psychic] (Level 14, Rate 10%)
Phanpy [Ground] (Level 14, Rate 5%)
Buneary [Normal] (Level 13, Rate 5%)
Swablu [Normal/Flying] (Level 14, Rate 4%)
Roselia [Grass/Poison] (Level 12, Rate 4%) {Poison Barb 5%}
Mankey [Fighting] (Levels 13-15, Rate 2%)
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 20-40, Rate 70%)
Buizel [Water] (Levels 20-25, Rate 30%)
Magikarp [Water] (Level 5, Rate 100%)
Poliwag [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 60%)
Magikarp [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Goldeen [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Poliwag [Water] (Levels 15-25, Rate 40%)
Poliwhirl [Water] (Levels 20-30, Rate 40%)
Gyarados [Water/Flying] (Levels 15-25, Rate 15%)
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 15-35, Rate 5%)

Zigzagoon: Pickup
Lotad: Swift Swim/Rain Dish
Wooper: Damp/Water Absorb
Poliwag: Water Absorb/Damp
Poliwhirl: Water Absorb/Damp
Vulpix: Flash Fire
Slowpoke: Oblivious/Own Tempo
Phanpy: Pickup
Buneary: Run Away
Swablu: Natural Cure
Roselia: Natural Cure/Poison Point
Mankey: Vital Spirit
Psyduck: Damp/Cloud Nine
Buizel: Swift Swim
Magikarp: Swift Swim
Gyarados: Intimidate
Goldeen: Swift Swim/Water Veil

Southeast from the entrance is Jimi and moving about in the grass on the right is Brett.

Youngster Jimi
Lv14 Seedot [Grass]
Lv14 Sandshrew [Ground]
Lv15 Sentret [Normal]
Prize: P240

Bug Maniac Brett
Lv15 Gyarados [Water/Flying] (wait, what?!)
Prize: P180

After Brett the path turns north where we see a pair of busy Triathletes, Almira and Bjorn.

Triathlete Almira
Lv14 Electrike [Electric]
Lv14 Magnemite [Electric/Steel]
Lv14 Doduo [Normal/Flying]
Prize: P392

Triathlete Bjorn
Lv15 Growlithe [Fire]
Lv15 Doduo [Normal/Flying]
Prize: P420

Straight north from him is a grass area that has a dark green spot in the ground, check it for 2 hidden Sitrus Berries.

Azure horizons hrm 2021 route 806 sitrus berries

Then continue north into Scarlet Town.

[scart] Scarlet Town


Scarlet town

The Noble Kiln Community.

**HMs Needed: Surf.

Places of Interest
Pokemon Center
Scarlet Town Mart
Scarlet Town Gym
Name Rater’s House
Charcoal Kiln
Fishing Guru’s House

Pokemon Found
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 20-30, Rate 60%)
Lotad [Water/Grass] (Levels 15-25, Rate 30%)
Golduck [Water] (Levels 30-40, Rate 6%)
Lombre [Water/Grass] (Levels 20-35, Rate 4%)
Magikarp [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 100%)
Barboach [Water/Ground] (Levels 10-20, Rate 60%)
Goldeen [Water] (Levels 10-20, Rate 20%)
Corphish [Water] (Levels 10-20, Rate 20%)
Barboach [Water/Ground] (Levels 10-30, Rate 40%)
Corphish [Water] (Levels 15-30, Rate 40%)
Gyarados [Water/Flying] (Levels 20-30, Rate 15%)
Whiscash [Water/Ground] (Levels 25-30, Rate 4%)
Crawdaunt [Water/Dark] (Levels 25-30, Rate 1%)

Psyduck: Damp/Cloud Nine
Golduck: Damp/Cloud Nine
Lotad: Swift Swim/Rain Dish
Lombre: Swift Swim/Rain Dish
Magikarp: Swift Swim
Gyarados: Intimidate
Barboach: Oblivious
Whiscash: Oblivious
Goldeen: Swift Swim/Water Veil
Corphish: Hyper Cutter/Shell Armor
Crawdaunt: Hyper Cutter/Shell Armor

Poke Ball P200

Net Ball P1000
Potion P300

Super Potion P700
Antidote P100

Parlyz Heal P200
Awakening P250

Burn Heal P250
Ice Heal P250

Escape Rope P550
Repel P350

Wood Mail P50
Charcoal P9800

One of the more traditional towns in the region, not bad. The Fishing Guru lives in the house on the west side of town, he has an Old Rod to give away. Nothing else of note except the Gym so get yourself ready for that. On the way there you’ll see Terry step out, fresh off of earning his second Badge. But he had a tough time against the Gym Leader, Terry nearly had his whole team defeated. Well, at least we’ve been warned 🙂

[g2] Scarlet Town Gym
Scarlet town gym 1
Scarlet town gym 2

Leader: Jay – “The Flaming Spirit of Battle!

Some shades of Flannery’s Gym to be found in this one, not just the type used. Climb down the ladder to reach the basement where the first Gym Trainer is located.

Camper Davis
Lv17 Numel [Fire/Ground]
Lv17 Numel [Fire/Ground]
Lv18 Cyndaquil [Fire]
Prize: P864

Above from him is a ladder which takes you back to the main area, you’ll appear on the western side to face Jacques.

Kindler Jacques
Lv16 Slugma [Fire]
Lv18 Numel [Fire/Ground]
Prize: P504

Next ladder is north from him. Once back underground just follow the path south to the ladder. Back in the main area, eastern side to meet Roland.

Camper Roland
Lv18 Growlithe [Fire]
Prize: P864

North to the ladder and back underground where Freddy is waiting. He’s the last one.

Kindler Freddy
Lv18 Magby [Fire]
Lv20 Slugma [Fire]
Prize: P560

Head south to the final ladder and you’ll reach Jay. He’s a busy man, being a Gym Leader and also a Ranger protecting the nearby forest.

Gym Battle
Leader Jay
((1 Super Potion))
Lv18 Houndour [Dark/Fire] {Early Bird/Flash Fire}
Lv20 Quilava [Fire] {Blaze}
Lv21 Arcanine [Fire] {Intimidate/Flash Fire} (Sitrus Berry)
Prizes: P2100 + Flare Badge + TM11 Sunny Day

HOUNDOUR: Torment, Sunny Day, Heat Wave, Crunch
QUILAVA: Sunny Day, Flame Wheel, Smokescreen, Draining Kiss
ARCANINE: Crunch, Flame Wheel, Reversal, Sunny Day

Use of Cut has been granted and all your Pokemon will obey up until Level 30. There’s a ledge straight down from there so no need to use the ladder. Exit the Gym and get ready for our first backtrack run now that we have an HM ready for immediate use.

[tgb1] The Great Backtrack: Cut

Make your way to the southwest corner of the forest, you’ll find a Leaf Stone in the bottom left corner. North from that area is the fence, behind it is a Miracle Seed. Head to the northeast corner of the forest, there’s a dark green spot on the ground. Check it for 4 hidden Leppa Berries.

Azure horizons hrm 2021 scarlet forest 4 leppa berries

East side of the docks: TM18 Rain Dance.

Now you can find out what the path along the pool leads to: a woman named Tanya, she is the HM Flash Master!

HM Master Battle
Pokemon Trainer Tanya
((1 Super Potion))
Lv19 Flaaffy [Electric] {Static} (Black Belt)
Lv21 Combee [Bug/Flying] {Hustle}
Lv23 Natu [Psychic/Flying] {Synchronize/Early Bird}
Prizes: P552 + HM05 Flash

A little strange for Flaaffy to have a Black Belt while not knowing a single Fighting-type move haha, but there you go: a neat Held Item if you’ve got Monferno or one of the early Fighting-types 🙂

FLAAFFY: Thundershock, Thunder Wave, Flash, Tackle
COMBEE: Flash, Quick Attack, Aerial Ace, Fury Cutter
NATU: Flash, Psybeam, Peck, Night Shade

No problem using the HM in the field since you already have the Gordian Gym Badge. The backtrack run ends now, race back to Route 806 and let’s continue the journey.

Cut the tree which is blocking access to the route’s eastern side and hold on as Leon appears. He has a favour to ask of you – he lost his important journal somewhere in Scarlet Forest and hopes you can find it. The journal contains some sensitive information about the Zephar region. He’ll wait for you in the Gate at the end of this route. So it’s back into the forest we go. Return to where you found the Leppa Berries, this time someone is there – a Tundra Grunt! He has found the Journal, which his Admin had spoken about, and won’t give it up without a fight.

Team Tundra Grunt
Lv20 Poochyena [Dark]
Prize: P2000

Classic case of beating the bad guys but still being too late to do anything more. He already has the information which is in the book so he gladly leaves it behind. Get the Journal and return to Route 806. Cross the bridge and spoil that conversation going on between Richey and Antonia.

Camper Richey
Lv17 Treecko [Grass]
Prize: P340

Picnicker Antonia
Lv16 Ledyba [Bug/Flying]
Lv18 Torchic [Fire]
Prize: P360

There’s a hidden Rare Candy on the rock near them.

Azure horizons hrm 2021 route 806 rare candy

Continue into the Gate and return the Journal to Leon. He’ll reward you with a Silverpowder and says that the Journal contains information about Pokemon and areas of this region. Leon has been travelling across the region putting it together and he’s also a member of some group that we might find out about sooner or later. There’s a soft glitch which happens later on at the spot where Leon asks you to retrieve the Journal – he’ll reappear there whenever you pass through that spot after arriving on Route 806 again. Even the Grunt that you battle will be back in the forest.

[rt807] Route 807


Route 807

**HMs Needed: Cut, Surf, Strength.

Pokemon Found
Zigzagoon [Normal] (Levels 14-15, Rate 20%) {Oran Berry 5%}
Oddish [Grass/Poison] (Levels 12-15, Rate 20%)
Ponyta [Fire] (Level 15, Rate 10%)
Bellsprout [Grass/Poison] (Levels 12-15, Rate 10%)
Abra [Psychic] (Levels 12-14, Rate 10%) {Twisted Spoon 5%}
Drowzee [Psychic] (Level 15, Rate 10%)
Houndour [Dark/Fire] (Level 15, Rate 5%)
Glameow [Normal] (Level 15, Rate 5%)
Lombre [Water/Grass] (Level 15, Rate 4%)
Drifloon [Ghost/Flying] (Level 15, Rate 4%)
Yanma [Bug/Flying] (Levels 12-15, Rate 1%)
Scyther [Bug/Flying] (Levels 12-15, Rate 1%)

Zigzagoon: Pickup
Oddish: Chlorophyll
Ponyta: Run Away/Flash Fire
Bellsprout: Chlorophyll
Abra: Synchronize/Inner Focus
Drowzee: Insomnia
Houndour: Early Bird/Flash Fire
Glameow: Limber/Own Tempo
Lombre: Swift Swim/Rain Dish
Drifloon: Speed Boost
Yanma: Speed Boost/Compoundeyes
Scyther: Swarm

**NOTE: When Drifloon evolves into Drifblim at Lv28, its level drops down to Lv26. Could be a bug, Olivia notes.

That’s an Ether in the grass on the left. Continue south to find Gerald and then afterwards check the dark green spot on the ground on the right, there are 4 hidden Lum Berries.

Azure horizons hrm 2021 route 807 4 lum berries 1

Black Belt Gerald
Lv17 Machop [Fighting]
Lv18 Machop [Fighting]
Lv19 Makuhita [Fighting]
Prize: P576

In the grass on the left is a Timer Ball on the bottom left tile. Move up and cross the bridge, on the other side is Glenn.

Bug Maniac Glenn
Lv18 Yanma [Bug/Flying]
Lv18 Venonat [Bug/Poison]
Lv16 Surskit [Bug/Water]
Prize: P216

Past him are steps leading down to a Calcium on a ledge. Continue going east after the steps to find Ami & Yumi.

Twins Ami & Yumi
Lv20 Lombre [Water/Grass]
Lv20 Nuzleaf [Grass/Dark]
Prize: P800

I didn’t get to watch the Hi Hi Puffy Ami Yumi cartoon back in the day (I don’t remember if the “version” of Cartoon Network which aired around here even had the show in their schedule) but I remember seeing the Flash games on the old CN websites. That road below from them leads to a Gate linking this route to Amethyst City, but at the moment there’s a Tundra Grunt blocking the entrance. Something’s going on in town and he won’t let you through. Can’t battle him either so let’s continue exploring Route 807. North from the Twins is Jaren running back and forth.

Triathlete Jaren
Lv18 Pikachu [Electric]
Lv18 Ponyta [Fire]
Prize: P504

Head northwest to find Sean then Melissa.

Black Belt Sean
Lv20 Tyrogue [Fighting]
Prize: P640

Parasol Lady Melissa
Lv16 Totodile [Water]
Lv17 Lotad [Water/Grass]
Lv17 Lombre [Water/Grass]
Prize: P476

Laura is on the other side of the big rock that’s above Sean.

Hex Maniac Laura
Lv18 Duskull [Ghost]
Lv20 Abra [Psychic]
Prize: P400

Carry on to the east to Shane and a Thunder Stone in the upper grass area.

Bird Keeper Shane
Lv17 Natu [Psychic/Flying]
Lv18 Pidgeotto [Normal/Flying]
Lv17 Swablu [Normal/Flying]
Prize: P408

North from Shane is Route 807 North, no rain there, and you’ll need Strength in order to explore that section. There’s a skinny tree just on the right though, Cut it and go on to discover a big building: the Tundra Warehouse. Well, well 🙂 there are 2 entrances, go through the left one.

[tundw] Tundra Warehouse



Grunt spotted, with a Nugget next to him.

Team Tundra Grunt
Lv17 Snorunt [Ice]
Lv18 Snorunt [Ice]
Lv18 Hoothoot [Normal/Flying]
Prize: P1800

Over on the right is a staircase and another Grunt.

Team Tundra Grunt
Lv18 Poochyena [Dark]
Lv20 Swinub [Ice/Ground]
Prize: P2000


Follow the short path between the boxes and containers on the right to reach an X Special then continue to the next staircase.

Team Tundra Grunt
Lv18 Teddiursa [Normal]
Lv18 Snorunt [Ice]
Prize: P1800

Team Tundra Grunt
Lv20 Poochyena [Dark]
Lv17 Snorunt [Ice]
Prize: P1700


This is where we meet the Admin in charge. He knows who you are after hearing about how you stopped the Morphic Tunnel operation. But now Tundra has moved on to the next big mission, so the Admin has to make sure you don’t interfere again.

Tundra Admin Battle
Tundra Admin Royce
((1 Super Potion + 1 Full Heal))
Lv18 Spheal [Ice/Water] {Thick Fat}
Lv20 Piloswine [Ice/Ground] {Oblivious} (Sitrus Berry)
Prize: P800

Damn, a Piloswine at Lv20??

SPHEAL: Double Team, Surf, Earthquake, Blizzard
PILOSWINE: Curse, Mud Shot, Blizzard, Body Slam

Royce and his crew leave, you can leave too then re-enter the Warehouse through the second entrance to access the eastern room. It contains an Up-Grade and a Rare Candy (this was HM05 Flash previously). Return to the eastern Gate which was blocked by a Grunt before, you can enter now. Another Grunt is inside and he can’t figure out where to place a key that he’s got. Once he spots you he runs out into town. After him!

[ametc] Amethyst City


Amethyst city

The Enigmatic City of Energy!

Places of Interest
Pokemon Center
Amethyst Department Store
Amethyst City Gym
Amethyst Bike Shop
Amethyst Game Corner
Underground Path (Amethyst City – Emerald Strait)
Adam’s House

But when you arrive there’s no sign of the Grunt. Instead you find a big city with empty streets, why is that? There’s a major blackout and places are locked, except the PokeCenter and the Dept. Store. Over by the Gym you’ll see Terry and Gym Leader Veronica. He can’t challenge her because of the blackout, so he’ll face you instead.

Rival Battle

{(If Terry chose Chimchar)}

Rival Terry
((1 Super Potion))
Lv19 Doduo [Normal/Flying] {Run Away/Early Bird}
Lv18 Teddiursa [Normal] {Pick Up}
Lv17 Nuzleaf [Grass/Dark] {Chlorophyll/Early Bird}
Lv20 Monferno [Fire] {Blaze}
Prize: P640

DODUO: Growl, Fury Attack, Peck, Pursuit
TEDDIURSA: Fury Swipes, Fake Tears, Lick, Faint Attack
NUZLEAF: Growth, Harden, Razor Leaf, Faint Attack
MONFERNO: Ember, Fury Swipes, Flame Wheel, Mach Punch

{(If Terry chose Turtwig)}

Rival Terry
Lv19 Doduo [Normal/Flying] {Run Away/Early Bird}
Lv18 Spoink [Psychic] {Thick Fat/Own Tempo}
Lv17 Chinchou [Water/Electric] {Volt Absorb/Illuminate}
Lv20 Grotle [Grass] {Overgrow}
Prize: P640

None of the editor programs that I’m using show what Grotle’s 4th move actually is (one editor labels it as Absorb French sigh) but thanks to the document that Olivia shared with me, I found out what the move is.

DODUO: Growl, Fury Attack, Peck, Pursuit
SPOINK: Psywave, Odor Sleuth, Psych Up, Confuse Ray
CHINCHOU: Thunder Wave, Flail, Water Gun, Confuse Ray
GROTLE: Absorb, Tackle, Razor Leaf, Razor Leaf

{(If Terry chose Piplup)}

Rival Terry
Lv19 Doduo [Normal/Flying] {Run Away/Early Bird}
Lv18 Slakoth [Normal] {Truant}
Lv17 Lombre [Water/Grass] {Swift Swim/Rain Dish}
Lv20 Prinplup [Water] {Torrent}
Prize: P640

DODUO: Growl, Fury Attack, Peck, Pursuit
SLAKOTH: Scratch, Yawn, Encore, Slack Off
LOMBRE: Absorb, Bubblebeam, Fake Out, Fury Swipes
PRINPLUP: Water Gun, Peck, Metal Claw, Bubble

Unable to challenge the Gym at the moment Terry decides to use this time to do some extra training. Before he leaves he’ll give you a Card Key which was dropped by that Grunt who was in the Gate. Then you’ll hear from Veronica, she wonders if there is something wrong with the generator in the sewers. To reach the sewers you must head east out of town. The south Gate is occupied by another Youngster and his stubborn Slowpoke (wait a minute, is this the same pair from Gordian Town??). In the east Gate Wallace appears, he has been asked to help with the blackout situation. Team Tundra are responsible and Wallace has some experience dealing with Teams before so this isn’t new for him but he asks you to help him drive out Team Tundra from the sewers. He would’ve done that by himself but one of the Grunts has locked the entrance into the sewers, so Wallace will wait for you at the sewage plant. Luckily you’ve got the key needed to unlock that entrance 🙂

Outside the Gate is a little bit of Route 812, we’ll have to come back with Surf to fully explore it. Just outside the fence of the Sewage Treatment Plant are 4 shrubs, check the 3rd shrub from the left for a hidden Super Potion.

Azure horizons hrm 2021 route 812 super potion

Just to the left of the Plant entrance is a spot on the ground, check it for 4 hidden Cheri Berries.

Azure horizons hrm 2021 route 812 treatment plant 4 cheri berries
[sewt] Sewage Treatment Plant


Amethyst sewage treatment plant 1

Just go through the open doorways until you step into…


Amethyst sewers

**HMs Needed: Surf.

Pokemon Found
Zubat [Poison/Flying] (Levels 14-18, Rate 20%)
Rattata [Normal] (Level 17, Rate 20%)
Spinarak [Bug/Poison] (Levels 15-17, Rate 10%)
Grimer [Poison] (Level 18, Rate 10%)
Koffing [Poison] (Level 18, Rate 10%)
Voltorb [Electric] (Levels 16-17, Rate 10%)
Magnemite [Electric/Steel] (Levels 16-17, Rate 5%)
Gastly [Ghost/Poison] (Level 18, Rate 5%)
Elekid [Electric] (Level 18, Rate 8%)
Raticate [Normal] (Level 20, Rate 2%) {Oran Berry 50%/Sitrus Berry 5%}
Tentacool [Water/Poison] (Levels 5-40, Rate 100%)
Magikarp [Water] (Level 5, Rate 100%)
Horsea [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 60%)
Magikarp [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Krabby [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Horsea [Water] (Levels 15-35, Rate 44%)
Shellder [Water] (Levels 15-25, Rate 40%) {Pearl 50%/Big Pearl 5%}
Gyarados [Water/Flying] (Levels 15-25, Rate 15%)
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 25-35, Rate 1%)

Zubat: Inner Focus
Rattata: Run Away/Guts
Raticate: Run Away/Guts
Spinarak: Swarm/Insomnia
Grimer: Stench/Sticky Hold
Koffing: Levitate
Voltorb: Soundproof/Static
Magnemite: Magnet Pull/Sturdy
Gastly: Levitate
Elekid: Static
Tentacool: Clear Body/Liquid Ooze
Magikarp: Swift Swim
Gyarados: Intimidate
Horsea: Swift Swim
Krabby: Hyper Cutter/Shell Armor
Shellder: Shell Armor
Psyduck: Damp/Cloud Nine

Go to the right and cross the south bridge to the opposite bank, you’ll find a Poison Barb on the left side. Cross the bridge back and continue north.

Team Tundra Grunt
Lv18 Poochyena [Dark]
Lv18 Snorunt [Ice]
Lv18 Swinub [Ice/Ground]
Prize: P1800

On the north side you’ll see an item on the left, unreachable for now because you can’t Surf yet. Surfing in sewer water…that’s going to be lovely haha. Grunts #2 and #3 are coming up as you head east.

Team Tundra Grunt
Lv18 Hoothoot [Normal/Flying]
Lv19 Koffing [Poison]
Prize: P1900

Team Tundra Grunt
Lv18 Hoothoot [Normal/Flying]
Lv17 Swinub [Ice/Ground]
Lv18 Snorunt [Ice]
Prize: P1800

Go on and cross two more bridges, there’s an X Special that you can pick up along the way and then continue following this straightforward path to the generator room entrance.

Team Tundra Grunt
Lv17 Poochyena [Dark]
Lv19 Snorunt [Ice]
Prize: P1900

Team Tundra Grunt
Lv20 Teddiursa [Normal]
Prize: P2000

Wallace is standing by the entrance, he tried to stop the person who is leading this latest Tundra operation but she defeated him! Damn. Wallace will heal your team before you go in to meet Admin Krystral. As you would expect, she has already gotten what she came here for but is still willing to put a stop to you.

Tundra Admin Battle
Tundra Admin Krystal
((1 Super Potion + 1 Full Heal))
Lv20 Mightyena [Dark] {Intimidate}
Lv21 Vaporeon [Water] {Water Absorb} (Sitrus Berry)
Lv18 Snorunt [Ice] {Inner Focus}
Prize: P840

MIGHTYENA: Bite, Tackle, Sand-Attack, Odor Sleuth
VAPOREON: Aurora Beam, Bite, Water Pulse, Quick Attack
SNORUNT: Double Team, Bite, Ice Beam, Headbutt

Wallace was defeated by that team? Really? I’m finding it hard to believe that xD. Team Tundra make their exit and you head outside with Wallace. Just as he’s expressing his concerns about Team Tundra, the weather suddenly shifts and we hear a familiar Legendary cry – Suicune! Wallace believes that it is thanking you for stopping Tundra. After Wallace leaves you can go back into the Plant’s first room and speak to the employees. The Worker on the right will give you TM34 Shock Wave as thanks. Now that power has been restored go back to town and let’s look around before seeing Veronica.


-2F- (Trainer’s Market)

Poke Ball P200
Timer Ball P1000
Luxury Ball P1000
Potion P300
Super Potion P700
Antidote P100
Parlyz Heal P200
Awakening P250
Burn Heal P250
Ice Heal P250
Escape Rope P550
Repel P350
Dream Mail P50

TM05 Roar P1000
TM15 Hyper Beam P7500
TM28 Dig P2000
TM31 Brick Break P3000
TM43 Secret Power P3000
TM45 Attract P3000

-3F- (TV Game Shop)

The man at the counter is the Counter Move Tutor. Makes sense 🙂

-4F- (Wise Man Gifts)

Poke Doll P1000
Retro Mail P50

[P2100 each]
Fire Stone
Thunder Stone
Water Stone
Leaf Stone

-5F- (Drug Store)

[each P9800]

X Attack P500
X Defend P550
X Speed P350
X Special P350
X Accuracy P950
Guard Spec. P700
Dire Hit P650

-Rooftop Square-

Vending Machines:
Fresh Water P200
Soda Pop P300
Lemonade P350

The little girl is thirsty. Give her Fresh Water and receive TM16 Light Screen, give her Soda Pop and get TM20 Safeguard or give her Lemonade to get TM33 Reflect.

Adam lives just to the west from the Dept. Store. He is the PC Storage system creator for this region and wouldn’t you know it, he has a certain Pokemon that he received from a Johto friend of his (speaking of PC Storage system creators) that he doesn’t have the time to look after so Adam will offer it to you. It’s a Level 10 Eevee that is holding a Lum Berry, has Run Away and knows Tackle, Tail Whip, Helping Hand and Sand-Attack. In this game Eevee evolves into Espeon via Sun Stone, Umbreon via Moon Stone, Leafeon via Leaf Stone, Glaceon via Ice Stone or Sylveon when its Friendship has maxed out.

Two houses east from the PokeCenter lives the Berry Powder Jar man if you are a fan of Berry Crush.

Get a free Bicycle at the Bike Shop. No Coin Case yet so don’t worry about the Game Corner for now. In the northwest area of town there’s a Beauty roaming around, she’ll give you TM27 Return. In the house on the left from her is a boy who wants to play hide and seek, if you can find him he’ll give you a reward. Game on.

1st hiding spot: behind the Dept. Store.

2nd hiding spot: in the Game Corner, behind the left side row of slot machines.

3rd hiding spot: in the PokeCenter, behind the escalator.

4th hiding spot: behind the left plant on 3F of the Dept. Store.

5th hiding spot: behind the plant in the Bike Shop.

6th hiding spot: top left corner of the building just to the east from the Gym.

7th hiding spot: behind the left plant in the Underground Path building on the north side of town.

8th hiding spot: behind building just south from the Gym.

9th hiding spot: in the Gym, behind the right “Certified Trainers” pillar.

Final hiding spot: between the shelves on 2F of the Dept. Store. PHEW. Meet him again at his house for the prize – the Vs Seeker. Worth it after all that exercise? You tell me 🙂 All that running around town should have prepared you for the Gym so let’s get to it.

[g3] Amethyst City Gym
Amethyst city gym

Leader: Veronica – “The Venomous Maiden.

What we find here is that old faithful “statues with switches” gimmick. You press a switch to unlock a room occupied by a Gym Trainer. Pressing the right side statue will unlock the first and second rooms on the left and just the first room on the right. Francis is in the first left room, Helena is in the second one and Valerie is in the right one.

Youngster Francis
Lv18 Zubat [Poison/Flying]
Lv20 Gulpin [Poison]
Lv18 Nidoran(M) [Poison]
Prize: P288

Lass Valerie
Lv18 Nidoran(F) [Poison]
Lv18 Nidoran(F) [Poison]
Lv20 Oddish [Grass/Poison]
Prize: P288

Beauty Helena
Lv22 Ekans [Poison]
Lv20 Gloom [Grass/Poison]
Prize: P480

Press the switch on the statue in Valerie’s room to unlock the room above it and meet Roy. Now Valerie’s room is locked again.

Gentleman Roy
Lv22 Dustox [Bug/Poison]
Prize: P1232

Press the switch on the statue in Roy’s room to unlock Valerie’s room and return to the entrance area. Then press the right statue’s switch one more time, head back to Helena’s room and press the statue switch there to unlock the middle room. Veronica’s room is already open too.

Ace Trainer Shelly
Lv22 Grimer [Poison]
Lv20 Nidorina [Poison]
Prize: P560

Gym Battle
Leader Veronica
((1 Super Potion + 1 Full Heal))
Lv21 Roselia [Grass/Poison] {Natural Cure/Poison Point}
Lv22 Seviper [Poison] {Shed Skin}
Lv24 Nidoqueen [Poison/Ground] {Poison Point} (Sitrus Berry)
Prizes: P2400 + Venom Badge + TM06 Toxic

ROSELIA: Leech Seed, Sludge Bomb, Magical Leaf, Toxic
SEVIPER: Poison Tail, Toxic, Screech, Shadow Ball
NIDOQUEEN: Poison Fang, Toxic, Earthquake, Crunch

Thanks to the Venom Badge you can Fly now, nice. Exit the Gym and prepare to leave town. These new items are now available at Marts:

Great Ball P600
Revive P1500
Super Repel P500

The Underground Path which connects Amethyst City to Route 822 and Gordian Town is open now and there are a few hidden items to be found along the tunnel (daily respawns too). I’ll take screenshots of their exact spots but if you prefer to be guided by steps, here we go:

From the stairs walk 5 paces to the left and Press A to pick up an Ice Heal.

Pokemon azure horizons 4 march 2023 underground path a 1 ice heal

Continue walking to the left for a few paces until you are standing in between the next two tunnel wall lights, then face south, walk down by one pace and Press A to pick up an Antidote.

Pokemon azure horizons 4 march 2023 underground path a 2 antidote

Face north, walk up by one pace then walk 16 paces to the left and Press A to pick up a Burn Heal.

Pokemon azure horizons 4 march 2023 underground path a 3 burn heal

Walk 15 paces to the left then face south and Press A to get an Awakening.

Pokemon azure horizons 4 march 2023 underground path a 4 awakening

Walk one pace down, face west and walk until you are in between the next two tunnel wall lights. Face south and Press A to get a Parlyz Heal.

Pokemon azure horizons 4 march 2023 underground path a 5 parlyz heal

Face north, one step up, face west and walk 9 paces then Press A for a Potion.

Pokemon azure horizons 4 march 2023 underground path a 6 potion

That’s all, back to Amethyst and head south for Route 808.

[rt808] Route 808


Route 808

**HMs Needed: Surf, Waterfall.

Pokemon Found
Zigzagoon [Normal] (Levels 17-20, Rate 20%) {Oran Berry 5%}
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 18-20, Rate 20%)
Meditite [Fighting/Psychic] (Levels 18-20, Rate 10%)
Machop [Fighting] (Level 18, Rate 10%)
Teddiursa [Normal] (Levels 17-18, Rate 10%) {Oran Berry 50%/Sitrus Berry 5%}
Natu [Psychic/Flying] (Levels 17-20, Rate 10%)
Spoink [Psychic] (Level 18, Rate 5%)
Swablu [Normal/Flying] (Levels 17-20, Rate 5%)
Zangoose [Normal] (Level 18, Rate 4%)
Ponyta [Fire] (Levels 17-20, Rate 4%)
Absol [Dark] (Level 18, Rate 1%)

Zigzagoon: Pickup
Psyduck: Damp/Cloud Nine
Meditite: Pure Power
Machop: Guts
Teddiursa: Pickup
Natu: Synchronize/Early Bird
Spoink: Thick Fat/Own Tempo
Swablu: Natural Cure
Zangoose: Immunity
Ponyta: Run Away/Flash Fire
Absol: Pressure

Your next destination is Hazel Town. Cross the bridge and continue south to see Roberto then Beck and Mitch.

PokeManiac Roberto
Lv20 Kecleon [Normal]
Lv20 Dunsparce [Normal]
Prize: P1200

Veteran Beck
Lv20 Rhyhorn [Ground/Rock]
Lv21 Ivysaur [Grass/Poison]
Prize: P504

There’s a Revive in the grass on the bottom left from Beck.

Bird Keeper Mitch
Lv22 Pidgey [Normal/Flying]
Lv20 Swablu [Normal/Flying]
Lv18 Spearow [Normal/Flying]
Lv20 Hoothoot [Normal/Flying]
Prize: P480

On the other side of the bridge is Christa.

Ace Trainer Christa
((1 Super Potion))
Lv22 Beautifly [Bug/Flying]
Lv22 Zangoose [Normal]
Prize: P616

Then you reach the crossroads: further south is Hazel Town, to the west is Route 817 and Route 823 is to the east beyond a Gate (there’s a Slowpoke inside the Gate keeping you from going out to that route. Why is Slowpoke so stubborn in this game, haha?). Standing by the pool on the right are Cary & Zoe while the Don is by the pool on the left.

Twins Cary & Zoe
Lv23 Clefable [Fairy]
Lv23 Wigglytuff [Normal/Fairy]
Prize: P1104

Youngster Donald
Lv22 Linoone [Normal]
Prize: P352

You can have a look at a little bit of Route 817, the rest of it requires Surf.

[rt817] Route 817


Route 817

**HMs Needed: Surf.

Pokemon Found
Zigzagoon [Normal] (Levels 17-20, Rate 20%) {Oran Berry 5%}
Meditite [Fighting/Psychic] (Levels 17-20, Rate 20%)
Houndour [Dark/Fire] (Levels 17-20, Rate 15%)
Pidgey [Normal/Flying] (Levels 17-20, Rate 10%)
Swablu [Normal/Flying] (Levels 17-20, Rate 10%)
Burmy (Trash Cloak) [Bug] (Levels 17-20, Rate 10%)
Oddish [Grass/Poison] (Levels 17-20, Rate 5%)
Magmar [Fire] (Levels 17-20, Rate 4%)
Mr. Mime [Psychic/Fairy] (Levels 17-20, Rate 2%)
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 10-30, Rate 61%)
Marill [Water/Fairy] (Levels 20-35, Rate 34%)
Shellder [Water] (Levels 25-30, Rate 5%) {Pearl 50%/Big Pearl 5%}
Magikarp [Water] (Level 5, Rate 70%)
Buizel [Water] (Level 5, Rate 30%)
Shellos (West/Pink Form) [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 60%)
Magikarp [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Goldeen [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Poliwag [Water] (Levels 15-25, Rate 40%)
Poliwhirl [Water] (Levels 20-30, Rate 40%)
Gyarados [Water/Flying] (Levels 15-25, Rate 15%)
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 15-35, Rate 5%)

Zigzagoon: Pickup
Meditite: Pure Power
Pidgey: Keen Eye
Houndour: Early Bird/Flash Fire
Swablu: Natural Cure
Burmy: Shed Skin
Oddish: Chlorophyll
Magmar: Flame Body
Mr. Mime: Soundproof
Psyduck: Damp/Cloud Nine
Marill: Thick Fat/Huge Power
Shellder: Shell Armor
Magikarp: Swift Swim
Gyarados: Intimidate
Buizel: Swift Swim
Shellos: Sticky Hold
Goldeen: Swift Swim/Water Veil
Poliwag: Water Absorb/Damp
Poliwhirl: Water Absorb/Damp

Haley is the first person that you’ll see here.

Lass Haley
Lv21 Gloom [Grass/Poison]
Lv22 Roselia [Grass/Poison]
Prize: P440

By the pool on the left there’s Flint.

Pokemon Ranger Flint
Lv21 Sneasel [Dark/Ice]
Lv23 Dugtrio [Ground]
Prize: P920

Check the small shrub in the grass area on the left from Flint, there’s a hidden Bluk Berry on it and then TM43 Secret Power in the corner.

Azure horizons hrm 2021 route 817 bluk berry

Flint’s girlfriend Kelsey is south of the pool.

Pokemon Ranger Kelsey
Lv21 Furret [Normal]
Lv23 Nidorina [Poison]
Prize: P920

Follow the path to the left from Kelsey to find a new face: Gilbert the HM Fly Master. Perfect 🙂

HM Master Battle
Pokemon Trainer Gilbert
((1 Hyper Potion + 1 Super Potion))
Lv25 Vibrava [Ground/Dragon] {Levitate} (Soft Sand)
Lv27 Crobat [Poison/Flying] {Inner Focus} (Poison Barb)
Prizes: P648 + HM02 Fly

VIBRAVA: Dig, Fly, Dragonbreath, Double Team
CROBAT: Toxic, Fly, Aerial Ace, Poison Fang

Only one fast-travel HM left to get. Return to Route 808 and continue south to Hazel Town.

Pokemon Ranger Santi
((1 Full Restore))
Lv21 Exeggcute [Grass/Psychic]
Lv21 Bayleef [Grass]
Lv20 Swablu [Normal/Flying]
Prize: P840

Benny is the guy moving about in the grass on the left.

Bird Keeper Benny
Lv22 Wingull [Water/Flying]
Lv22 Natu [Psychic/Flying]
Prize: P528

Further to the left from Benny are 3 hidden Pinap Berries on a spot in the ground and a couple of ledges that have an HP Up between them.

Azure horizons hrm 2021 route 808 3 pinap berries

After jumping over the legdes go to the right to find Carter then up the road to Marlon.

Ace Team Carter
Lv20 Larvitar [Rock/Ground]
Lv21 Croconaw [Water]
Lv21 Elekid [Electric]
Prize: P588

Pokemon Ranger Marlon
((1 Full Restore))
Lv19 Baltoy [Ground/Psychic]
Lv21 Paras [Bug/Grass]
Lv20 Pidgeotto [Normal/Flying]
Prize: P1440

[hazet] Hazel Town


Hazel town

Nature’s Benevolent Clearing.

**HMs Needed: Surf.

Places of Interest
Pokemon Center
Hazel Town Mart
Hazel Town Gym
Adam’s House
Pokemon Paradise (Safari Zone)
Move Deleter’s House

Poke Ball P200
Great Ball P600
Nest Ball P1000
Repeat Ball P1000
Potion P300
Super Potion P700
Antidote P100
Parlyz Heal P200
Awakening P250
Burn Heal P250
Ice Heal P250
Escape Rope P550
Revive P1500
Repel P350
Super Repel P500
Tropic Mail P50
Soda Pop P300

Pokemon Found
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 20-40, Rate 100%)
Magikarp [Water] (Level 5, Rate 100%)
Goldeen [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 60%)
Magikarp [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Poliwag [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Goldeen [Water] (Levels 15-25, Rate 40%)
Seaking [Water] (Levels 20-30, Rate 40%)
Gyarados [Water/Flying] (Levels 15-25, Rate 15%)
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 15-35, Rate 5%)

Psyduck: Damp/Cloud Nine
Goldeen: Swift Swim/Water Veil
Seaking: Swift Swim/Water Veil
Magikarp: Swift Swim
Gyarados: Intimidate
Poliwag: Water Absorb/Damp

The guard by the entrance of the Pokemon Paradise says the place will be operational again soon, they’re still recovering from that blackout in Amethyst City. Outside the Gym is a woman who suggests that you should go to Galena City (which is to the east of Route 823). The Gym is run by a woman named Robyn who uses Flying-types. Noted. There’s a Rare Candy on the table in the house at the center of town. The Fishing Guru used to live here but now you’ll find Adam’s…second house? I’m not sure who the young woman in this other house is. Southwest from town is a little bit of Route 816, the rest can’t be explored without Surf.

[rt816] Route 816


Route 816

**HMs Needed: Surf.

Pokemon Found
Spearow [Normal/Flying] (Level 20, Rate 20%)
Doduo [Normal/Flying] (Level 24, Rate 20%)
Snubbull [Fairy] (Level 26, Rate 14%)
Shroomish [Grass] (Level 22, Rate 10%)
Aron [Steel/Rock] (Levels 25, Rate 10%) {Hard Stone 5%}
Staravia [Normal/Flying] (Levels 25, Rate 10%)
Lairon [Steel/Rock] (Level 26, Rate 5%) {Hard Stone 5%}
Spinda [Normal] (Level 26, Rate 5%) {Chesto Berry 5%}
Bibarel [Normal/Water] (Level 22, Rate 4%)
Yanma [Bug/Flying] (Levels 22-29, Rate 2%)
Wooper [Water/Ground] (Levels 5-15, Rate 60%)
Marill [Water/Fairy] (Levels 5-35, Rate 31%)
Chinchou [Water/Electric] (Levels 15-25, Rate 9%) {Yellow Shard 5%}
Magikarp [Water] (Level 5, Rate 100%)
Poliwag [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 60%)
Magikarp [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Goldeen [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Corsola [Water/Rock] (Levels 15-25, Rate 44%) {Red Shard 5%}
Poliwhirl [Water] (Levels 20-30, Rate 40%)
Seadra [Water] (Levels 15-35, Rate 16%)

Spearow: Keen Eye
Doduo: Run Away/Early Bird
Snubbull: Intimidate/Run Away
Shroomish: Effect Spore
Aron: Sturdy/Rock Hard
Staravia: Intimidate
Lairon: Sturdy/Rock Hard
Spinda: Own Tempo
Bibarel: Own Tempo
Yanma: Speed Boost/Compoundeyes
Wooper: Damp/Water Absorb
Marill: Thick Fat/Huge Power
Chinchou: Volt Absorb/Illuminate
Magikarp: Swift Swim
Poliwag: Water Absorb/Damp
Poliwhirl: Water Absorb/Damp
Goldeen: Swift Swim/Water Veil
Seadra: Poison Point
Corsola: Hustle/Natural Cure

The only Trainer you can reach here is Nora.

Battle Girl Nora
Lv24 Meditite [Fighting/Psychic]
Prize: P1056

Catch a Spearow, you’ll soon meet someone who wants one in exchange for her Farfetch’d (this is the earliest you can get one in the game). Back to town then head for Route 823. Stubborn Slowpoke is gone now, thank goodness 🙂

[rt823] Route 823


Route 823

**HMs Needed: Surf.

Pokemon Found
Wingull [Water/Flying] (Levels 18-20, Rate 20%)
Mareep [Electric] (Levels 17-20, Rate 20%)
Trapinch [Ground] (Levels 19-20, Rate 10%) {Soft Sand 5%}
Krabby [Water] (Levels 17-20, Rate 10%)
Ponyta [Fire] (Levels 17-18, Rate 10%)
Shellder [Water] (Level 18, Rate 10%) {Pearl 50%/Big Pearl 5%}
Gulpin [Poison] (Level 18, Rate 5%) {Big Pearl 5%}
Taillow [Normal/Flying] (Levels 17-18, Rate 5%)
Snubbull [Fairy] (Levels 17-20, Rate 4%)
Seviper [Poison] (Level 19, Rate 4%)
Yanma [Bug/Flying] (Level 19, Rate 1%)
Skiploom [Grass/Flying] (Levels 19-20, Rate 1%)
Tentacool [Water/Poison] (Levels 20-30, Rate 60%)
Wingull [Water/Flying] (Levels 20-30, Rate 30%)
Tentacruel [Water/Poison] (Levels 20-30, Rate 5%)
Shellos (West/Pink Form) (Levels 30-40, Rate 5%)
Magikarp [Water] (Levels 5-10, Rate 70%)
Tentacool [Water/Poison] (Levels 5-10, Rate 30%)
Carvanha [Water/Dark] (Levels 15-20, Rate 60%)
Horsea [Water] (Levels 15-20, Rate 20%)
Remoraid [Water] (Levels 15-20, Rate 20%)
Gyarados [Water/Flying] (Levels 30-40, Rate 40%)
Luvdisc [Water] (Levels 30-40, Rate 40%) {Heart Scale 50%}
Corsola [Water/Rock] (Levels 30-40, Rate 15%) {Red Shard 5%}
Wailmer [Water] (Levels 30-40, Rate 4%)
Sharpedo [Water/Dark] (Levels 30-40, Rate 1%) {Deepseatooth 5%}

Wingull: Keen Eye
Mareep: Static
Trapinch: Hyper Cutter/Arena Trap
Krabby: Hyper Cutter/Shell Armor
Ponyta: Run Away/Flash Fire
Shellder: Shell Armor
Gulpin: Liquid Ooze/Sticky Hold
Taillow: Guts
Snubbull: Intimidate/Run Away
Seviper: Shed Skin
Yanma: Speed Boost/Compoundeyes
Skiploom: Chlorophyll
Tentacool: Clear Body/Liquid Ooze
Tentacruel: Clear Body/Liquid Ooze
Shellos: Sticky Hold
Magikarp: Swift Swim
Gyarados: Intimidate
Carvanha: Rough Skin
Sharpedo: Rough Skin
Horsea: Swift Swim
Remoraid: Hustle
Luvdisc: Swift Swim
Corsola: Hustle/Natural Cure
Wailmer: Water Veil/Oblivious

A few steps to the right, you’ll see a path headed north. Follow it to find Warren and then an Awakening in the upper left grass area after him.

Ace Trainer Warren
((1 Full Restore))
Lv20 Charmander [Fire]
Lv20 Loudred [Normal]
Prize: P560

Head straight east from that grass area to Denise.

Ace Trainer Denise
((1 Full Restore))
Lv21 Spoink [Psychic]
Lv22 Nidorina [Poison]
Prize: P616

Further east there’s Riley, Winston, and Corey.

Ace Trainer Riley
((1 Full Restore))
Lv20 Aipom [Normal]
Lv21 Drowzee [Psychic]
Lv22 Grovyle [Grass]
Prize: P616

Rich Boy Winston
((1 Full Restore))
Lv20 Ponyta [Fire]
Lv21 Nidorino [Poison]
Prize: P2520

Tuber Corey
Lv22 Slowpoke [Water/Psychic]
Lv22 Wailmer [Water]
Prize: P264

Backtrack a bit to Denise’s area and jump down either of the 2 ledges south then go all the way east to find TM42 Facade behind a beach house. On the beach you’ll see Taylor.

Lady Taylor
((1 Full Restore))
Lv22 Igglybuff [Normal/Fairy]
Lv21 Skiploom [Grass/Flying]
Prize: P2100

On the left from her are Dave and Hugo then Karl is on the right.

Fisherman Dave
Lv23 Carvanha [Water/Dark]
Prize: P828

Sailor Hugo
Lv21 Remoraid [Water]
Lv22 Wingull [Water/Flying]
Prize: P440

Fisherman Karl
Lv21 Tentacool [Water/Poison]
Lv23 Magikarp [Water]
Lv23 Feebas [Water]
Prize: P828

In the beach house is Elyssa, she’s the woman who wants a Spearow for Ch’ding the Farfetch’d. Comes with a Stick, has Keen Eye and knows Peck, Sand-Attack, Leer and Fury Attack. Outside the house is Roy.

Sailor Roy
Lv23 Wingull [Water/Flying]
Lv23 Chinchou [Water/Electric]
Prize: P460

[galec] Galena City


Galena city

The Glistening Port Harbor.

**HMs Needed: Surf.

Places of Interest
Pokemon Center
Galena City Mart
Galena City Gym
Galena Harbor
Pokemon Fan Club
Galena Lighthouse
Fishing Guru’s House (Good Rod)

Poke Ball P200
Great Ball P600
Net Ball P1000
Dive Ball P1000
Potion P300
Super Potion P700
Antidote P100
Parlyz Heal P200
Awakening P250
Burn Heal P250
Ice Heal P250
Repel P350
Super Repel P500
Escape Rope P550
Revive P1500
Fresh Water P200
Harbor Mail P50

Pokemon Found
Tentacool [Water/Poison] (Levels 20-30, Rate 60%)
Wingull [Water/Flying] (Levels 20-30, Rate 30%)
Tentacruel [Water/Poison] (Levels 20-30, Rate 5%)
Pelipper [Water/Flying] (Levels 30-40, Rate 5%)
Magikarp [Water] (Levels 5-10, Rate 70%)
Tentacool [Water/Poison] (Levels 5-10, Rate 30%)
Carvanha [Water/Dark] (Levels 15-20, Rate 60%)
Horsea [Water] (Levels 15-20, Rate 20%)
Chinchou [Water/Electric] (Levels 15-20, Rate 20%) {Yellow Shard 5%}
Gyarados [Water/Flying] (Levels 30-40, Rate 40%)
Staryu [Water] (Levels 30-40, Rate 40%) {Stardust 50%/Star Piece 5%}
Seadra [Water] (Levels 30-40, Rate 15%)
Sharpedo [Water/Dark] (Levels 30-40, Rate 4%) {Deepseatooth 5%}
Lanturn [Water/Electric] (Levels 30-40, Rate 1%) {Yellow Shard 5%}

Tentacool: Clear Body/Liquid Ooze
Tentacruel: Clear Body/Liquid Ooze
Wingull: Keen Eye
Pelipper: Keen Eye
Magikarp: Swift Swim
Gyarados: Intimidate
Carvanha: Rough Skin
Sharpedo: Rough Skin
Horsea: Swift Swim
Seadra: Poison Point
Chinchou: Volt Absorb/Illuminate
Lanturn: Volt Absorb/Illuminate
Staryu: Illuminate/Natural Cure

Welcome to Galena. In the southeast part of town is the Harbor and the S.S. Aurora is docked there. You need the S.S. Pass to get on that ship. We also find out that far east from here across the sea is the Pokemon League. You’ll get there someday 🙂

The Gym is in the northeast area, run by Andre who is not even there! Wow, back to back Gyms that you can’t challenge right away. The reason for Andre’s absence is that he’s away training in Sinnoh. Judging from the description on the Gym sign, Andre uses Steel-types. Noted.

At the Pokemon Fan Club there’s a woman sitting next to the Club President, she appraises your first position Pokemon and gives you an indication of its Friendship level. Next door to the Fan Club is the Fishing Guru’s house.

The Galena Lighthouse is on the east side of town and you’ll see Wallace by the entrance. Being here reminds him of his hometown and after seeing how well you’ve done so far he decides that you should battle him. Really, this early in the game? Interesting 🙂

Trainer Battle
Pokemon Trainer Wallace
((2 Super Potions + 1 Full Heal))
Lv21 Lombre [Water/Grass] {Swift Swim/Rain Dish}
Lv22 Vaporeon [Water] {Water Absorb}
Lv24 Gyarados [Water/Flying] {Intimidate} (Sitrus Berry)
Prize: P576

LOMBRE: Bubblebeam, Mega Drain, Leech Seed, Fake Out
VAPOREON: Wish, Aurora Beam, Toxic, Water Pulse
GYARADOS: Dragon Rage, Earthquake, Dragon Dance, Surf

Hmm, perhaps this was a little sample of a bigger battle much later? Hopefully, given how much of a big deal Wallace is. That Sailor on the right from the entrance will give you a Shell Bell. Let’s check out the Lighthouse.


If you’ve been in one Lighthouse, you’ve probably been in many Lighthouses in the Pokemon universe. Tough Trainers occupy each of the upper floors, battle them as you ascend and receive a prize at the top. Sounds fine and dandy except for the Sailor standing by the stairs leading up to the first floor. He tells you to come back when you’ve got more Badges. The Lighthouse basement is open though, with a couple of Sailors that you can battle and there are some items to be found too. The Sailor running circles around the first collection of cargo is Morrison and Owen is the other running Sailor.

Sailor Morrison
Lv22 Horsea [Water]
Lv20 Krabby [Water]
Prize: P400

Sailor Owen
Lv20 Poliwhirl [Water]
Prize: P400

In the northeast corner is a Water Stone and in the southeast corner is the Coin Case. There it is 🙂 we’ll head over to the Game Corner after the Hazel Town Gym. It’s open now!

[g4] Hazel Town Gym
Hazel town gym

Leader: Robyn – “Valient Rider of the Winds.

The Gym Guide warns you about the floor, if you fall through the wrong holes you’ll be sent back to the entrance. Carry on to the right and climb the ladder to the first room.

-ROOM 1-

Bird Keeper Arnold
Lv24 Hoothoot [Normal/Flying]
Lv24 Pidgeotto [Normal/Flying]
Prize: P576

Below him are 2 holes in the floor, fall through the one on the right. Be ready because you’ll fall right in front of Frank.

-ROOM 2-

Bird Keeper Frank
Lv22 Swablu [Normal/Flying]
Lv22 Swablu [Normal/Flying]
Lv24 Pidgey [Normal/Flying]
Lv24 Pidgeotto [Normal/Flying]
Prize: P528

Climb the ladder to the next room.

-ROOM 3-

Pokemon Ranger Joseph
((1 Full Restore))
Lv24 Spearow [Normal/Flying]
Lv24 Fearow [Normal/Flying]
Prize: P1728

Drop down the hole into…

-ROOM 4-

There are 2 ladders here, one below and another one above. Near the lower one is Zeke.

Ace Trainer Zeke
((1 Full Restore))
Lv23 Doduo [Normal/Flying]
Lv23 Pidgeotto [Normal/Flying]
Prize: P644

The top ladder leads to what I’ll call Room 5A (unoccupied and has 3 holes in the floor, the left one leads to Room 6 and the other two are a shortcut back to the entrance room) while the bottom ladder will be Room 5B. Go for the bottom ladder.


Bird Keeper Mark
Lv24 Taillow [Normal/Flying]
Lv25 Swellow [Normal/Flying]
Prize: P600

Drop down the left hole into Room 6 and right in front of Caroline.

-ROOM 6-

Ace Trainer Caroline
((1 Full Restore))
Lv23 Natu [Psychic/Flying]
Lv24 Pidgeotto [Normal/Flying]
Lv24 Taillow [Normal/Flying]
Prize: P672

Above from her is the next ladder.

-ROOM 7-

Just 2 holes here, drop through the bottom one.

-ROOM 8-

Just a ladder here.

-ROOM 9-

Pokemon Ranger Daria
((1 Full Restore))
Lv25 Swellow [Normal/Flying]
Prize: P1800

On the left are a pair of warp tiles, step on the top one to reach Robyn’s room.

Gym Battle
Leader Robyn
((1 Hyper Potion + 1 Full Heal))
Lv26 Noctowl [Normal/Flying] {Insomnia/Keen Eye}
Lv28 Skarmory [Steel/Flying] {Keen Eye/Sturdy}
Lv28 Swellow [Normal/Flying] {Guts}
Lv26 Togetic [Fairy/Flying] {Hustle/Serene Grace}
Prizes: P2800 + Talon Badge + TM40 Aerial Ace

NOCTOWL: Aerial Ace, Psychic, Light Screen, —
SKARMORY: Drill Peck, Sky Attack, Steel Wing, Rock Slide
SWELLOW: Aerial Ace, Frustration, Steel Wing, —
TOGETIC: Psychic, Magical Leaf, Wish, —

No problem with traded Pokemon until after Level 50 and you can use of Strength outside of battles now. Leave town and return to Amethyst for some rambling gambling action.


Just like the Celadon Game Corner, there are a number of hidden Coins on the floor.

Azure horizons hrm 2021 amethyst game corner 10 coins a
Azure horizons hrm 2021 amethyst game corner 10 coins b
Azure horizons hrm 2021 amethyst game corner 10 coins c
Azure horizons hrm 2021 amethyst game corner 10 coins d
Azure horizons hrm 2021 amethyst game corner 10 coins e
Azure horizons hrm 2021 amethyst game corner 20 coins
Azure horizons hrm 2021 amethyst game corner 40 coins
Azure horizons hrm 2021 amethyst game corner 100 coins a
Azure horizons hrm 2021 amethyst game corner 100 coins b

Please check the screenshots that I’ve included with this walkthrough for their locations. Speak to the Hiker to get 10 free Coins. To buy Coins speak to the man on the right behind the north counter:

50 Coins – P1000
500 Coins – P10000

Here are the prizes available from the other counter:

Smoke Ball 800 Coins
Miracle Seed 1000 Coins
Charcoal 1000 Coins
Mystic Water 1000 Coins
Yellow Flute 1600 Coins

Abra 180 Coins
Clefairy 500 Coins
Dratini 2800 Coins
Scyther 5500 Coins
Porygon 9999 Coins

TM13 Ice Beam 4000 Coins
TM23 Iron Tail 3500 Coins
TM24 Thunderbolt 4000 Coins
TM30 Shadow Ball 4500 Coins
TM35 Flamethrower 4000 Coins

Happy gambling…I mean gaming! 🙂

….Several Hours Later….

Once you’re done, go back to Hazel Town and let’s check out the Safari Zone.

[safaz] Pokemon Paradise Safari Zone


**HMs Needed: Surf.

It is your standard Safari Zone: 4 zones, each with rare Pokemon. P500 to go in, you receive 30 Safari Balls and you have 600 steps.


Safari zone 1

Pokemon Found
Zigzagoon [Normal] (Level 25, Rate 20%) {Oran Berry 5%}
Snubbull [Fairy] (Level 22, Rate 20%)
Stunky [Poison/Dark] (Level 24, Rate 10%)
Skiploom [Grass/Flying] (Level 25, Rate 10%)
Exeggcute [Grass/Psychic] (Level 22, Rate 10%)
Aipom [Normal] (Level 31, Rate 10%)
Chikorita [Grass] (Level 10, Rate 5%) {Lum Berry 100%}
Sudowoodo [Rock] (Level 30, Rate 5%)
Skorupi [Poison/Bug] (Level 22, Rate 4%)
Miltank [Normal] (Level 23, Rate 4%) {Moomoo Milk 100%}
Chansey [Normal] (Level 22, Rate 1%) {Lucky Egg 5%}
Flaaffy [Electric] (Level 23, Rate 1%)
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 20-40, Rate 100%)
Magikarp [Water] (Level 5, Rate 70%)
Finneon [Water] (Level 5, Rate 30%)
Goldeen [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 60%)
Mantyke [Water/Flying] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Poliwag [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Goldeen [Water] (Levels 15-25, Rate 40%)
Mantyke [Water/Flying] (Levels 20-30, Rate 40%)
Dratini [Dragon] (Levels 15-25, Rate 15%)
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 15-35, Rate 4%)
Dragonair [Dragon] (Levels 25-35, Rate 1%) {Dragon Fang 5%}

Zigzagoon: Pickup
Snubbull: Intimidate/Run Away
Stunky: Stench
Skiploom: Chlorophyll
Exeggcute: Chlorophyll
Aipom: Run Away/Pickup
Chikorita: Overgrow
Sudowoodo: Sturdy/Rock Head
Skorupi: Battle Armor
Miltank: Thick Fat
Chansey: Natural Cure/Serene Grace
Flaaffy: Static
Psyduck: Damp/Cloud Nine
Magikarp: Swift Swim
Finneon: Swift Swim
Goldeen: Swift Swim/Water Veil
Mantyke: (No Ability)
Poliwag: Water Absorb/Damp
Dratini: Shed Skin
Dragonair: Shed Skin

**NOTE: Mantyke evolves into Mantine at Lv25 but its level drops to Lv23 after evolution. Another possible bug as noted by Olivia.

To the left is this zone’s Rest House and the path leading to the Western Area. To the north side from the Rest House is an open space with 3 blue flowers between grass areas, there’s a hidden Leaf Stone on the bottom flower.

Azure horizons hrm 2021 safari zone eastern zone leaf stone

While you’re up there you can jump over the ledge on the right and go south to pick up a Nugget by a small pool. Then follow the path north.


Safari zone 2

Pokemon Found
Rhyhorn [Ground/Rock] (Level 26, Rate 20%)
Nidoran(M) [Poison] (Level 30, Rate 20%)
Shuppet [Ghost] (Level 25, Rate 10%) {Spell Tag 5%}
Exeggcute [Grass/Psychic] (Level 27, Rate 10%)
Paras [Bug/Grass] (Level 23, Rate 10%) {Tinymushroom 50%/Big Mushroom 5%}
Nidorino [Poison] (Level 30, Rate 10%)
Banette [Ghost] (Level 30, Rate 5%) {Spell Tag 5%}
Nuzleaf [Grass/Dark] (Level 32, Rate 5%)
Carnivine [Grass] (Level 23, Rate 4%)
Chansey [Normal] (Level 26, Rate 4%) {Lucky Egg 5%}
Tauros [Normal] (Levels 23-28, Rate 2%)
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 20-40, Rate 100%)
Magikarp [Water] (Level 5, Rate 70%)
Finneon [Water] (Level 5, Rate 30%)
Goldeen [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 60%)
Magikarp [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Poliwag [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Mantyke [Water/Flying] (Levels 15-25, Rate 40%)
Seaking [Water] (Levels 20-30, Rate 40%)
Dratini [Dragon] (Levels 15-25, Rate 15%)
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 15-35, Rate 4%)
Dragonair [Dragon] (Levels 25-35, Rate 1%) {Dragon Fang 5%}

Rhyhorn: Lightningrod/Rock Head
Nidoran: Poison Point
Nidorino: Poison Point
Shuppet: Insomnia
Banette: Insomnia
Exeggcute: Chlorophyll
Paras: Effect Spore
Nuzleaf: Chlorophyll/Early Bird
Carnivine: Levitate
Chansey: Natural Cure/Serene Grace
Tauros: Intimidate
Psyduck: Damp/Cloud Nine
Magikarp: Swift Swim
Finneon: Swift Swim
Goldeen: Swift Swim/Water Veil
Poliwag: Water Absorb/Damp
Mantyke: (No Ability)
Seaking: Swift Swim/Water Veil
Dratini: Shed Skin
Dragonair: Shed Skin

The only thing you can reach here is a Protein that is surrounded by trees at the center of the area. To get there, go to the right from the entrance then north, northwest from the second pool that you’ll see. Afterwards head west from the entrance to the next Zone.


Safari zone 3

Pokemon Found
Teddiursa [Normal] (Levels 26-28, Rate 21%) {Oran Berry 50%/Sitrus Berry 5%}
Nidoran(M) [Poison] (Level 22, Rate 20%)
Croagunk [Poison/Fighting] (Level 26, Rate 10%)
Exeggcute [Grass/Psychic] (Level 27, Rate 10%)
Carnivine [Grass] (Level 23, Rate 10%)
Nidorino [Poison] (Level 30, Rate 10%)
Nidoran(F) [Poison] (Level 30, Rate 5%)
Bagon [Dragon] (Level 32, Rate 5%) {Dragon Scale 5%}
Lombre [Water/Grass] (Level 23, Rate 4%)
Tauros [Normal] (Level 25, Rate 4%)
Lickitung [Normal] (Level 23, Rate 1%)
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 20-40, Rate 100%)
Magikarp [Water] (Level 5, Rate 70%)
Finneon [Water] (Level 5, Rate 30%)
Goldeen [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 60%)
Magikarp [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Poliwag [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Mantyke [Water/Flying] (Levels 15-25, Rate 40%)
Seaking [Water] (Levels 20-30, Rate 40%)
Dratini [Dragon] (Levels 15-25, Rate 15%)
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 15-35, Rate 4%)
Dragonair [Dragon] (Levels 25-35, Rate 1%) {Dragon Fang 5%}

Teddiursa: Pickup
Nidoran(both): Poison Point
Nidorino: Poison Point
Croagunk: Poison Point
Exeggcute: Chlorophyll
Carnivine: Levitate
Bagon: Rock Head
Tauros: Intimidate
Lickitung: Own Tempo/Oblivious
Psyduck: Damp/Cloud Nine
Magikarp: Swift Swim
Finneon: Swift Swim
Goldeen: Swift Swim/Water Veil
Poliwag: Water Absorb/Damp
Mantyke: (No Ability)
Seaking: Swift Swim/Water Veil
Dratini: Shed Skin
Dragonair: Shed Skin

**NOTE: Olivia mentions in the document that there’s a bug with Croagunk, making it evolve into a Bulbasaur instead of Toxicroak at Level 37.

In the northwest section of this area is the special house where previously you would’ve received HM Fly, now you’ll find HM Strength Master Amber. She’s a treasure hunter too, so maybe in the universe of a certain manga series she would’ve been like Ging Freeccs 🙂

HM Master Battle
Pokemon Trainer Amber
((1 Hyper Potion + 1 Full Heal))
Lv27 Nosepass [Rock] {Sturdy/Magnet Pull}
Lv28 Sealeo [Ice/Water] {Thick Fat}
Lv29 Golem [Rock/Ground] {Rock Head/Sturdy} (Hard Stone)
Prizes: P696 + HM04 Strength

NOSEPASS: Sandstorm, Thunder Wave, Strength, Rock Slide
SEALEO: Water Pulse, Aurora Beam, Strength, Body Slam
GOLEM: Strength, Rock Throw, Explosion, Protect

Amber reminds you about the boulders that are on Route 807, so that’s the next destination after you are done with the Safari Zone. Go south from the prize house to this zone’s Rest House, you’ll find a hidden Revive in the upper left corner behind the building.

Azure horizons hrm 2021 safari zone northwestern zone revive

Proceed further south to the 4th Zone.


Pokemon Found
Nidoran(M) [Poison] (Level 24, Rate 20%)
Doduo [Normal/Flying] (Level 26, Rate 20%)
Girafarig [Normal/Psychic] (Level 23, Rate 10%) {Persim Berry 5%}
Aipom [Normal] (Level 25, Rate 10%)
Zangoose [Normal] (Level 22, Rate 10%)
Sunkern [Grass] (Level 33, Rate 10%)
Carnivine [Grass] (Level 24, Rate 5%)
Seviper [Poison] (Level 25, Rate 5%)
Paras [Bug/Grass] (Level 22, Rate 4%) {Tinymushroom 50%/Big Mushroom 5%}
Kangaskhan [Normal] (Level 25, Rate 4%)
Sudowoodo [Rock] (Level 22, Rate 1%)
Scyther [Bug/Flying] (Level 28, Rate 1%)
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 20-40, Rate 100%)
Magikarp [Water] (Level 5, Rate 70%)
Finneon [Water] (Level 5, Rate 30%)
Goldeen [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 60%)
Magikarp [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Poliwag [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Mantyke [Water/Flying] (Levels 15-25, Rate 40%)
Seaking [Water] (Levels 20-30, Rate 40%)
Dratini [Dragon] (Levels 15-25, Rate 15%)
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 15-35, Rate 4%)
Dragonair [Dragon] (Levels 25-35, Rate 1%) {Dragon Fang 5%}

Nidoran: Poison Point
Doduo: Run Away/Early Bird
Girafarig: Inner Focus/Early Bird
Aipom: Run Away/Pickup
Zangoose: Immunity
Sunkern: Chlorophyll
Carnivine: Levitate
Seviper: Shed Skin
Paras: Effect Spore
Kangaskhan: Early Bird
Sudowoodo: Sturdy/Rock Head
Scyther: Swarm
Psyduck: Damp/Cloud Nine
Magikarp: Swift Swim
Finneon: Swift Swim
Goldeen: Swift Swim/Water Veil
Poliwag: Water Absorb/Damp
Mantyke: (No Ability)
Seaking: Swift Swim/Water Veil
Dratini: Shed Skin
Dragonair: Shed Skin

Make your way to the center of the zone where the Rest House is located, then go south and southeast into the grass. You’ll find a Full Restore in the bottom right corner there. We’ll come back to explore more of the Safari Zone when you can Surf. Exit when you’re done and return to Route 807. Move the boulders out of the way and carry on into Route 807 North.

[rt807n] Route 807 North


Route 807 north

**HMs Needed: Strength, Surf.

Pokemon Found
Venonat [Bug/Poison] (Levels 24-26, Rate 30%)
Oddish [Grass/Poison] (Levels 24-26, Rate 25%)
Pachirisu [Electric] (Level 22, Rate 10%)
Pidgey [Normal/Flying] (Level 27, Rate 10%)
Togepi [Fairy] (Level 25, Rate 10%)
Ditto [Normal] (Level 25, Rate 5%) {Metal Powder 5%}
Pidgeotto [Normal/Flying] (Level 29, Rate 5%)
Gloom [Grass/Poison] (Levels 28-30, Rate 5%)
Tentacool [Water/Poison] (Levels 5-40, Rate 70%)
Buizel [Water] (Levels 10-20, Rate 30%)
Magikarp [Water] (Level 5, Rate 100%)
Horsea [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 60%)
Magikarp [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Krabby [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Horsea [Water] (Levels 15-35, Rate 44%)
Gyarados [Water/Flying] (Levels 15-25, Rate 15%)
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 25-35, Rate 1%)

Venonat: Compoundeyes
Oddish: Chlorophyll
Gloom: Chlorophyll
Pachirisu: Run Away
Pidgey: Keen Eye
Pidgeotto: Keen Eye
Togepi: Hustle/Serene Grace
Ditto: Limber
Tentacool: Clear Body/Liquid Ooze
Buizel: Swift Swim
Magikarp: Swift Swim
Gyarados: Intimidate
Horsea: Swift Swim
Krabby: Hyper Cutter/Shell Armor
Psyduck: Damp/Cloud Nine

Valerie is the first person that you’ll see here.

Picnicker Valerie
Lv30 Combusken [Fire/Fighting]
Prize: P600

After reaching the top of the steps ahead of Valerie, you’ll be stopped by Celeste or Brian. They are still working for Prof. Alder and they received a Pokemon from him, so now they are out on the road conducting research for him. Naturally they’ve built themselves a team too and you get to see it now.

Trainer Battle
Pokemon Trainer Celeste
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv31 Eevee [Normal] {Run Away}
Lv32 Hitmonchan [Fighting] {Keen Eye}
Lv32 Miltank [Normal] {Thick Fat}
Lv33 Grotle [Grass] {Overgrow}
Lv33 Monferno [Fire/Fighting] {Blaze}
Lv33 Prinplup [Water] {Torrent}
Prize: P792

Pokemon Trainer Brian
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv31 Eevee [Normal] {Run Away}
Lv32 Hitmonlee [Fighting] {Limber}
Lv32 Tauros [Normal] {Intimidate}
Lv33 Grotle [Grass] {Overgrow}
Lv33 Monferno [Fire/Fighting] {Blaze}
Lv33 Prinplup [Water] {Torrent}
Prize: P792

I used Kurapika’s Gen 3 Tools program to get the Moves information, but if you are getting different moves in your file then please contact me as soon as you can so that I update the information:

Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @MrTKAllen
Pokemon Community: Allen Ceedos
Reddit: Allen_Cee07

Celeste will have a Tauros instead of Miltank if you chose Turtwig as your Starter.

EEVEE: Sand-Attack, Growl, Quick Attack, Bite
HITMONCHAN: Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Sky Uppercut
HITMONLEE: Brick Break, Focus Energy, Hi Jump Kick, Mind Reader
MILTANK: Defense Curl, Stomp, Milk Drink, Bide
TAUROS: Horn Attack, Scary Face, Pursuit, Swagger
GROTLE: Razor Leaf, Bite, Mega Drain, Leech Seed
MONFERNO: Taunt, Fury Swipes, Flame Wheel, Torment
PRINPLUP: Bubblebeam, Swagger, Fury Attack, Water Pulse

Afterwards Celeste/Brian will give you an S.S. Ticket from your brother. Thanks to that you can now board the S.S. Aurora to travel between Azure City and Galena City. Continue east along the hill then return to ground level and all the way south in the grass, you’ll find a Water Stone at the end. Then head northeast onto the next hill, you’ll Gwen ahead.

Picnicker Gwen
Lv25 Sandslash [Ground]
Lv27 Teddiursa [Normal]
Prize: P540

Go northwest and down the steps there, you’ll see Perry, and then head straight north to Gneiss Town.

Bird Keeper Perry
Lv24 Fearow [Normal/Flying]
Lv25 Pidgeotto [Normal/Flying]
Lv25 Pelipper [Water/Flying]
Prize: P600

[gneit] Gneiss Town


Gneiss town

A Peaceful Town With Small Gardens.

Places of Interest
Pokemon Center
Gneiss Town Mart
Pokemon Day-Care

Poke Ball P200
Great Ball P600
Potion P300
Super Potion P700
Antidote P100
Parlyz Heal P200
Awakening P250
Burn Heal P250
Ice Heal P250
Repel P350
Super Repel P500
Revive P1500
Escape Rope P550
Lemonade P350
Glitter Mail P50

Pokemon Found
Tauros [Normal] (Levels 21-23, Rate 20%)
Miltank [Normal] (Levels 21-23, Rate 20%) {Moomoo Milk 100%}
Stantler [Normal] (Levels 21-23, Rate 14%)
Girafarig [Normal/Psychic] (Levels 21-23, Rate 11%) {Persim Berry 5%}
Croagunk [Poison/Fighting] (Levels 21-23, Rate 10%)
Combee [Bug/Flying] (Levels 21-23, Rate 10%)
Marill [Water/Fairy] (Levels 21-23, Rate 5%)
Munchlax [Normal] (Levels 21-23, Rate 5%)
Pinsir [Bug] (Levels 21-23, Rate 5%)

Tauros: Intimidate
Miltank: Thick Fat
Stantler: Intimidate
Girafarig: Inner Focus/Early Bird
Croagunk: Poison Point
Combee: Hustle
Marill: Thick Fat/Huge Power
Munchlax: Pickup/Thick Fat
Pinsir: Hyper Cutter

In the southwest field of grass, check behind the left tree for an Ultra Ball. The woman who is standing next to the Mart would’ve given you a Leafeon previously but now she gives away an Egg that she found in Windward Forest. A Riolu will hatch from it, having Inner Focus and knowing Quick Attack, Endure and Faint Attack. Evolves into Lucario at Level 31.

The northeastern house belongs to the Body Slam Tutor. Nothing else to be done here, so get ready to head north into Windward Forest and Dordoran City beyond it. The city name makes me think of Dragon Ball Z character Dodoria xD. Be sure to bring a team with Pokemon that do well in desert conditions (or can change the weather).

[rtwif] Windward Forest


Windward forest

**HMs Needed: Surf.

Pokemon Found
Spinarak [Bug/Poison] (Levels 22-23, Rate 20%)
Beedrill [Bug/Poison] (Levels 22-23, Rate 20%) {Poison Barb 5%}
Combee [Bug/Flying] (Levels 22-23, Rate 10%)
Caterpie [Bug] (Levels 22-23, Rate 10%)
Kakuna [Bug/Poison] (Levels 20-22, Rate 10%)
Heracross [Bug/Fighting] (Levels 20-22, Rate 10%)
Metapod [Bug] (Levels 20-22, Rate 5%)
Burmy (Plant Cloak) [Bug] (Levels 20-22, Rate 5%)
Ledyba [Bug/Flying] (Levels 22-23, Rate 4%)
Cherubi [Grass] (Level 25, Rate 4%)
Scyther [Bug/Flying] (Levels 22-24, Rate 2%)
Wooper [Water/Ground] (Levels 5-40, Rate 70%)
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 10-20, Rate 30%)
Magikarp [Water] (Level 5, Rate 100%)
Poliwag [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 60%)
Magikarp [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Goldeen [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Poliwag [Water] (Levels 15-25, Rate 40%)
Poliwhirl [Water] (Levels 20-30, Rate 40%)
Feebas [Water] (Levels 15-25, Rate 15%)
Corphish [Water] (Levels 15-35, Rate 5%)

Spinarak: Swarm/Insomnia
Beedrill: Swarm
Combee: Hustle
Caterpie: Shield Dust
Kakuna: Shed Skin
Heracross: Swarm/Guts
Metapod: Shed Skin
Burmy: Shed Skin
Ledyba: Swarm/Early Bird
Cherubi: Chlorophyll
Scyther: Swarm
Wooper: Damp/Water Absorb
Psyduck: Damp/Cloud Nine
Magikarp: Swift Swim
Poliwag: Water Absorb/Damp
Poliwhirl: Water Absorb/Damp
Goldeen: Swift Swim/Water Veil
Feebas: Swift Swim
Corphish: Hyper Cutter/Shell Armor

This place wasn’t exactly a forest maze before, but look at it now 🙂 good grief. Go east until you meet Vance.

Bug Catcher Vance
Lv25 Venonat [Bug/Poison]
Lv25 Beautifly [Bug/Flying]
Prize: P300

The path turns north then northwest, you’ll see Marcy next.

Picnicker Marcy
Lv24 Kecleon [Normal]
Lv24 Paras [Bug/Grass]
Lv25 Delcatty [Normal]
Prize: P500

Continue north then northwest to Jonah.

Bug Maniac Jonah
Lv23 Ariados [Bug/Poison]
Lv24 Mothim [Bug/Flying]
Lv24 Yanma [Bug/Flying]
Prize: P288

North from Jonah is a split in the path: straight north is Bethany and the pool that leads to the Route 810 section of the forest.

Parasol Lady Bethany
Lv26 Masquerain [Bug/Flying]
Prize: P728

On the right is Dalia.

Lass Dalia
Lv25 Hoppip [Grass/Flying]
Lv25 Grovyle [Grass]
Prize: P500

Continue up to reach Cordell then southeast to the exit.

Youngster Cordell
Lv24 Staravia [Normal/Flying]
Lv25 Farfetch’d [Normal/Flying]
Prize: P1100

[rt811] Route 811


Route 811

**HMs Needed: Rock Smash.

Pokemon Found
Hippopotas [Ground] (Levels 24-25, Rate 20%)
Baltoy [Ground/Psychic] (Level 24, Rate 20%)
Numel [Fire/Ground] (Level 22, Rate 10%) {Rawst Berry 100%}
Trapinch [Ground] (Level 24, Rate 10%) {Soft Sand 5%}
Cacnea [Grass] (Level 24, Rate 10%) {Poison Barb 5%}
Rhyhorn [Ground/Rock] (Level 25, Rate 10%)
Phanpy [Ground] (Level 23, Rate 5%)
Sandshrew [Ground] (Level 25, Rate 5%)
Solrock [Rock/Psychic] (Level 27, Rate 4%) {Sun Stone 5%}
Dugtrio [Ground] (Level 26, Rate 4%)
Skarmory [Steel/Flying] (Level 27, Rate 1%) {Sharp Beak 5%}
Beldum [Steel/Psychic] (Level 28, Rate 1%) {Metal Coat 5%}

Hippopotas: Sandstream
Baltoy: Levitate
Numel: Oblivious
Trapinch: Hyper Cutter/Arena Trap
Cacnea: Sand Veil
Rhyhorn: Lightningrod/Rock Head
Phanpy: Pickup
Sandshrew: Sand Veil
Solrock: Levitate
Dugtrio: Sand Veil/Arena Trap
Skarmory: Keen Eye/Sturdy
Beldum: Clear Body

Out of the forest and into a damn sandstorm! Great *face palm* 🙂 You’ll see Terry as soon as you arrive here, he has been waiting to face you in another battle. Leave it to rivals like Terry to patiently wait for you in the middle of a sandstorm 😀

Rival Battle

{(If Terry chose Piplup)}

Rival Terry
Lv33 Dodrio [Normal/Flying] {Run Away/Early Bird}
Lv34 Vigoroth [Normal] {Truant}
Lv34 Lombre [Water/Grass] {Swift Swim/Rain Dish}
Lv35 Prinplup [Water] {Torrent}
Prize: P1260

DODRIO: Peck, Pursuit, Tri Attack, Rage
VIGOROTH: Play Rough, Fury Swipes, Endure, Slash
LOMBRE: Fake Out, Bubblebeam, Leech Seed, Giga Drain
PRINPLUP: Bubblebeam, Swagger, Fury Attack, Water Pulse

{(If Terry chose Turtwig)}

Rival Terry
Lv33 Dodrio [Normal/Flying] {Run Away/Early Bird}
Lv34 Grumpig [Psychic] {Thick Fat/Own Tempo}
Lv34 Chinchou [Water/Electric] {Volt Absorb/Illuminate}
Lv35 Grotle [Grass] {Overgrow}
Prize: P1260

DODRIO: Pursuit, Fury Attack, Tri Attack, Rage
GRUMPIG: Confuse Ray, Magic Coat, Rest, Snore
CHINCHOU: Flail, Water Gun, Spark, Confuse Ray
GROTLE: Razor Leaf, Bite, Mega Drain, Leech Seed

{(If Terry chose Chimchar)}

Rival Terry
Lv33 Dodrio [Normal/Flying] {Run Away/Early Bird}
Lv34 Teddiursa [Normal] {Pick Up}
Lv34 Nuzleaf [Grass/Dark] {Chlorophyll/Early Bird}
Lv20 Monferno [Fire] {Blaze}
Prize: P1260

DODRIO: Pursuit, Fury Attack, Tri Attack, Rage
TEDDIURSA: Crush Claw, Sweet Scent, Play Rough, Slash
NUZLEAF: Faint Attack, Grasswhistle, Psychic, Leaf Blade
MONFERNO: Taunt, Fury Swipes, Flame Wheel, Torment

After Terry leaves, walk to the right to find a Nurse who will heal your Pokemon without needing to be battled first. Then head south.

Pokemon Ranger Serena
((1 Full Restore))
Lv27 Masquerain [Bug/Flying]
Prize: P1080

Picnicker Yazmin
Lv26 Weepinbell [Grass/Poison]
Lv26 Phanpy [Ground]
Lv27 Cacnea [Grass]
Prize: P540

Just on the left from Yazmin is a breakable rock, don’t worry too much about that because it’s only denying you access to a little shortcut. Continue south until you see stairs on your left that lead down into a small canyon, go there and head up to find the entrance to what looks like ancient ruins.

[811ac] Route 811 Ancient Ruins


Route 811 ruins

Pokemon Found
Slugma [Fire] (Levels 18-36, Rate 55%)
Bronzor [Steel/Psychic] (Levels 26-30, Rate 30%)
Chingling [Psychic] (Levels 20-24, Rate 15%)

Slugma: Magma Armor/Flame Body
Bronzor: Levitate
Chingling: Levitate

Interesting, there’s an ancient maze here and after taking a few steps north you’ll see a Team Tundra Grunt at the end of a corridor on the upper right corner of your screen. Not good, what are these fools doing here?

Team Tundra Grunt
Lv28 Raticate [Normal]
Lv31 Mightyena [Dark]
Prize: P3100

There are 6 more Grunts, 2 on the western side, 2 in the northwestern corner and 2 over on the northeastern side. The maze isn’t Cerulean Cave level huge so you can make your way around to take them on before reaching the north side for the boss fight:

Team Tundra Grunt
Lv28 Seel [Water]
Lv29 Piloswine [Ice/Ground]
Lv28 Linoone [Normal]
Prize: P2900

Team Tundra Grunt
Lv30 Sealeo [Ice/Water]
Prize: P3000

Team Tundra Grunt
Lv32 Sharpedo [Water/Dark]
Prize: P3200

Team Tundra Grunt
Lv30 Snorunt [Ice]
Lv31 Sneasel [Dark/Ice]
Prize: P3100

Team Tundra Grunt
Lv29 Snover [Grass/Ice]
Lv30 Piloswine [Ice/Ground]
Lv29 Hypno [Psychic]
Prize: P3000

Team Tundra Grunt
Lv28 Drowzee [Psychic]
Lv28 Grimer [Poison]
Lv28 Machop [Fighting]
Prize: P2800

Who’s the Admin in charge here but that guy Tison from Morphic Tunnel, remember him? The crew is here to get an Ancient Orb but when Tison sees you he suddenly doesn’t want any trouble after what happened the last time. As for giving up the orb though, well…

Tundra Admin Battle
Tundra Admin Tison
Lv33 Golbat [Poison/Flying] {Inner Focus}
Lv35 Snorunt [Ice] {Inner Focus}
Lv35 Sealeo [Ice/Water] {Thick Fat}
Lv34 Mightyena [Dark] {Intimidate}
Prize: P1400

GOLBAT: Bite, Supersonic, Wing Attack, Confuse Ray
SNORUNT: Protect, Headbutt, Ice Beam, Crunch
SEALEO: Aurora Beam, Hail, Body Slam, Ice Ball
MIGHTYENA: Roar, Swagger, Odor Sleuth, Scary Face

Even after losing Tison refuses to give up the Ancient Orb and leaves with his Grunts. That was rather disappointing haha, how is he even allowed to do that? Exit the ruins, turn to the right and jump over a ledge back onto the main path. Go south past Yazmin until you see a Camper on the right, that’s Chester.

Pokemon Ranger Chester
Lv26 Phanpy [Ground]
Lv26 Numel [Fire/Ground]
Lv27 Dodrio [Normal/Flying]
Prize: P1080

Continue south along the main path, you’ll see stairs on the right. Climb them onto higher ground and follow the path of log bridges east then all the way north to find TM18 Rain Dance 🙂 just what we need around here. After that return to Chester’s area, go south then east to Grace and north to Edwin before reaching your next destination.

Beauty Grace
Lv26 Sunflora [Grass]
Lv26 Wigglytuff [Normal/Fairy]
Prize: P1872

Bird Keeper Edwin
Lv26 Pidgeotto [Normal/Flying]
Lv26 Swellow [Normal/Flying]
Prize: P624

[dordc] Dordoran City


Dordoran city

Where People Mingle With Nature.

**HMs Needed: Cut.

Places of Interest
Pokemon Center
Dordoran City Mart
Dordoran City Gym
Dordoran Inn
Move Tutor’s House

Poke Ball P200
Great Ball P600
Timer Ball P1000
Potion P300
Super Potion P700
Moomoo Milk P500
Antidote P100
Parlyz Heal P200
Awakening P250
Burn Heal P250
Ice Heal P250
Escape Rope P550
Repel P350
Super Repel P500
Revive P1500
Soft Sand P100
Mech Mail P50

Even here the sandstorm is sweeping through, how do these people live with that? The Scientist that you’ll find when you arrive will share some information about the resident Gym Leader Grant, he uses Ground-types. Makes sense 🙂

The man standing to the northwest from the PokeCenter is the Softboiled Tutor.

In the southern house is a Swimmer who would’ve given you HM Surf in older versions, now she’s the sister of the HM Surf Master who is away training somewhere.

Speak to the receptionist at the Dordoran Inn, she’ll give you the Faraway Ticket (!) which was left behind by Mr. Fuji for someone worthy enough. Return to Azure City’s harbor, speak to the Sailor standing by the S.S. Aurora and take a trip to Faraway Island.

[faris] Faraway Island


Faraway island
Faraway island int

There’s a very old signboard on the southwestern side of the island, with this incomplete message:

“…ber, 6th day. If any human…sets foot here…again…et it be a kindhearted pers…ith that hope, I depar…”

I wonder who wrote that and when? Make your way to the north side, navigating through a maze of trees to an opening between them on the right. That leads to a grassy area where you’ll find your first Mythical in the game!

Pokemon azure horizons 4 march 2023 hrm continued beta 2 mew

[mew] MEW – The New Species Pokemon
Level: 30
Type: Psychic
Ability: Synchronize
Moves: Pound, Transform, Mega Punch, Metronome

Fun Fact of the Day: I haven’t caught Mew in any of the official games 🙂 I kid you not and at this point I’ve been a Pokemon fan for over 20 years. It’s because I didn’t know about the events which allowed for Mew to be caught until many years later and by that time I was playing ROM hacks and fan-made games so I’ve only caught Mew in ROM hacks. Plus I don’t live in Japan so I missed out on getting Mew as far back as Gen 1. But maybe you were lucky enough to officially catch it?

Speaking of trips, you can ferry between Azure City and Galena City too and like with many boat trips in the Pokemon universe you can explore the boat and bother some of the other passengers for battles 🙂 The first cabin is yours, there’s a bed but no PC (and probably no internet too if there was one). Next door you’ll find Dale, Brooks and a Water Stone.

Fisherman Dale
Lv29 Qwilfish [Water/Poison]
Lv30 Octillery [Water]
Lv31 Seaking [Water]
Prize: P1116

Gentleman Brooks
Lv32 Manectric [Electric]
Prize: P2304

In cabin 4 there’s Lana and an X Attack.

Battle Girl Lana
Lv28 Machoke [Fighting]
Lv32 Heracross [Bug/Fighting]
Prize: P1408

North from that cabin is cabin 5 and stairs headed below. Tiana is in cabin 5.

Pokemon Ranger Tiana
Lv29 Noctowl [Normal/Flying]
Lv32 Snorlax [Normal]
Prize: P2304

Cabin 6 has Arthur, who will spot you as soon as you enter.

Gentleman Arthur
Lv28 Nidorino [Poison]
Lv30 Ninetales [Fire]
Prize: P2160

Head down the stairs into the cargo room and go to the far left side, check the bottom left corner for a hidden Hyper Potion.

Pokemon azure horizons 4 march 2023 s. S. Aurora cargo room hyper potion

Then go back to your cabin and sleep. By the time you wake up, the trip will be over and you can disembark.

Back in Dordoran City there’s a hidden PP Up next to the tree above the cliff on the northeast side of town.

Azure horizons hrm 2021 dordoran city pp up

There’s an Ether behind the doorless northeast house.

The Move Tutor lives in the northwest house. Bring him a Big Mushroom or 2 Tinymushrooms for his services.

Dr. Fossil lives next door to the Move Tutor. In older versions he was just a Hiker who gave you a Level 30 Bronzong which he got while he was in Sinnoh. Now he tells you that there are 7 Fossils which you can find in the desert by smashing the rocks and if you have any Fossils, bring them to him for restoration. Nice, we’ll try getting those once HM Rock Smash has been obtained. For now though, it is Gym Time.

Hmm, there’s a new face waiting outside the Gym. Once he mentions the Team Tundra operation in the Ancient Chamber red flags go up everywhere, because this is Frost the founder of Team Tundra! He’s the type of boss who stays in the background while his Admins do the work and after what you’ve done so far, he sees your potential but he won’t face you in his “full form” yet. One of his Pokemon will be enough for you at your current level 🙂

Tundra Boss Battle
Team Tundra Frost
Lv38 Mamoswine [Ice/Ground] {Oblivious/Thick Fat}
Prize: P3800

MAMOSWINE: Ice Beam, Earthquake, Protect, Rock Tomb

He says you remind him of an old rival of his and after finding out your name, he reveals that your brother was the old rival Frost is referring to! What a twist, this could make things rather interesting. The reason for Team Tundra’s activities is because they want to make the region a place that Ice-type Pokemon can live well in, something which has been growing more difficult because the region has gotten warmer over time likely due to increasing human population. So Frost hopes to get help from Suicune and have it cool down the region. Seems like a noble goal but there’s still room for things to go very wrong, so we better continue to keep our eyes on Team Tundra.

[g5] Dordoran City Gym
Dordoran city gym

Leader: Grant – “Son of Earth.

No Gym puzzles here, the place just looks like Brock’s Gym but with extra space and extra Gym Trainers.

Ace Trainer Allison
((1 Full Restore))
Lv32 Phanpy [Ground]
Lv34 Graveler [Rock/Ground]
Lv32 Marowak [Ground]
Prize: P896

On the left is Isis, on the right is Shey and in the middle is Corey.

Ace Trainer Isis
((1 Full Restore))
Lv30 Baltoy [Ground/Psychic]
Lv32 Numel [Fire/Ground]
Lv30 Hippopotas [Ground]
Lv32 Larvitar [Rock/Ground]
Prize: P840

Pokemon Ranger Shey
((1 Full Restore))
Lv33 Trapinch [Ground]
Lv34 Graveler [Rock/Ground]
Prize: P2448

Pokemon Ranger Corey
((1 Full Restore))
Lv33 Steelix [Steel/Ground]
Prize: P2376

Then the last 2 Gym Trainers are a pair of Aces, Hector on the northwest side and Nathan on the northeast side.

Ace Trainer Hector
((1 Full Restore))
Lv30 Nidorino [Poison]
Lv33 Marshtomp [Water/Ground]
Prize: P924

Ace Trainer Nathan
((1 Full Restore))
Lv32 Cranidos [Rock]
Lv32 Quagsire [Water/Ground]
Prize: P896

Maybe, just MAYBE in another franchi– I mean in another universe Grant would be an Earthbender. Or maybe a ninja who uses Earth Release techniques 🙂

Gym Battle
Leader Grant
((2 Hyper Potion + 1 Full Heal))
Lv34 Vibrava [Ground/Dragon] {Levitate}
Lv35 Donphan [Ground] {Sturdy}
Lv34 Claydol [Ground/Psychic] {Levitate}
Lv36 Swampert [Water/Ground] {Torrent}
Prizes: P3600 + Gaia Badge + TM26 Earthquake

VIBRAVA: Double Team, Dragonbreath, Sandstorm, Earthquake
DONPHAN: Toxic, Earthquake, Iron Tail, Body Slam
CLAYDOL: Psychic, Calm Mind, Ice Beam, Earthquake
SWAMPERT: Curse, Surf, Earthquake, Ice Beam

Use of Surf outside of battle has been granted, excellent. New items have been added to the Marts:

Ultra Ball P1200
Hyper Potion P1200
Full Heal P600
Max Repel P700

Exit the Gym and let’s explore what lies to the east of the city – Mt. Origin (formerly known as Icicles Tunnels).

[mtor] Mt. Origin


Mt. Origin

**HMs Needed: Surf, Flash, Waterfall.


Pokemon Found
Dunsparce [Normal] (Levels 25-28, Rate 24%)
Sandshrew [Ground] (Levels 25-28, Rate 20%)
Hippopotas [Ground] (Levels 25-28, Rate 10%)
Cacnea [Grass] (Levels 25-28, Rate 10%) {Poison Barb 5%}
Baltoy [Ground/Psychic] (Levels 25-28, Rate 10%)
Burmy (Sandy Cloak) [Bug] (Levels 25-28, Rate 10%)
Phanpy [Ground] (Levels 25-28, Rate 5%)
Numel [Fire/Ground] (Levels 25-28, Rate 5%) {Rawst Berry 100%}
Larvitar [Rock/Ground] (Levels 25-28, Rate 4%)
Gible [Ground/Dragon] (Levels 25-28, Rate 2%)

Dunsparce: Serene Grace/Run Away
Sandshrew: Sand Veil
Hippopotas: Sandstream
Cacnea: Sand Veil
Baltoy: Levitate
Burmy: Shed Skin
Phanpy: Pickup
Numel: Oblivious
Larvitar: Guts
Gible: Sand Veil

Follow the path northeast to Earl and the moutain’s entrance.

Hiker Earl
Lv31 Onix [Rock/Ground]
Lv33 Machoke [Fighting]
Prize: P1320

Mt. Origin east of dordoran 1f



Pokemon Found
Golbat [Poison/Flying] (Levels 26-28, Rate 21%)
Teddiursa [Normal] (Levels 26-28, Rate 20%) {Oran Berry 50%/Sitrus Berry 5%}
Rhyhorn [Ground/Rock] (Levels 26-28, Rate 11%)
Onix [Rock/Ground] (Levels 26-28, Rate 10%) {Hard Stone 5%}
Zubat [Poison/Flying] (Levels 26-28, Rate 10%)
Geodude [Rock/Ground] (Levels 26-28, Rate 10%)
Graveler [Rock/Ground] (Levels 26-28, Rate 5%) {Hard Stone 5%}
Nosepass [Rock] (Levels 26-28, Rate 5%)
Beldum [Steel/Psychic] (Levels 26-28, Rate 4%) {Metal Coat 5%}
Ursaring [Normal] (Levels 26-28, Rate 4%) {Oran Berry 50%/Sitrus Berry 5%}
Seel [Water] (Levels 5-30, Rate 60%) {Aspear Berry 50%}
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 5-30, Rate 30%)
Dewgong [Water/Ice] (Levels 15-35, Rate 5%) {Aspear Berry 50%/Nevermeltice 5%}
Wooper [Water/Ground] (Levels 5-15, Rate 4%)
Relicanth [Water/Rock] (Levels 5-15, Rate 1%) {Green Shard 5%}
Magikarp [Water] (Level 5, Rate 100%)
Poliwag [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 60%)
Magikarp [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 40%)
Goldeen [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 40%)
Poliwag [Water] (Levels 15-25, Rate 40%)
Poliwhirl [Water] (Levels 20-30, Rate 40%)
Gyarados [Water/Flying] (Levels 15-25, Rate 15%)
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 15-25, Rate 4%)
Relicanth [Water/Rock] (Levels 25-35, Rate 1%) {Green Shard 5%}

Zubat: Inner Focus
Golbat: Inner Focus
Teddiursa: Pickup
Ursaring: Guts
Rhyhorn: Lightningrod/Rock Head
Onix: Rock Head/Sturdy
Geodude: Rock Hard/Sturdy
Graveler: Rock Hard/Sturdy
Noepass: Sturdy/Magnet Pull
Beldum: Clear Body
Seel: Thick Fat
Dewgong: Thick Fat
Psyduck: Damp/Cloud Nine
Wooper: Damp/Water Absorb
Relicanth: Swift Swim/Rock Head
Magikarp: Swift Swim
Gyarados: Intimidate
Poliwag: Water Absorb/Damp
Poliwhirl: Water Absorb/Damp
Goldeen: Swift Swim/Water Veil

From the cool interior of 1F to the frozen space of B1F 🙂 you’ll see a frozen floor on the right and if you take one step towards it, you can also see a woman standing on the upper right side of your screen. To reach her, step onto the ice from the top right edge then slide down, right and up. As you might guess, the woman is Anya the HM Surf Master and this is her secret training spot. She just wants to become accustomed to being in really low temperatures, especially while swimming, so props to her for the effort.

HM Master Battle
Pokemon Trainer Anya
((3 Hyper Potions))
Lv33 Cradily [Rock/Grass] {Suction Cups} (Black Belt)
Lv34 Rampardos [Rock] {Rock Head} (Black Belt)
Lv35 Snorlax [Normal] {Immunity/Thick Fat} (Leftovers)
Lv36 Gorebyss [Water] {Swift Swim}
Prizes: P864 + HM03 Surf

CRADILY: Giga Drain, Rock Slide, Toxic, Surf
RAMPARDOS: Surf, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Double-Edge
SNORLAX: Body Slam, Rest, Snore, Surf
GOREBYSS: Surf, Psychic, Hydro Pump, Ice Beam

Great success, you can Fly and you can Surf now too. Anya gives you two interesting bits of information about Mt. Origin: it is connected to the coldest area in the region and it has another entrance somewhere on Route 813 (which is far east from Amethyst City). To be noted for sure. Exit the mountain and get ready for the next backtrack run.

[tgb2] The Great Backtrack: Surf Edition

– Surf behind the Tundra Warehouse and you’ll find the first HM Master that we heard about: Jagen!

HM Master Battle
Pokemon Trainer Jagen
((1 Hyper Potion + 1 Full Restore))
Lv39 Sableye [Dark/Ghost] {Keen Eye}
Lv40 Hippowdon [Ground] {Sand Stream}
Lv41 Kingler [Water] {Hyper Cutter/Battle Armor}
Lv42 Hariyama [Fighting] {Thick Fat/Guts} (Leftovers)
Prizes: P1008 + HM06 Rock Smash

SABLEYE: Will-O-Wisp, Shadow Punch, Faint Attack, Curse
HIPPOWDON: Rock Smash, Rock Blast, Dig, Body Slam
KINGLER: Rock Smash, Crabhammer, Slash, Protect
HARIYAMA: Body Slam, Brick Break, Rock Smash, Belly Drum

The good news is you finally get HM Rock Smash, but the bad news is you don’t have the Badge for it sigh so close yet so far.

– Across the pool on the northeast side of the route: a PP Max.
– By the rockwall on the northwest side of the route: a hidden PP Up.

Azure horizons hrm 2021 route 807 north pp up

– Surf across the pool on the western side of this route and check the green shrub for a hidden PP Max.

Azure horizons hrm 2021 route 803 pp

– Surf west then up to find a Max Elixir just on the right and then go on to pick up a Rare Candy in the northwest left corner. Make your way to the section near the generation room entrance and Surf to the right, you’ll find TM36 Sludge Bomb in the corner.

– There’s a rock on the northwest side of the route, check it for a hidden Net Ball.

Pokemon azure horizons 4 march 2023 route 808 net ball

Go south from there and find a Rare Candy by the riverbank. There’s another item on the bank south from that spot but you’ll need HM Waterfall in order to reach it.
– Get to the bridge south from Bird Keeper Mitch’s spot and Surf west to another riverbank. There’s a Max Elixir and a rock that’s got a hidden Zinc.

– WESTERN AREA: There’s a Max Potion across the pool on the western side.
– NORTHWEST AREA: There’s a second Max Potion across the northwest pool next to the prize house. You’ll find a Max Revive across the southwest pool. Go east from the prize house to another pool, Surf north to a fourth one then go to the bottom right to find a Star Piece.
– NORTHERN AREA: There’s a Quick Claw on the bottom left of the northwest pool.

– Surf below the fence near the western entrance for Galena City, you’ll find TM35 Flamethrower near the grass area. That ends the Great Backtrack. Return to Amethyst City and head east to Route 812.

[rt812] Route 812


Route 812 sewage plant ext

**HMs Needed: Surf, Cut.

Pokemon Found
Wingull [Water/Flying] (Levels 16-30, Rate 20%)
Staravia [Normal/Flying] (Levels 25-28, Rate 20%)
Electrike [Electric] (Levels 25-28, Rate 10%)
Mightyena [Dark] (Level 27, Rate 10%) {Pecha Berry 5%}
Luxio [Electric] (Level 28, Rate 10%)
Krabby [Water] (Levels 25-28, Rate 10%)
Vulpix [Fire] (Levels 25-28, Rate 5%) {Rawst Berry 50%}
Ledian [Bug/Flying] (Level 27, Rate 5%)
Skiploom [Grass/Flying] (Level 25, Rate 4%)
Swellow [Normal/Flying] (Level 28, Rate 4%)
Ariados [Bug/Poison] (Level 28, Rate 1%)
Psyduck [Water] (Level 30, Rate 1%)
Shellos (West/Pink Form) [Water] (Levels 5-10, Rate 60%)
Tentacool [Water/Poison] (Levels 10-40, Rate 40%)
Magikarp [Water] (Level 5, Rate 70%)
Finneon [Water] (Level 5, Rate 30%)
Horsea [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 60%)
Magikarp [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Krabby [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Horsea [Water] (Levels 15-35, Rate 44%)
Finneon [Water] (Levels 15-25, Rate 40%)
Gyarados [Water/Flying] (Levels 15-25, Rate 15%)
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 25-35, Rate 1%)

Wingull: Keen Eye
Staravia: Intimidate
Electrike: Static/Lightningrod
Mightyena: Intimidate
Luxio: Intimidate
Krabby: Hyper Cutter/Shell Armor
Vulpix: Flash Fire
Ledian: Swarm/Early Bird
Skiploom: Chlorophyll
Ariados: Swarm/Insomnia
Psyduck: Damp/Cloud Nine
Shellos: Sticky Hold
Tentacool: Clear Body/Liquid Ooze
Magikarp: Swift Swim
Gyarados: Intimidate
Finneon: Swift Swim
Horsea: Swift Swim
Krabby: Hyper Cutter/Shell Armor

Before getting onto the main path of this route, Surf east from the Sewers Plant to the northwest beach of the next island. You’ll find a Rare Candy there. Now get onto the main path and land on the south beach, where you’ll see 3 rocks. Check the top rock for a hidden Carbos.

Azure horizons hrm 2021 route 812 carbos

Also on the beach is Liam.

Ace Trainer Liam
Lv28 Stantler [Normal]
Lv30 Porygon2 [Normal]
Prize: P840

There’s an item ball in the grass just northeast from Liam, that’s a Water Stone. While you are there you’ll see a path in the grass going north. There’s a grass-less spot on that path, check it for a hidden Max Ether.

Pokemon azure horizons 4 march 2023 route 812 max ether

To the left from that path is another grass area above a ledge, check the grass-less spot there for a hidden Persim Berry.

Pokemon azure horizons 17 feb 2022 route 812 persim berry

Afterwards continue along the main path north to Route 813.

[rt813] Route 813


Route 813

**HMs Needed: Surf.

Pokemon Found
Tangela [Grass] (Level 22, Rate 20%)
Buneary [Normal] (Level 23, Rate 20%)
Dunsparce [Normal] (Levels 20-25, Rate 20%)
Seviper [Poison] (Level 24, Rate 10%)
Zangoose [Normal] (Level 21, Rate 10%)
Ralts [Psychic/Fairy] (Level 19, Rate 5%)
Mr. Mime [Psychic/Fairy] (Level 26, Rate 5%)
Piloswine [Ice/Ground] (Level 18, Rate 4%) {Aspear Berry 50%/Nevermeltice 5%}
Castform [Normal] (Level 27, Rate 4%) {Mystic Water 100%}
Sneasel [Dark/Ice] (Levels 17-28, Rate 2%)
Seel [Water] (Levels 5-10, Rate 60%) {Aspear Berry 50%}
Shellos (West/Pink Form) [Water] (Levels 10-20, Rate 30%)
Tentacool [Water/Poison] (Levels 20-40, Rate 9%)
Magikarp [Water] (Level 5, Rate 70%)
Finneon [Water] (Level 5, Rate 30%)
Horsea [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 60%)
Magikarp [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Krabby [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Horsea [Water] (Levels 15-25, Rate 40%)
Finneon [Water] (Levels 15-25, Rate 40%)
Gyarados [Water/Flying] (Levels 15-25, Rate 15%)
Seadra [Water] (Levels 25-35, Rate 4%)
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 25-35, Rate 1%)

Tangela: Chlorophyll
Buneary: Run Away
Dunsparce: Serene Grace/Run Away
Seviper: Shed Skin
Zangoose: Immunity
Ralts: Synchronize/Trace
Mr. Mime: Soundproof
Piloswine: Oblivious
Castform: Forecast
Sneasel: Inner Focus/Keen Eye
Seel: Thick Fat
Shellos: Sticky Hold
Tentacool: Clear Body/Liquid Ooze
Horsea: Swift Swim
Seadra: Poison Point
Magikarp: Swift Swim
Gyarados: Intimidate
Finneon: Swift Swim
Krabby: Hyper Cutter/Shell Armor
Psyduck: Damp/Cloud Nine

Swimmer(M) Spencer
Lv29 Seadra [Water]
Lv30 Wailord [Water]
Prize: P120

On the right from Spencer is a sandbar, there’s a hidden Pearl on its south side.

Pokemon azure horizons 4 march 2023 route 813 pearl

North from there are Wade and Rosa. Wade is one of those Fishermen who is packing a full team of Magikarp. I’m pretty sure these Fishermen pop up in every main series Pokemon game 🙂

Fisherman Wade
Lv27 Magikarp [Water]
Lv27 Magikarp [Water]
Lv27 Magikarp [Water]
Lv27 Magikarp [Water]
Lv27 Magikarp [Water]
Lv27 Magikarp [Water]
Prize: P972

Swimmer(F) Rosa
Lv28 Seaking [Water]
Lv28 Lanturn [Water/Electric]
Lv28 Pelipper [Water/Flying]
Prize: P112

You’ll see an small island covered in snow, the first sign of what kind of weather you’re headed for next. Further north is the second entrance to Mt. Origin.

[mtor2] Mt. Origin (Route 813)


Mt. Origin east of dordoran b1f

**HMs Needed: Surf.

Pokemon Found
Zubat [Poison/Flying] (Levels 28-30, Rate 20%)
Geodude [Rock/Ground] (Levels 28-30, Rate 20%)
Swinub [Ice/Ground] (Levels 28-30, Rate 10%) {Aspear Berry 50%}
Seel [Water] (Levels 28-30, Rate 10%) {Aspear Berry 50%}
Golbat [Poison/Flying] (Levels 28-30, Rate 10%)
Spheal [Ice/Water] (Levels 28-30, Rate 10%)
Mankey [Fighting] (Levels 28-30, Rate 5%)
Sealeo [Ice/Water] (Levels 28-30, Rate 5%)
Jynx [Ice/Psychic] (Levels 28-30, Rate 4%)
Piloswine [Ice/Ground] (Levels 28-30, Rate 4%) {Aspear Berry 50%/Nevermeltice 5%}
Delibird [Ice/Flying] (Levels 28-30, Rate 2%)
Wooper [Water/Ground] (Levels 5-25, Rate 64%)
Seel [Water] (Levels 5-35, Rate 30%) {Aspear Berry 50%}
Dewgong [Water/Ice] (Levels 15-25, Rate 5%) {Aspear Berry 50%/Nevermeltice 5%}
Lapras [Water/Ice] (Levels 15-25, Rate 1%)
Magikarp [Water] (Level 5, Rate 100%)
Poliwag [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 60%)
Magikarp [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Sealeo [Ice/Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Shellder [Water] (Levels 15-25, Rate 55%)
Poliwhirl [Water] (Levels 20-30, Rate 40%)
Lapras [Water/Ice] (Levels 15-25, Rate 4%)
Cloyster [Water/Ice] (Levels 25-35, Rate 1%)

Zubat: Inner Focus
Golbat: Inner Focus
Swinub: Oblivious
Piloswine: Oblivious
Seel: Thick Fat
Dewgong: Thick Fat
Spheal: Thick Fat
Sealeo: Thick Fat
Mankey: Vital Spirit
Jynx: Oblivious
Delibird: Vital Spirit/Hustle
Wooper: Damp/Water Absorb
Geodude: Rock Hard/Sturdy
Lapras: Water Absorb/Shell Armor
Magikarp: Swift Swim
Poliwag: Water Absorb/Damp
Poliwhirl: Water Absorb/Damp
Shellder: Shell Armor

-1F- (AREA A)

Hiker Lenny
Lv29 Sableye [Dark/Ghost]
Lv29 Nosepass [Rock]
Lv29 Rhyhorn [Ground/Rock]
Lv30 Graveler [Rock/Ground]
Prize: P1200

Then go for the ladder that is southeast from him.


Just to the south is Ariana and up north there’s Oda.

Lady Ariana
Lv28 Staryu [Water]
Lv28 Shellder [Water]
Lv29 Dewgong [Water/Ice]
Lv29 Delibird [Ice/Flying]
Lv29 Floatzel [Water]
Prize: P2900

Black Belt Oda
Lv29 Machoke [Fighting]
Lv30 Makuhita [Fighting]
Prize: P720

Further south from Ariana is a frozen floor, step onto it from the right side edge then slide to the right, up, right, up, right and down to slide off. If you Surf to the east you’ll see a ladder, it connects to the one in the first Mt. Origin cave that we found after Dordoran City. Surf north instead, you’ll see a Repel on the upper left side, then Surf northeast to the final ladder.

-1F- (AREA B)

Surf across the pool to find Ashton and then the exit.

Super Nerd Ashton
Lv29 Sealeo [Ice/Water]
Lv30 Muk [Poison]
Prize: P1440

[rt814] Route 814


Route 814

Pokemon Found
Seel [Water] (Levels 28-30, Rate 24%) {Aspear Berry 50%}
Snover [Grass/Ice] (Levels 28-30, Rate 20%)
Snorunt [Ice] (Levels 28-30, Rate 10%)
Sneasel [Dark/Ice] (Levels 28-30, Rate 10%)
Swinub [Ice/Ground] (Levels 28-30, Rate 10%) {Aspear Berry 50%}
Piloswine [Ice/Ground] (Levels 28-30, Rate 10%) {Aspear Berry 50%/Nevermeltice 5%}
Spheal [Ice/Water] (Levels 28-30, Rate 5%)
Sealeo [Ice/Water] (Levels 28-30, Rate 5%)
Teddiursa [Normal] (Levels 28-30, Rate 4%) {Oran Berry 50%/Sitrus Berry 5%}
Dewgong [Water/Ice] (Levels 28-30, Rate 1%) {Aspear Berry 50%/Nevermeltice 5%}
Delibird [Ice/Flying] (Levels 28-30, Rate 1%)

Seel: Thick Fat
Dewgong: Thick Fat
Snover: Snow Warning
Snorunt: Inner Focus
Sneasel: Inner Focus/Keen Eye
Swinub: Oblivious
Piloswine: Oblivious
Spheal: Thick Fat
Sealeo: Thick Fat
Teddiursa: Pickup
Delibird: Vital Spirit/Hustle

The first person you see out here is Ruben.

Hiker Ruben
Lv28 Graveler [Rock/Ground]
Lv28 Nosepass [Rock]
Lv28 Pupitar [Rock/Ground]
Prize: P1120

Carry on east to Camila.

Ace Trainer Camila
Lv29 Snover [Grass/Ice]
Lv29 Cloyster [Water/Ice]
Prize: P1044

Just to the right from Camila is part of a fence that has a path going north behind it, follow that path up then northwest to reach a Max Elixir. Back to the main path and continue east until you can go north up a couple of slopes. In between the slopes is Koji and then Heidi is in the middle of the next slope.

Youngster Koji
Lv28 Machop [Fighting]
Lv28 Growlithe [Fire]
Prize: P1232

Lass Heidi
Lv31 Piloswine [Ice/Ground]
Prize: P620

[rt815] Route 815


Route 815

Pokemon Found
Spheal [Ice/Water] (Levels 30-32, Rate 20%)
Sealeo [Ice/Water] (Levels 30-32, Rate 20%)
Snover [Grass/Ice] (Levels 30-33, Rate 15%)
Ralts [Psychic/Fairy] (Levels 30-32, Rate 10%)
Snorunt [Ice] (Levels 30-33, Rate 10%)
Kirlia [Psychic/Fairy] (Levels 30-33, Rate 10%)
Sneasel [Dark/Ice] (Levels 30-33, Rate 5%)
Jynx [Ice/Psychic] (Levels 30-32, Rate 4%)
Teddiursa [Normal] (Levels 30-32, Rate 4%) {Oran Berry 50%/Sitrus Berry 5%}
Delibird [Ice/Flying] (Levels 30-32, Rate 2%)

Spheal: Thick Fat
Sealeo: Thick Fat
Snover: Snow Warning
Ralts: Synchronize/Trace
Kirlia: Synchronize/Trace
Snorunt: Inner Focus
Sneasel: Inner Focus/Keen Eye
Jynx: Oblivious
Teddiursa: Pickup
Delibird: Vital Spirit/Hustle

Ace Trainer Timmy
Lv30 Dewgong [Water/Ice]
Lv31 Sandslash [Ground]
Prize: P868

North from him is Ali and then on the right near a curious looking building is Cale.

Lass Ali
Lv28 Pidgeotto [Normal/Flying]
Lv29 Ledian [Bug/Flying]
Lv29 Noctowl [Normal/Flying]
Prize: P580

Bird Keeper Cale
Lv30 Xatu [Psychic/Flying]
Prize: P720

Check the rock in the grass on the right from him for a hidden Pecha Berry.

Azure horizons hrm 2021 route 815 pecha berry

Then go on up to enter the Team Tundra Hideout. Brace yourself.

[tunh] Team Tundra Hideout
Tundra hideout 1f


Yup, I’m already getting Silph Co. vibes from this place 🙂 if you didn’t enjoy getting through Silph Co. back in the day, well…Anyway,
once you’re inside you can go northwest into a Nurse’s room and heal up if you need to. There are 2 boxes in the corridor above the room, check the top box for a hidden PP Up.

Azure horizons hrm 2021 team tundra hideout 1f pp up

Go back to the entrance area and head north for the field of spinner tiles.

Team Tundra Grunt
Lv31 Mightyena [Dark]
Lv32 Snover [Grass/Ice]
Prize: P3200

Step on the far right tiles, after you stop on the next tile you’ll see spinner tiles pointing east on the upper right corner of your screen. Go step on those and make your way to the southeast room of 1F where you’ll find a Hyper Potion and an Escape Rope.

Team Tundra Grunt
Lv32 Sharpedo [Water/Dark]
Prize: P3200

After that return to the field of spinner tiles and aim for the stationary tile on the left (no idea what these particular tiles are actually called haha, contact me if you know). From there simply go to the upper left one and make your way to the staircase on the north side.

Tundra hideout b1f


You’ll see 4 spinner tiles on the left which are all pointing south. Step on the one which is second from left. After you stop, walk between the spinner tiles to southwest until you reach 2 spinner tiles in line with each other pointing west to a stationary tile. Get to that stationary tile and then you can reach an X Speed in the southwest corner. From there go north between the spinner tiles until you reach one which is pointing to a top stationary tile, reach that stationary tile then simply carry on to the northwest side of B1F. Go to the right side, from here you can see a warp tile between spinner tiles. Get to that warp tile. You’ll be sent to the warp tile on the east side of B1F. After that go for the stationary tile which you can see on the bottom right side of your screen and then simply make your way to the northeast side and the next set of stairs. There’s a Grunt near them who drops some information about Suicune and the Ancient Orb.

Team Tundra Grunt
Lv31 Teddiursa [Normal]
Lv32 Snorunt [Ice]
Prize: P3200

Tundra hideout b2f


Team Tundra Grunt
Lv30 Spheal [Ice/Water]
Lv31 Linoone [Normal]
Lv31 Raticate [Normal]
Prize: P3100

Warp tiles, warp tiles everywhere on this floor. Enter the office on the left behind the Grunt (we’ll call this Office #1), step on the top warp tile to reach Office #2 where you’ll find a Rare Candy between two desks. Return Office #1 and go south to the next office/Office #3 which has 3 warp tiles. Use the top one to access Office #4 where you’ll find TM21 Frustration between 2 beds, quite the appropriate TM for this place. Step on the warp tile which brought you to Office #4, doing this will send you to Office #5 and into a battle.

Team Tundra Grunt
Lv32 Tentacruel [Water/Poison]
Prize: P3200

Check the right side of the glass case for a hidden Nugget then use the bottom right warp tile, it will take you back to 1F and you’ll appear on the northwest side to face another Grunt.

Azure horizons hrm 2021 team tundra hideout b2f nugget

Team Tundra Grunt
Lv32 Sneasel [Dark/Ice]
Lv33 Dewgong [Water/Ice]
Prize: P3300

Tundra hideout 2f


There’s TM49 Snatch on the far left end then the pair of Grunts standing by the entrance to an office.

Team Tundra Grunt
Lv31 Sneasel [Dark/Ice]
Lv33 Dewgong [Water/Ice]
Prize: P3300

Team Tundra Grunt
Lv33 Sharpedo [Water/Dark]
Prize: P3300

In the office there are two hidden items: a Net Ball by the second from right plant and a Nest Ball by the second from left plant.

Azure horizons hrm 2021 team tundra hideout 2f net ball
Azure horizons hrm 2021 team tundra hideout 2f nest ball

Seated on the big couch here is Admin Royce, you should remember him from the Tundra Warehouse. He reveals that Admin Krystal has taken the Ancient Orb to Lake Breeze and is aiming to get Suicune. Royce is just here to keep you busy. Damn…

Tundra Admin Battle
Tundra Admin Royce
((2 Hyper Potions))
Lv35 Raticate [Normal] {Run Away/Guts}
Lv36 Masquerain [Bug/Flying] {Intimidate}
Lv37 Sealeo [Ice/Water] {Thick Fat}
Lv38 Piloswine [Ice/Ground] {Oblivious}
Prize: P1520

RATICATE: Scary Face, Pursuit, Quick Attack, Hyper Fang
MASQUERAIN: Gust, Scary Face, Sweet Scent, Water Sport
SEALEO: Ice Ball, Aurora Beam, Body Slam, Hail
PILOSWINE: Take Down, Endure, Odor Sleuth, Fury Attack

Royce and his group leave for the lake. We’ll make our way there eventually but for now exit the building and continue going north.

Camper Shane
Lv29 Raticate [Normal]
Lv30 Lunatone [Rock/Psychic]
Prize: P600

Straight north from him is TM45 Attract in some grass. Before you get into the grass on the right, Tundra Boss Frost shows up and welcomes you to his hometown of Crevasse City which is just up ahead. Royce told him about your actions in the hideout, but Frost isn’t bothered because his team is on top of their big plan…and if it succeeds, the entire region will look like the snow-covered routes that you’ve walked through so far! Even if this will affect many people and Pokemon, Frost is going ahead with the plan and he hopes you won’t get in the way. He has just given you plenty of reasons to get in the way, so… 🙂 After Frost leaves, continue north to Reli and the city.

Ace Trainer Reli
Lv31 Snorunt [Ice]
Lv32 Glaceon [Ice]
Prize: P896

[crevc] Crevasse City
Crevasse city

The City of Snow.

Places of Interest
Pokemon Center
Crevasse City Mart
Crevasse City Gym
(Super Rod) Fishing Guru’s House

Poke Ball P200
Great Ball P600
Ultra Ball P1200
Luxury Ball P1000
Potion P300
Super Potion P700
Hyper Potion P1200
Revive P1500
Antidote P100
Parlyz Heal P200
Awakening P250
Burn Heal P250
Ice Heal P250
Full Heal P600
EnergyPowder P500
Energy Root P800
Heal Powder P450
Escape Rope P550
Repel P350
Super Repel P500
Max Repel P700
Fab Mail P50

It’s a big place that we find here but only a few places that are worth visiting:

On the second slope, eastern house, lives the final Fishing Guru. At the center of this area is a meteorite which can change the forms of Deoxys, make a note of this.

On the third slope, western house, lives an old man who previously gave away a Glaceon but now he sells these items:

Ice Stone P2100
Nevermeltice P100
EnergyPowder P500
Energy Root P800
Heal Powder P450
Revival Herb P2800

Funny enough, after you purchase stuff from him he says that he and his wife haven’t saved enough money to help a Glaceon which is too old. I tried buying each of the items to see if that changes the dialogue but there was no change. His wife is on left side of the city’s highest slope and also brings up Glaceon. Even after I bought “some stuff” from her husband there’s no change in dialogue, so I’m not sure if there’s a specific amount of the items that must be bought in order to trigger something new. If you discover anything, please contact me as soon as you can:

Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @MrTKAllen
Pokemon Community: Allen Ceedos
Reddit: Allen_Cee07

By the Gym entrance you’ll find Terry, he has just finished challenging the place and the most trouble he had was with the Gym puzzle 🙂 It’s an Ice-type Gym so you can expect some kind of frozen floor puzzle to be there. Rather than wait for you to get through the Gym too, Terry wants a battle right now.

Rival Battle

{(If Terry chose Piplup)}

Rival Terry
((2 Hyper Potions))
Lv36 Bronzong [Steel/Psychic] {Levitate}
Lv36 Dodrio [Normal/Flying] {Run Away/Early Bird}
Lv37 Slaking [Normal] {Truant}
Lv37 Ludicolo [Water/Grass] {Swift Swim/Rain Dish}
Lv39 Empoleon [Water/Steel] {Torrent}
Prize: P1404

BRONZONG: Sunny Day, Confuse Ray, Psychic, Iron Defense
DODRIO: Pursuit, Fury Attack, Tri Attack, Rage
SLAKING: Amnesia, Covet, Swagger, Counter
LUDICOLO: Growl, Mega Drain, Nature Power, Astonish
EMPOLEON: Bubblebeam, Fury Attack, Whirlpool, Mist

{(If Terry chose Turtwig)}

Rival Terry
((2 Hyper Potions))
Lv36 Glalie [Ice] {Inner Focus}
Lv36 Dodrio [Normal/Flying] {Run Away/Early Bird}
Lv37 Grumpig [Psychic] {Thick Fat/Own Tempo}
Lv37 Lanturn [Water/Electric] {Volt Absorb/Illuminate}
Lv39 Torterra [Grass/Ground] {Overgrow}
Prize: P1404

GLALIE: Headbutt, Protect, Crunch, Ice Beam
DODRIO: Pursuit, Fury Attack, Tri Attack, Rage
GRUMPIG: Magic Coat, Rest, Snore, Psychic
LANTURN: Flail, Water Gun, Spark, Confuse Ray
TORTERRA: Bite, Mega Drain, Leech Seed, Synthesis

{(If Terry chose Chimchar)}

Rival Terry
((2 Hyper Potions))
Lv36 Empoleon [Water/Steel] {Torrent}
Lv36 Dodrio [Normal/Flying] {Run Away/Early Bird}
Lv37 Ursaring [Normal] {Guts}
Lv37 Shiftry [Grass/Dark] {Chlorophyll/Early Bird}
Lv39 Infernape [Fire/Fighting] {Blaze}
Prize: P1404

EMPOLEON: Bubblebeam, Swagger, Fury Attack, Whirlpool
DODRIO: Pursuit, Fury Attack, Tri Attack, Rage
URSARING: Sweet Scent, Play Rough, Slash, Scary Face
SHIFTRY: Pound, Growth, Harden, Nature Power
INFERNAPE: Ember, Taunt, Flame Wheel, Signal Beam

And the quest to defeat you continues for Terry 🙂 yup, he’ll get there someday…

[g6] Crevasse City Gym
Crevasse city gym

Leader: Cole – “Tough as an Iceberg.

Indeed there is a frozen floor puzzle here, but with a twist: there are holes in the floor and snowballs next to them. You’ll use the snowballs to patch up the holes a little later because all the Gym Trainers are in the basement, so drop through one of the first holes and meet them. Starting from the south side here they are:

Ace Trainer Amadaeo
((1 Full Restore))
Lv31 Snorunt [Ice]
Lv31 Snover [Grass/Ice]
Lv31 Sealeo [Ice/Water]
Lv31 Dewgong [Water/Ice]
Prize: P868

Ace Trainer Natalya
((1 Full Restore))
Lv33 Swinub [Ice/Ground]
Lv33 Sneasel [Dark/Ice]
Lv33 Piloswine [Ice/Ground]
Prize: P924

Ace Trainer Jimmy
((1 Full Restore))
Lv35 Sneasel [Dark/Ice]
Lv35 Cloyster [Water/Ice]
Prize: P980

Ace Trainer Shannon
((1 Full Restore))
Lv34 Snover [Grass/Ice]
Lv34 Dewgong [Water/Ice]
Prize: P952

Ace Trainer Stacy
((1 Full Restore))
Lv34 Jynx [Ice/Psychic]
Prize: P952

Ace Trainer Shawn
((1 Full Restore))
Lv34 Piloswine [Ice/Ground]
Prize: P952

Ace Trainer Horatio (if only it was THAT Horatio haha, YEEEAAAAH!)
((1 Full Restore))
Lv33 Sneasel [Dark/Ice]
Lv34 Sealeo [Ice/Water]
Lv34 Sealeo [Ice/Water]
Prize: P952

Climb the ladder back to the main room. In the ZIP/RAR file which contains the walkthrough and screenshots I’m going to include a short video clip showing the solution for this puzzle, which will be much easier than trying to guide you in text form. Or you can watch the clip down below:

Gym Battle
Leader Cole
((2 Hyper Potions + 1 Full Heal))
Lv37 Sneasel [Dark/Ice] {Inner Focus}
Lv38 Glalie [Ice] {Inner Focus}
Lv40 Walrein [Ice/Water] {Thick Fat}
Lv38 Piloswine [Ice/Ground] {Oblivious}
Prizes: P4000 + Frost Badge + TM13 Ice Beam

SNEASEL: Shadow Ball, Brick Break, Aerial Ace, —
GLALIE: Ice Beam, Crunch, Earthquake, —
WALREIN: Surf, Crunch, Ice Beam, —
PILOSWINE: Earthquake, Rock Slide, Body Slam, —

Rock Smash can finally be used outside of battles and Pokemon will obey you up to Level 70. Now you can return to the desert and smash rocks for Fossils, remember that there are just 7 kinds of Fossils to be found (Armor Fossil, Dome Fossil, Claw Fossil, Helix Fossil, Root Fossil, Skull Fossil, Old Amber) and that Dr. Fossil who can revive them lives in Dordoran City. The Fossils are randomised and you won’t always get one after smashing a rock so you might have to keep returning to the desert to get the complete collection. The cool thing about Dr. Fossil is that his revival is instant and if you don’t have space in your party the Pokemon are sent to PC.

When you’re done and ready, return to Gordian Town and head south. It’s time for us to finally explore the rest of Route 822. Bring a Pokemon that knows Rock Smash.

[rt822] Route 822


Route 822

**HMs Needed: Surf.

Pokemon Found
Tentacool [Water/Poison] (Levels 20-30, Rate 60%)
Wingull [Water/Flying] (Levels 20-30, Rate 30%)
Tentacruel [Water/Poison] (Levels 20-40, Rate 5%)
Pelipper [Water/Flying] (Levels 20-40, Rate 4%)
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 20-40, Rate 1%)
Magikarp [Water] (Level 5, Rate 100%)
Horsea [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 60%)
Magikarp [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Krabby [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Horsea [Water] (Levels 15-25, Rate 80%)
Gyarados [Water/Flying] (Levels 15-25, Rate 15%)
Seadra [Water] (Levels 25-35, Rate 4%)
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 25-35, Rate 1%)

Tentacool: Clear Body/Liquid Ooze
Tentacruel: Clear Body/Liquid Ooze
Wingull: Keen Eye
Pelipper: Keen Eye
Psyduck: Damp/Cloud Nine
Magikarp: Swift Swim
Gyarados: Intimidate
Horsea: Swift Swim
Seadra: Poison Point
Krabby: Hyper Cutter/Shell Armor

As you Surf south you’ll meet the following:

Swimmer(F) Alice
Lv30 Seaking [Water]
Lv30 Gyarados [Water/Flying]
Prize: P120

Swimmer(M) David
Lv29 Goldeen [Water]
Lv29 Cloyster [Water/Ice]
Lv29 Luvdisc [Water]
Prize: P116

Swimmer(M) Matthew
Lv30 Krabby [Water]
Lv30 Poliwrath [Water/Fighting]
Prize: P120

Swimmer(M) Richard
Lv30 Tentacool [Water/Poison]
Lv31 Mantine [Water/Flying]
Prize: P124

Swimmer(F) Anya
Lv31 Pelipper [Water/Flying]
Lv32 Seaking [Water]
Prize: P128

Sis & Bro Lia & Luc
Lv30 Dewgong [Water/Ice]
Lv30 Vaporeon [Water]
Prize: P240

Swimmer(M) Axle
Lv32 Tentacruel [Water/Poison]
Prize: P128

Swimmer(M) Reece
Lv29 Goldeen [Water]
Lv29 Horsea [Water]
Lv31 Starmie [Water/Psychic]
Prize: P124

Swimmer(M) Douglas
Lv32 Kingdra [Water/Dragon]
Prize: P128

Swimmer(M) Tony
Lv31 Seadra [Water]
Lv32 Quagsire [Water/Ground]
Prize: P128

Swimmer(F) Connie
Lv31 Corsola [Water/Rock]
Lv32 Sharpedo [Water/Dark]
Lv32 Starmie [Water/Psychic]
Prize: P128

[rt821] Route 821


Route 821

**HMs Needed: Surf.

Pokemon Found
Tentacool [Water/Poison] (Levels 5-10, Rate 60%)
Shellos (West/Pink Form) [Water] (Levels 10-20, Rate 30%)
Wingull [Water/Flying] (Levels 20-30, Rate 5%)
Carvanha [Water/Dark] (Levels 30-35, Rate 4%)
Sharpedo [Water/Dark] (Levels 35-40, Rate 1%) {Deepseatooth 5%}
Magikarp [Water] (Level 5, Rate 70%)
Finneon [Water] (Level 5, Rate 30%)
Horsea [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 60%)
Magikarp [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Shellder [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%) {Pearl 50%/Big Pearl 5%}
Horsea [Water] (Levels 15-25, Rate 40%)
Finneon [Water] (Levels 15-25, Rate 40%)
Shellder [Water] (Levels 15-25, Rate 15%) {Pearl 50%/Big Pearl 5%}
Clamperl [Water] (Levels 25-35, Rate 4%) {Blue Shard 5%}
Relicanth [Water/Rock] (Levels 25-35, Rate 1%) {Green Shard 5%}

Tentacool: Clear Body/Liquid Ooze
Shellos: Sticky Hold
Wingull: Keen Eye
Carvanha: Rough Skin
Sharpedo: Rough Skin
Magikarp: Swift Swim
Finneon: Swift Swim
Horsea: Swift Swim
Shellder: Shell Armor
Clamperl: Shell Armor
Relicanth: Swift Swim/Rock Head

There’s a detour that leads southwest then west, follow it.

Swimmer(F) Tiffany
Lv36 Lapras [Water/Ice]
Prize: P144

Swimmer(M) Dean
Lv36 Walrein [Ice/Water]
Prize: P144

Bird Keeper Roger
Lv35 Skarmory [Steel/Flying]
Lv36 Noctowl [Normal/Flying]
Prize: P864

Picnicker Missy
Lv35 Lumineon [Water]
Lv36 Wailord [Water]
Prize: P720

Swimmer(F) Melissa
Lv34 Gyarados [Water/Flying]
Lv36 Sharpedo [Water/Dark]
Prize: P144

The little detour leads to the entrance to the Eon Chamber. At the end of the short path just to the right of the breakable rock is a hidden Stardust.

Azure horizons hrm 2021 route 821 stardust
[eonc] Eon Chamber
Eon chamber

Pokemon Found
Zubat [Poison/Flying] (Levels 30-36, Rate 32%)
Golbat [Poison/Flying] (Level 30, Rate 20%)
Graveler [Rock/Ground] (Level 34, Rate 10%) {Hard Stone 5%}
Meditite [Fighting/Psychic] (Level 34, Rate 10%)
Geodude [Rock/Ground] (Level 32, Rate 10%)
Sableye [Dark/Ghost] (Level 36, Rate 5%)
Medicham [Fighting/Psychic] (Level 34, Rate 5%)
Mawile [Steel/Fairy] (Level 34, Rate 4%)

Zubat: Inner Focus
Golbat: Inner Focus
Geodude: Rock Hard/Sturdy
Graveler: Rock Hard/Sturdy
Meditite: Pure Power
Medicham: Pure Power
Sableye: Keen Eye
Mawile: Hyper Cutter/Intimidate

A small room that is occupied by wild Pokemon and the Legendary Latios! Catch it if you can 🙂

Pokemon azure horizons 4 march 2023 latios

LATIOS – The Eon Pokemon
Level: 40
Type: Dragon/Psychic
Ability: Levitate
Moves: Water Sport, Refresh, Mist Ball, Psychic

Nice surprise there. Return to the main path of this route and carry on east.

Swimmer(F) Shirley
Lv34 Seaking [Water]
Lv34 Croconaw [Water]
Lv35 Whiscash [Water/Ground]
Prize: P140

Past her is Darrin and then Barry.

Swimmer(M) Darrin
Lv33 Wailord [Water]
Lv33 Seadra [Water]
Lv34 Starmie [Water/Psychic]
Prize: P136

Swimmer(M) Barry
Lv33 Quagsire [Water/Ground]
Lv34 Cloyster [Water/Ice]
Prize: P136

[rt820] Route 820


Route 820

**HMs Needed: Surf.

Pokemon Found
Tentacool [Water/Poison] (Levels 5-35, Rate 60%)
Shellder [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 30%)
Wingull [Water/Flying] (Levels 35-40, Rate 5%)
Tentacruel [Water/Poison] (Levels 35-40, Rate 4%)
Clamperl [Water] (Levels 35-40, Rate 1%) {Blue Shard 5%}
Magikarp [Water] (Level 5, Rate 100%)
Horsea [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 80%)
Magikarp [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Clamperl [Water] (Levels 15-35, Rate 41%) {Blue Shard 5%}
Qwilfish [Water/Poison] (Levels 15-25, Rate 40%)
Gyarados [Water/Flying] (Levels 15-25, Rate 15%)
Seadra [Water] (Levels 25-35, Rate 4%)

Tentacool: Clear Body/Liquid Ooze
Tentacruel: Clear Body/Liquid Ooze
Shellder: Shell Armor
Wingull: Keen Eye
Clamperl: Shell Armor
Magikarp: Swift Swim
Gyarados: Intimidate
Horsea: Swift Swim
Seadra: Poison Point
Qwilfish: Poison Point/Swift Swim

The first island you’ll find here is occupied by The Chaz 🙂

Fisherman Chaz
Lv36 Kingler [Water]
Prize: P1296

There’s a hidden Sitrus Berry at the center of the island.

Azure horizons hrm 2021 route 820 sitrus berry

Just to the right from the island is a path between the rocks, follow it as it goes southeast then turns north to another island. Dorothy the former pirate is on the island and now she is the HM Waterfall Master. Maybe in a certain franchise she would still be a pirate and have Devil Fruit powers, eh?

HM Master Battle
Pokemon Trainer Dorothy
((3 Full Restores))
Lv39 Qwilfish [Water/Poison] {Poison Point/Swift Swim}
Lv41 Dragonair [Dragon] {Shed Skin}
Lv43 Swampert [Water/Ground] {Torrent}
Lv45 Gyarados [Water/Flying] {Intimidate} (Mystic Water)
Prizes: P1080 + HM07 Waterfall

QWILFISH: Toxic, Poison Tail, Pin Missile, Waterfall
DRAGONAIR: Waterfall, Dragonbreath, Flamethrower, Dragon Dance
SWAMPERT: Waterfall, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Slash
GYARADOS: Waterfall, Flamethrower, Crunch, Bounce

You’ll need to defeat Galena Gym Leader Andre first before Waterfall is usable outside battles, that’s the slightly bad news…but the good news is you now have all the HMs which are in the game 🙂 great success. Surf back onto the main path and continue south.

Swimmer(F) Lylia
Lv35 Starmie [Water/Psychic]
Lv36 Milotic [Water]
Prize: P144

On the island between Lylia and Milo there’s a hidden Bluk Berry near the center.

Azure horizons hrm 2021 route 820 bluk berry

Swimmer(M) Milo
Lv35 Seadra [Water]
Lv37 Huntail [Water]
Prize: P148

[polarc] Polaris City
Polaris city

Where the land ends & the sea begins.

**HMs Needed: Surf.

Places of Interest
Pokemon Center
Polaris City Mart
Polaris City Gym
Polaris Market

Poke Ball P200
Great Ball P600
Ultra Ball P1200
Potion P300
Super Potion P700
Hyper Potion P1200
Revive P1500
Antidote P100
Parlyz Heal P200
Awakening P250
Burn Heal P250
Ice Heal P250
Full Heal P600
Lava Cookie P200
Escape Rope P550
Ether P1200
Repel P350
Super Repel P500
Max Repel P700
Wave Mail P50

Pokemon Found
Tentacool [Water/Poison] (Levels 15-35, Rate 65%)
Wailmer [Water] (Levels 15-35, Rate 30%)
Wingull [Water/Flying] (Levels 25-35, Rate 4%)
Pelipper [Water/Flying] (Levels 25-35, Rate 1%)
Magikarp [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 70%)
Shellder [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 30%) {Pearl 50%/Big Pearl 5%}
Clamperl [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 60%) {Blue Shard 5%}
Chinchou [Water/Electric] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%) {Yellow Shard 5%}
Magikarp [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Luvdisc [Water] (Levels 15-25, Rate 40%) {Heart Scale 50%}
Shellder [Water] (Levels 15-25, Rate 40%) {Pearl 50%/Big Pearl 5%}
Clamperl [Water] (Levels 15-25, Rate 15%) {Blue Shard 5%}
Lanturn [Water/Electric] (Levels 25-35, Rate 4%) {Yellow Shard 5%}
Relicanth [Water/Rock] (Levels 25-35, Rate 1%) {Green Shard 5%}

Tentacool: Clear Body/Liquid Ooze
Wailmer: Water Veil/Oblivious
Wingull: Keen Eye
Pelipper: Keen Eye
Magikarp: Swift Swim
Shellder: Shell Armor
Clamperl: Shell Armor
Chinchou: Volt Absorb/Illuminate
Lanturn: Volt Absorb/Illuminate
Luvdisc: Swift Swim
Relicanth: Swift Swim/Rock Head

Welcome to the home of the final Gym…which is currently being rebuilt according to the woman standing by the entrance. If you Fly back to Galena City now you’ll find out that Andre has returned to the Gym and is ready for challengers, so let’s go take care of that first then come back and explore Polaris.

[g7] Galena City Gym
Galena city gym

Leader: Andre – “The Iron-Hearted Sailor!

North of the entrance are the first 2 Gym Trainers and then a 3rd on a platform that can’t be reached yet. Defeating the 2 Gym Trainers will create bridges that lead to the east and west sides.

Ace Trainer Colin
((1 Full Restore))
Lv36 Lairon [Steel/Rock]
Lv38 Lairon [Steel/Rock]
Lv38 Steelix [Steel/Ground]
Prize: P1064

Sailor Rich
Lv37 Pelipper [Water/Flying]
Lv38 Skarmory [Steel/Flying]
Prize: P760

On the east side there’s Tyler and Sylvie.

Sailor Tyler
Lv42 Steelix [Steel/Ground]
Prize: P840

Ace Trainer Sylvie
((1 Full Restore))
Lv42 Scizor [Bug/Steel]
Prize: P1176

On the west side there’s Tyrell and Jessica.

Ace Trainer Tyrell
((1 Full Restore))
Lv36 Shieldon [Rock/Steel]
Lv40 Metang [Steel/Psychic]
Lv38 Forretress [Bug/Steel]
Prize: P1120

Ace Trainer Jessica
((1 Full Restore))
Lv36 Magneton [Electric/Steel]
Lv34 Lairon [Steel/Rock]
Lv34 Metang [Steel/Psychic]
Lv34 Mawile [Steel/Fairy]
Prize: P952

The middle guy can be reached now, he’s Geoffery.

Sailor Geoffery
Lv37 Pelipper [Water/Flying]
Lv38 Lairon [Steel/Rock]
Prize: P760

Now that he’s back from his Sinnoh adventure, let’s see if Andre’s training has paid off.

Gym Battle
Leader Andre
((2 Hyper Potions + 1 Full Heal))
Lv40 Steelix [Steel/Ground] {Rock Head/Sturdy}
Lv44 Metagross [Steel/Psychic] {Clear Body}
Lv42 Aggron [Steel/Rock] {Sturdy/Rock Head}
Lv42 Skarmory [Steel/Flying] {Keen Eye/Sturdy}
Prizes: P4400 + Iron Badge + TM23 Iron Tail

STEELIX: Iron Tail, Sandstorm, Rock Slide, Earthquake
METAGROSS: Thunder Wave, Psychic, Earthquake, Meteor Mash
AGGRON: Thunder Wave, Rock Slide, Earthquake, Iron Tail
SKARMORY: Toxic, Spikes, Drill Peck, Steel Wing

And there you go, usage of Waterfall has been granted. Max Potions (P2500 each) are now available at Marts and you have enough Badges to qualify for the Galena Lighthouse challenge! Get ready.



Sailor Edmond
Lv40 Machoke [Fighting]
Lv42 Cloyster [Water/Ice]
Prize: P1344

Sailor Trevor
Lv41 Wailord [Water]
Lv42 Huntail [Water]
Prize: P1344


Sailor Philip
Lv44 Gyarados [Water/Flying]
Prize: P1408

Sailor Huey
Lv41 Pelipper [Water/Flying]
Lv43 Starmie [Water/Psychic]
Prize: P1376


Sailor Dylan
Lv41 Sharpedo [Water/Dark]
Lv41 Whiscash [Water/Ground]
Lv43 Kingdra [Water/Dragon]
Prize: P1376

Waiting ahead of him is Andre and the guardian of the Lighthouse – Manaphy! In older versions it was an Empoleon, which you might have as a Starter by now 🙂 Andre and company found Manaphy’s egg in Sinnoh and after it hatched, Manaphy has been training at the Lighthouse all along. Now it is ready to leave and find stronger opponents, so Andre has been looking for a worthy Trainer to become Manaphy’s partner. Accept the challenge and prove yourself.

Trainer Battle
Gym Leader Andre
((3 Hyper Potions))
Lv47 Manaphy [Water] {Serene Grace} (Mystic Water)
Prize: P4700

MANAPHY: Surf, Acid Armor, Tail Glow, Psychic

Afterwards Andre confirms that Manaphy is interested in teaming up with you and you receive the Mythical Pokemon 🙂

MANAPHY – The Seafaring Pokemon
Level: 47
Type: Water
Ability: Serene Grace
Moves: Bubblebeam, Acid Armor, Whirlpool, Water Pulse

And for those of you who might be wondering, yes Phione is obtainable in the game but just not by the usual method of leaving Ditto and Manaphy at the Day-Care to get its Egg. If you find out how to get Phione, please contact me as soon as you can.

Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @MrTKAllen
Pokemon Community: Allen Ceedos
Reddit: Allen_Cee07

Exit the Lighthouse and before we go back to Polaris City, there’s one place where you can use Waterfall. Also bring Pokemon that can use Flash, Rock Smash and Strength.

[tgb3] The Short Backtrack: Waterfall Edition

– Surf east from the bridge and north along the stream, up the waterfall and you’ll see a Nugget on the right side bank.

– Above the waterfall is a ladder that leads to another frozen area of the mountain.

Mt. Origin 2f


Pokemon Found
Geodude [Rock/Ground] (Levels 35-37, Rate 24%)
Zubat [Poison/Flying] (Level 36, Rate 20%)
Seel [Water] (Level 37, Rate 10%) {Aspear Berry 50%}
Spheal [Ice/Water] (Level 36, Rate 10%)
Snorunt [Ice] (Level 35, Rate 10%)
Machop [Fighting] (Level 37, Rate 10%)
Sneasel [Dark/Ice] (Level 36, Rate 5%)
Onix [Rock/Ground] (Level 33, Rate 5%) {Hard Stone 5%}
Sealeo [Ice/Water] (Level 35, Rate 4%)
Jynx [Ice/Psychic] (Levels 35-37, Rate 1%)
Geodude [Rock/Ground] (Levels 5-10, Rate 60%)
Graveler [Rock/Ground] (Levels 10-20, Rate 30%) {Hard Stone 5%}
Larvitar [Rock/Ground] (Levels 20-35, Rate 9%)
Pupitar [Rock/Ground] (Levels 35-40, Rate 1%)
Magikarp [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 64%)
Buizel [Water] (Level 5, Rate 30%)
Shellos (West/Pink Form) [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 5%)
Goldeen [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 1%)
Magikarp [Water] (Levels 5-10, Rate 70%)
Finneon [Water] (Levels 5-10, Rate 30%)
Horsea [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 80%)
Magikarp [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Finneon [Water] (Levels 15-25, Rate 40%)
Qwilfish [Water/Poison] (Levels 15-25, Rate 40%)
Gyarados [Water/Flying] (Levels 15-25, Rate 15%)
Mantyke [Water/Flying] (Levels 25-35, Rate 4%)
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 25-35, Rate 1%)

Geodude: Rock Hard/Sturdy
Graveler: Rock Hard/Sturdy
Zubat: Inner Focus
Seel: Thick Fat
Spheal: Thick Fat
Sealeo: Thick Fat
Snorunt: Inner Focus
Machop: Guts
Onix: Rock Head/Sturdy
Jynx: Oblivious
Larvitar: Guts
Pupitar: Shed Skin
Magikarp: Swift Swim
Gyarados: Intimidate
Buizel: Swift Swim
Shellos: Sticky Hold
Goldeen: Swift Swim/Water Veil
Finneon: Swift Swim
Horsea: Swift Swim
Qwilfish: Poison Point/Swift Swim
Mantyke: (No Ability)/Water Absorb
Psyduck: Damp/Cloud Nine

You are currently in the northeast section of the area. Just on the left is a frozen floor, I’ll record a video clip showing how to navigate through that brief puzzle and arrive next to a ladder that leads to a chamber which is occupied by Jirachi.

Pokemon azure horizons 4 march 2023 jirachi

JIRACHI – The Wish Pokemon
Level: 30
Type: Steel/Psychic
Ability: Serene Grace
Moves: Helping Hand, Psychic, Refresh, Rest
Item Held: Star Piece

Nice, you won’t have to wait 1000 years to make a wish AND no need to hunt for Dragon Balls either 🙂 Afterwards exit the chamber and in the frozen area, get to the southeastern section. There’s an Ice Stone in the bottom right corner. Then move to the south section, you’ll find a Max Ether on the island in the middle of the pool there. In the southwest section is a second frozen floor, get onto the ice from the bottom right edge of the floor and slide to the left, up, left and down to reach the exit that you’ll see below.

[mtop] Mt. Origin (Peak)


Mt 1

**HMs Needed: Strength, Rock Smash.

Pokemon Found
Snover [Grass/Ice] (Level 30, Rate 20%)
Machop [Fighting] (Level 38, Rate 20%)
Spoink [Psychic] (Level 33, Rate 10%)
Ursaring [Normal] (Level 32, Rate 10%) {Oran Berry 50%/Sitrus Berry 5%}
Stantler [Normal] (Level 35, Rate 10%)
Delibird [Ice/Flying] (Level 33, Rate 10%)
Gligar [Ground/Flying] (Level 36, Rate 5%)
Rhyhorn [Ground/Rock] (Level 40, Rate 5%)
Sneasel [Dark/Ice] (Level 30, Rate 4%)
Absol [Dark] (Level 39, Rate 4%)
Snorunt [Ice] (Level 30, Rate 1%)
Lairon [Steel/Rock] (Level 42, Rate 1%) {Hard Stone 5%}
Geodude [Rock/Ground] (Levels 5-30, Rate 95%)
Graveler [Rock/Ground] (Levels 25-40, Rate 5%) {Hard Stone 5%}

Snover: Snow Warning
Machop: Guts
Spoink: Thick Fat/Own Tempo
Ursaring: Guts
Stantler: Intimidate
Delibird: Vital Spirit/Hustle
Gligar: Hyper Cutter/Sand Veil
Rhyhorn: Lightningrod/Rock Head
Sneasel: Inner Focus/Keen Eye
Absol: Pressure
Snorunt: Inner Focus
Lairon: Sturdy/Rock Hard
Geodude: Rock Hard/Sturdy
Graveler: Rock Hard/Sturdy

I imagine the view from up here must be incredible. Not a bad place from a big final battle against Frost too. You’ll see a Hiker on the right, he is the Explosion Tutor. Head all the way to the southwest side and climb onto the next slope. Skip the first set of steps that you’ll see on the right, climb the next set onto slope #3 and just carry on going north to the top. There you’ll find an old man instead of what might usually be found out here, a Legendary Pokemon. Why the old man though? Who is this guy anyway? Well, he claims to have been here for 30 years and has mastered the skill of communication with Legendary Pokemon (?!). Wow, as far as I know not even legendary Trainers like Red have that skill. The old man offers to summon Legendary Pokemon to this region for the low, low price of P5000. You only need to pay him once and then all that’s left is to search across the region for the Pokemon, because even the old man doesn’t know where they’ve landed exactly. If he gave out hints or little riddles or some kind of Key Item that can be used to track the Pokemon down that would’ve cool. From the old man’s platform, go the left and climb down to the slope below. Move through the grass to the top left corner, a hidden Ultra Ball is there.

Pokemon azure horizons 4 march 2023 mt. Origin peak ultra ball

Climb down to the next slope, you’ll see an entrance back into the frozen 2F area on the right but skip it and go down the steps to the next slope then move down through the grass to the bottom right. There’s a hidden Fire Stone at the end.

Pokemon azure horizons 4 march 2023 mt. Origin peak fire stone

That’s all as far as Mt. Origin’s Peak goes and the minor backtrack run is done too, so return to Polaris City and let’s check that out before visiting the Gym.

The Polaris Market is on the northeastern side of the city.


Big Mushroom P5000
Macho Brace P3000
Exp. Share P3000

TM01 Focus Punch – P3000 TM11 Sunny Day – P2000
TM02 Dragon Claw – P3000 TM12 Taunt – P3000
TM03 Water Pulse – P3000 TM13 Ice Beam – P3000
TM04 Calm Mind – P3000 TM14 Blizzard – P5500
TM05 Roar – P1000 TM15 Hyper Beam – P7500
TM06 Toxic – P3000 TM16 Light Screen – P3000
TM07 Hail – P3000 TM17 Protect – P3000
TM08 Bulk Up – P3000 TM18 Rain Dance – P2000
TM09 Silver Wind – P3000 TM19 Giga Drain – P3000
TM10 Hidden Power – P3000 TM20 Safeguard – P3000

TM21 Frustration – P1000 TM31 Brick Break – P3000
TM22 Solarbeam – P3000 TM32 Double Team – P2000
TM23 Iron Tail – P3000 TM33 Reflect – P3000
TM24 Thunderbolt – P3000 TM34 Shock Wave – P3000
TM25 Thunder – P5500 TM35 Flamethrower – P3000
TM26 Earthquake – P3000 TM36 Sludge Bomb – P1000
TM27 Return – P1000 TM37 Sandstorm – P2000
TM28 Dig – P2000 TM38 Fire Blast – P5500
TM29 Psychic – P2000 TM39 Rock Tomb – P3000
TM30 Shadow Ball – P3000 TM40 Aerial Ace – P3000

TM41 Torment – P3000
TM42 Facade – P3000
TM43 Secret Power – P3000
TM44 Rest – P3000
TM45 Attract – P3000
TM46 Thief – P3000
TM47 Steel Wing – P3000
TM48 Skill Swap – P3000
TM49 Snatch – P3000
TM50 Overheat – P3000

[P2100 each]
Sun Stone
Leaf Stone
Moon Stone
Shiny Stone
Fire Stone
Dusk Stone
Thunder Stone
Dawn Stone
Water Stone
Ice Stone

The woman at the top end of the right side counter is a former employee from the Day-Care and sells rare Eggs for P1000 each. You can buy as many as you want at a time. Eevee and the Kanto, Johto and Hoenn Starters are examples of what will hatch from these Eggs. The minor bad news is the Eggs are randomised so may good fortune be with you. Make a note of the bookshelf, when examined you are told that it seems a bit off. Hmm.

On the southern edge of town is a small cave which is empty at the moment. Make a note to check it out later. On the left from the cave entrance is a space of land where you’ll find a hidden Max Revive.

Azure horizons hrm 2021 polaris city max revive

Next to that Max Revive spot is a canal, Surf north along the canal to a Camper who wants a Nevermeltice (so he can make some ice cream…) and in exchange for it he’ll give you a Secret Key. Apparently it’s related to the Polaris Market. Interesting. Return to the Market and this time you’ll find a keyhole in the bookshelf. Use the Secret Key and unlock a storage room that contains boxes which have the appliances for Rotom’s forms. Great, and yet we still haven’t encountered any Rotom in the wild or in Trainer battles 🙂

The Gym is still under reconstruction and the next route is Route 819 which is to the east from the city. So let’s search for those Legendary Pokemon then check out Route 819.


On the north side of the route is Zapdos!

Pokemon azure horizons 4 march 2023 zapdos

ZADPOS – The Electric Pokemon
Level: 50
Type: Electric/Flying
Ability: Pressure
Moves: Thunder Wave, Agility, Detect, Drill Peck

Just outside, next to the entrance is Raikou!

Pokemon azure horizons 4 march 2023 raikou

RAIKOU – The Thunder Pokemon
Level: 50
Type: Electric
Ability: Pressure
Moves: Thundershock, Roar, Quick Attack, Spark

In the western section among some trees there’s Celebi!

Pokemon azure horizons 4 march 2023 celebi

CELEBI – The Time Travel Pokemon
Level: 30
Type: Psychic/Grass
Ability: Natural Cure
Moves: Aura Sphere, Safeguard, Ancient Power, Future Sight
Item: Lum Berry

The northwestern area where TM Rain Dance is found, you’ll see Entei there now.

Pokemon azure horizons 4 march 2023 entei

ENTEI – The Volcano Pokemon
Level: 50
Type: Fire
Ability: Pressure
Moves: Ember, Roar, Fire Spin, Stomp

Near some fence poles on the south side of the route there’s Articuno!

Pokemon azure horizons 4 march 2023 articuno

ARTICUNO – The Freeze Pokemon
Level: 50
Type: Ice/Flying
Ability: Pressure
Moves: Mist, Agility, Mind Reader, Ice Beam

Those are the Legendary Pokemon that can be found currently. Back to Polaris and onwards to Route 819.

[rt819] Route 819


Route 819 2

**HMs Needed: Surf.

Pokemon Found
Sentret [Normal] (Levels 32-35, Rate 30%) {Oran Berry 5%}
Vibrava [Ground/Dragon] (Levels 32-35, Rate 20%)
Phanpy [Ground] (Levels 32-35, Rate 10%)
Dunsparce [Normal] (Levels 32-35, Rate 10%)
Pineco [Bug] (Levels 32-35, Rate 10%)
Roselia [Grass/Poison] (Levels 32-35, Rate 5%) {Poison Barb 5%}
Cacnea [Grass] (Levels 32-35, Rate 5%) {Poison Barb 5%}
Duskull [Ghost] (Levels 32-35, Rate 5%) {Spell Tag 5%}
Hoothoot [Normal/Flying] (Levels 32-35, Rate 4%)
Nosepass [Rock] (Levels 32-35, Rate 1%)
Tentacool [Water/Poison] (Levels 5-35, Rate 65%)
Chinchou [Water/Electric] (Levels 5-35, Rate 34%) {Yellow Shard 5%}
Relicanth [Water/Rock] (Levels 25-35, Rate 1%) {Green Shard 5%}
Magikarp [Water] (Level 5, Rate 70%)
Clamperl [Water] (Level 5, Rate 30%) {Blue Shard 5%}
Horsea [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 60%)
Magikarp [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Clamperl [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%) {Blue Shard 5%}
Horsea [Water] (Levels 15-25, Rate 40%)
Qwilfish [Water/Poison] (Levels 15-25, Rate 40%)
Gyarados [Water/Flying] (Levels 15-25, Rate 15%)
Clamperl [Water] (Levels 25-35, Rate 4%) {Blue Shard 5%}
Relicanth [Water/Rock] (Levels 25-35, Rate 1%) {Green Shard 5%}

Sentret: Run Away/Keen Eye
Vibrava: Levitate
Phanpy: Pickup
Dunsparce: Serene Grace/Run Away
Pineco: Sturdy
Roselia: Natural Cure/Poison Point
Cacnea: Sand Veil
Duskull: Levitate
Hoothoot: Insomnia/Keen Eye
Nosepass: Sturdy/Magnet Pull
Tentacool: Clear Body/Liquid Ooze
Chinchou: Volt Absorb/Illuminate
Relicanth: Swift Swim/Rock Head
Magikarp: Swift Swim
Gyarados: Intimidate
Clamperl: Shell Armor
Horsea: Swift Swim
Qwilfish: Poison Point/Swift Swim

Previously, once you get to the eastern edge of this island you could check the top left edge for a hidden Stardust.

Azure horizons hrm 2021 route 819 stardust a

But I didn’t find it in this version (unless my copy of the game is messed up, I’m not sure).

Swimmer(F) Gillian
Lv35 Golduck [Water]
Lv35 Cloyster [Water/Ice]
Lv36 Milotic [Water]
Prize: P144

Swimmer(M) Destin
Lv35 Wartortle [Water]
Lv36 Sharpedo [Water/Dark]
Prize: P144

Swimmer(F) Daisy
Lv36 Gorebyss [Water]
Prize: P144

Swimmer(M) Toby
Lv34 Chinchou [Water/Electric]
Lv35 Tentacool [Water/Poison]
Lv35 Sharpedo [Water/Dark]
Prize: P140

After you reach the eastern shore, check the shrub by the water’s edge for another hidden Stardust. If there isn’t one, no problem, move on.

Azure horizons hrm 2021 route 819 stardust b 1
[rt818] Route 818


Route 818 2

**HMs Needed: Surf.

Pokemon Found
Sentret [Normal] (Levels 32-35, Rate 30%) {Oran Berry 5%}
Vibrava [Ground/Dragon] (Levels 32-35, Rate 20%)
Phanpy [Ground] (Levels 32-35, Rate 10%)
Dunsparce [Normal] (Levels 32-35, Rate 10%)
Pineco [Bug] (Levels 32-35, Rate 10%)
Roselia [Grass/Poison] (Levels 32-35, Rate 5%) {Poison Barb 5%}
Cacnea [Grass] (Levels 32-35, Rate 5%) {Poison Barb 5%}
Duskull [Ghost] (Levels 32-35, Rate 5%) {Spell Tag 5%}
Hoothoot [Normal/Flying] (Levels 32-35, Rate 4%)
Nosepass [Rock] (Levels 32-35, Rate 1%)
Wooper [Water/Ground] (Levels 5-15, Rate 60%)
Marill [Water/Fairy] (Levels 5-35, Rate 35%)
Slowpoke [Water/Psychic] (Levels 15-35, Rate 5%)
Magikarp [Water] (Level 5, Rate 100%)
Carvanha [Water/Dark] (Levels 5-15, Rate 80%)
Goldeen [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Poliwhirl [Water] (Levels 15-25, Rate 40%)
Gyarados [Water/Flying] (Levels 20-30, Rate 40%)
Carvanha [Water/Dark] (Levels 15-25, Rate 19%)
Sharpedo [Water/Dark] (Levels 25-35, Rate 1%) {Deepseatooth 5%}

Sentret: Run Away/Keen Eye
Vibrava: Levitate
Phanpy: Pickup
Dunsparce: Serene Grace/Run Away
Pineco: Sturdy
Roselia: Natural Cure/Poison Point
Cacnea: Sand Veil
Duskull: Levitate
Hoothoot: Insomnia/Keen Eye
Nosepass: Sturdy/Magnet Pull
Wooper: Damp/Water Absorb
Marill: Thick Fat/Huge Power
Slowpoke: Oblivious/Own Tempo
Magikarp: Swift Swim
Gyarados: Intimidate
Carvanha: Rough Skin
Sharpedo: Rough Skin
Goldeen: Swift Swim/Water Veil
Poliwhirl: Water Absorb/Damp

You’ll see an entrance between trees, go through it to reach Lake Breeze. It’s showdown time against Team Tundra.

[lakeb] Lake Breeze


Lake breeze

**HMs Needed: Surf.

Pokemon Found
Pidgey [Normal/Flying] (Levels 32-34, Rate 20%)
Sentret [Normal] (Level 10, Rate 20%)
Pidgeotto [Normal/Flying] (Levels 32-34, Rate 15%)
Slowpoke [Water/Psychic] (Level 10, Rate 10%)
Skitty [Normal] (Level 15, Rate 10%) {Leppa Berry 5%}
Slowbro [Water/Psychic] (Levels 32-34, Rate 10%)
Hoppip [Grass/Flying] (Level 15, Rate 5%)
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 32-34, Rate 5%)
Delcatty [Normal] (Levels 32-34, Rate 4%) {Leppa Berry 5%}
Shuckle [Bug/Rock] (Levels 32-34, Rate 1%) {Berry Juice 100%}
Tentacool [Water/Poison] (Levels 5-35, Rate 65%)
Hoppip [Grass/Flying] (Levels 5-15, Rate 30%)
Tentacruel [Water/Poison] (Levels 25-35, Rate 5%)
Magikarp [Water] (Level 5, Rate 100%)
Horsea [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 80%)
Magikarp [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Horsea [Water] (Levels 15-25, Rate 40%)
Qwilfish [Water/Poison] (Levels 15-25, Rate 40%)
Gyarados [Water/Flying] (Levels 15-25, Rate 15%)
Seadra [Water] (Levels 25-35, Rate 4%)
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 25-35, Rate 1%)

Pidgey: Keen Eye
Pidgeotto: Keen Eye
Sentret: Run Away/Keen Eye
Slowpoke: Oblivious/Own Tempo
Slowbro: Oblivious/Own Tempo
Skitty: Cute Charm
Delcatty: Cute Charm
Hoppip: Chlorophyll
Psyduck: Damp/Cloud Nine
Shuckle: Sturdy
Tentacool: Clear Body/Liquid Ooze
Tentacruel: Clear Body/Liquid Ooze
Magikarp: Swift Swim
Gyarados: Intimidate
Horsea: Swift Swim
Seadra: Poison Point
Qwilfish: Poison Point/Swift Swim

As soon as you arrive you’ll see a Grunt just up ahead.

Team Tundra Grunt
Lv35 Raticate [Normal]
Lv36 Jynx [Ice/Psychic]
Prize: P3600

Team Tundra Grunt
Lv35 Snorunt [Ice]
Lv36 Ursaring [Normal]
Prize: P3600

Surf to the southwest shore of the lake, you’ll find a PP Up in the bottom right corner of the grass. Then get to the north shore.

Team Tundra Grunt
Lv35 Noctowl [Normal/Flying]
Lv36 Sealeo Sealeo [Ice/Water]
Prize: P3600

Team Tundra Grunt
Lv38 Azumarill [Water/Fairy]
Prize: P3800

Krystal is ahead, certain that she has reached where Suicune is. There’s a waterfall in front of her but the Ancient Orb is glowing and removes the waterfall to reveal a cave entrance. Follow after Krystal inside and watch her find Suicune. But before she even attempts to catch it, Krystal sees you and the battle begins.

Tundra Admin Battle
Team Tundra Krystal
((2 Full Restores))
Lv38 Ursaring [Normal] {Guts}
Lv40 Glalie [Ice] {Inner Focus}
Lv41 Vaporeon [Water] {Water Absorb}
Lv39 Mightyena [Dark] {Intimidate}
Prize: P1640

URSARING: Brick Break, Slash, Body Slam, Rock Slide
GLALIE: Double Team, Ice Beam, Headbutt, Bite
VAPOREON: Aurora Beam, Surf, Bite, Quick Attack
MIGHTYENA: Scary Face, Crunch, Sand-Attack, Slash

Krystal tries to control Suicune by using the Ancient Orb but Suicune runs away and Krystal figures out that it has gone to Polaris City, so that’s where Team Tundra heads to. After they leave, Wallace shows up and tells you that it’s raining heavily outside because of Suicune! Wallace would be very familiar with something like this after what happened in Hoenn. He tells you to return to Polaris City.

When you get there you’ll find several Grunts facing off against the police. Wallace is waiting by the log bridge south from the Mart, he’ll take you to meet Gym Leader Blake. He saw Krystal heading down to that southern side cave in pursuit of Suicune. Follow after Wallace and Blake into the cave, you’ll see the opening to an inner chamber ahead and before you can go into it you will be stopped by Frost. What great timing, eh? He has accepted that you and him are enemies and now is his chance to stop you, for the sake of Suicune and Ice-type Pokemon.

Tundra Boss Battle
Team Tundra Frost
((2 Hyper Potions))
Lv45 Gallade [Psychic/Fighting] {Inner Focus}
Lv46 Magmortar [Fire] {Flame Body}
Lv48 Dewgong [Water/Ice] {Thick Fat}
Lv49 Exeggutor [Grass/Psychic] {Chlorophyll}
Lv51 Mamoswine [Ice/Ground] {Oblivious/Thick Fat}
Prize: P5100

It’s not a typo, Mamoswine has Earthquake taking up a second Move slot 🙂 double quake, yo!

GALLADE: Psychic, Brick Break, Counter, Swords Dance
MAGMORTAR: Flamethrower, Shadow Ball, Will-O-Wisp, Smokescreen
DEWGONG: Water Pulse, Aurora Beam, Rest, Snore
EXEGGUTOR: Giga Drain, Psychic, Sleep Powder, Light Screen
MAMOSWINE: Dig, Earthquake, Earthquake, Ice Beam

Despite taking another loss, Frost remains cool (pun intended) and calm. He has confidence in his admins for capturing Suicune and at the same time, he is ready to accept the possibility of the admins failing. Should they fail, Frost reveals that there’s another big plan that he can fall back on. Damn, one can give the man some credit for being prepared. After Frost leaves, continue into the inner chamber and find Wallace and Blake battling the trio of Admins to keep them from Suicune. It’s up to you now.

Pokemon azure horizons 4 march 2023 suicune

SUICUNE – The Aurora Pokemon
Level: 45
Type: Water
Ability: Pressure
Moves: Bubblebeam, Rain Dance, Gust, Aurora Beam

The Admins are shocked to see that you’ve succeeded in capturing Suicune. Krystal admits that she is actually impressed about that, even though it means that Team Tundra’s plans have gone down the drain now. This marks the end of the team and they leave the cave. Wallace and Blake thank you for saving the region and Blake reminds you about meeting him again at the Gym. In older versions I thought this was a lackluster way of ending the Team Tundra storyline since the game hadn’t been finished properly originally, but now that Frost is a major character in this version there’s something more for us to look forward to. Exit the cave and get ready for the final Gym. As you try to enter the Gym, out comes Celeste/Brian. They mention that your brother was around while you were dealing with Team Tundra but he and Celeste/Brian had their hands full so they couldn’t help you out. Big brother is proud of you though. Celeste/Brian have gotten the final Badge and are ready for the League, but first they want to test themselves against you.

Trainer Battle
Pokemon Trainer Celeste
((2 Full Restores))
Lv47 Altaria [Dragon/Flying] {Natural Cure}
Lv48 Nidoqueen [Poison/Ground] {Poison Point}
Lv48 Sylveon [Fairy] {Cure Charm}
Lv49 Hitmonchan [Fighting] {Keen Eye}
Lv49 Miltank [Normal] {Thick Fat}
Lv50 Torterra [Grass/Ground] {Overgrow}
Lv50 Infernape [Fire/Fighting] {Blaze}
Lv50 Empoleon [Water/Steel] {Torrent}
Prize: P1200

Altaria knows Yawn if Celeste has Torterra. If she has the other Starters, Altaria knows Cotton Spore instead.
Sylveon knows Moonblast and Sand-Attack instead of Swift and Flamethrower if Celeste has either Infernape or Empoleon.

ALTARIA: Aerial Ace, Dragonbreath, Dragon Dance, Yawn/Cotton Spore
NIDOQUEEN: Toxic, Earthquake, Sludge Bomb, Surf
SYLVEON: Draining Kiss, Charm, Swift, Flamethrower
HITMONCHAN: Ice Punch, Fire Punch, Brick Break, Mach Punch
MILTANK: Body Slam, Milk Drink, Rock Slide, Brick Break
TORTERRA: Leaf Blade, Giga Drain, Rock Slide, Earthquake
INFERNAPE: Flamethrower, Brick Break, Blaze Kick, Mach Punch
EMPOLEON: Surf, Steel Wing, Body Slam, Drill Peck

Pokemon Trainer Brian
((2 Full Restores))
Lv47 Altaria [Dragon/Flying] {Natural Cure}
Lv48 Nidoqueen [Poison/Ground] {Poison Point}
Lv48 Sylveon [Fairy] {Cure Charm}
Lv49 Hitmonlee [Fighting] {Limber}
Lv49 Tauros [Normal] {Intimidate}
Lv50 Torterra [Grass/Ground] {Overgrow}
Lv50 Infernape [Fire/Fighting] {Blaze}
Lv50 Empoleon [Water/Steel] {Torrent}
Prize: P1200

Sylveon knows Sand-Attack instead of Earthquake if Brian has either Infernape or Empoleon.

ALTARIA: Aerial Ace, Dragonbreath, Dragon Dance, Yawn/Cotton Spore
NIDOQUEEN: Toxic, Earthquake, Poison Tail, Ice Beam
SYLVEON: Moonblast, Draining Kiss, Earthquake, Charm
HITMONCHAN: Hi Jump Kick, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Fire Punch
MILTANK: Body Slam, Megahorn, Rock Slide, Swords Dance
TORTERRA: Leaf Blade, Earthquake, Giga Drain, Rock Slide
INFERNAPE: Flamethrower, Mach Punch, Brick Break, Blaze Kick
EMPOLEON: Surf, Steel Wing, Drill Peck, Body Slam

More training is needed for Celeste/Brian and one wonders when will we see them again. Victory Road? At the League?

[g8] Polaris City Gym
Polaris city gym

Leader: Blake – “Master of Darkness!

A number of spinner tiles are waiting for you here, because nothing screams FINAL GYM PUZZLE like spinner tiles 😀 From the entrance move behind either of the “Certified Trainers” pillars to reach the first 2 Gym Trainers, Felix on the left and Alba on the right.

Super Nerd Felix
Lv38 Haunter [Ghost/Poison] (Black Belt)
Lv38 Murkrow [Dark/Flying] (Black Belt)
Lv38 Sneasel [Dark/Ice] (Black Belt)
Prize: P1824

Rocker Alba
Lv40 Mightyena [Dark] (Black Belt)
Lv40 Crawdaunt [Water/Dark] (Black Belt)
Prize: P960

I still don’t get why their Pokemon have Black Belts, they had them in previous versions and I thought it was rather odd. Oh well, free Hold Items I guess 🙂 Slide up from Felix to the northwest side, you’ll reach Miriam and then Samuel.

Ace Trainer Miriam
Lv39 Sharpedo [Water/Dark]
Lv39 Mightyena [Dark]
Prize: P1092

Ace Trainer Samuel
((1 Super Potion))
Lv39 Gligar [Ground/Flying]
Lv38 Cacturne [Grass/Dark]
Lv39 Gloom [Grass/Poison]
Prize: P1368

South from him is Kana.

Beauty Kana
Lv43 Shiftry [Grass/Dark]
Prize: P1032

In between her and Warren is Jessica.

Ace Trainer Jessica
Lv43 Umbreon [Dark]
Prize: P1204

Ace Trainer Warren
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv37 Carvanha [Water/Dark]
Lv39 Spiritomb [Ghost/Dark]
Lv39 Girafarig [Normal/Psychic]
Prize: P1404

Then there’s Yuji on eastern side.

Ace Trainer Yuji
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv38 Haunter [Ghost/Poison]
Lv38 Skuntank [Poison/Dark]
Lv38 Cacturne [Grass/Dark]
Lv38 Sneasel [Dark/Ice]
Lv38 Sharpedo [Water/Dark]
Prize: P1368

For the final Gym Badge, good luck.

Gym Battle
Leader Blake
((2 Hyper Potions + 1 Full Heal))
Lv48 Sableye [Dark/Ghost] {Keen Eye}
Lv50 Absol [Dark] {Pressure}
Lv50 Umbreon [Dark] {Synchronize}
Lv52 Houndoom [Dark/Fire] {Early Bird/Flash Fire}
Lv50 Dusclops [Ghost] {Pressure}
Prizes: P5200 + Night Badge + TM46 Thief

SABLEYE: Faint Attack, Curse, Will-O-Wisp, Shadow Ball
ABSOL: Swords Dance, Slash, Confuse Ray, Crunch
UMBREON: Curse, Double Team, Moonlight, Pursuit
HOUNDOOM: Toxic, Flamethrower, Crunch, Pursuit
DUSCLOPS: Confuse Ray, Will-O-Wisp, Shadow Ball, Curse

Excellent, all the Badges have been acquired! Full Restores (P3000 each) are now available at Marts too. Before we head for the League let’s finish covering a couple of routes, starting with Route 818. Bring Pokemon that know Rock Smash, Cut and Flash.

Follow the path south from the Lake Breeze entrance, stick with it until you see steps on the southeast side. They lead to a Pearl on a mountain slope. Carry on going south to find Miah.

Aroma Lady Miah
Lv33 Dusclops [Ghost]
Lv35 Jumpluff [Grass/Flying]
Prize: P980

The path turns east onto a dirt road.

Ace Trainer Doe
Lv33 Houndoom [Dark/Fire]
Lv35 Nidoking [Poison/Ground]
Prize: P1260

Battle Girl Sakura
Lv33 Medicham [Fighting/Psychic]
Lv34 Hitmontop [Fighting]
Prize: P1496

Follow the path going north from Sakura, you’ll eventually find a Max Ether then the entrance to the Soul Chamber.

[soulc] Soul Chamber
Soul chamber

Pokemon Found
Machop [Fighting] (Levels 31-39, Rate 46%)
Geodude [Rock/Ground] (Levels 33-37, Rate 24%)
Graveler [Rock/Ground] (Level 29, Rate 10%) {Hard Stone 5%}
Meditite [Fighting/Psychic] (Level 31, Rate 10%)
Dunsparce [Normal] (Levels 35-37, Rate 6%)
Medicham [Fighting/Psychic] (Level 39, Rate 4%)

Machop: Guts
Geodude: Rock Hard/Sturdy
Graveler: Rock Hard/Sturdy
Meditite: Pure Power
Medicham: Pure Power
Dunsparce: Serene Grace/Run Away

This is where you’ll find Latias.

Pokemon azure horizons 4 march 2023 latias

LATIAS – The Eon Pokemon
Level: 40
Type: Dragon/Psychic
Ability: Levitate
Moves: Water Sport, Refresh, Mist Ball, Psychic

Sweet, the Eon Duo is now complete. Return to Sakura’s spot and carry on all the way east back to Route 816 and cover its western side. You’ll find Wilton and Jacob there.

Super Nerd Wilton
Lv29 Pachirisu [Electric]
Lv30 Magneton [Electric/Steel]
Prize: P1440

Bird Keeper Jacob
Lv27 Fearow [Normal/Flying]
Lv28 Noctowl [Normal/Flying]
Lv29 Pelipper [Water/Flying]
Prize: P696

Surf to the north side of the pool on the right and follow the path up to discover a new area where a mansion is located.

[rt816n] Route 816 (North)
Route 816 north

**HMs Needed: Cut.

Pokemon Found
Murkrow [Dark/Flying] (Level 26, Rate 20%)
Rattata [Normal] (Level 28, Rate 20%)
Farfetch’d [Normal/Flying] (Levels 24-26, Rate 20%) {Stick 5%}
Budew [Grass/Poison] (Level 32, Rate 10%)
Shuppet [Ghost] (Level 24, Rate 10%) {Spell Tag 5%}
Surskit [Bug/Water] (Level 28, Rate 5%)
Houndour [Dark/Fire] (Level 30, Rate 5%)
Kecleon [Normal] (Level 30, Rate 5%) {Persim Berry 5%}
Drifloon [Ghost/Flying] (Level 32, Rate 5%)

Murkrow: Insomnia
Rattata: Run Away/Guts
Farfetch’d: Keen Eye/Inner Focus
Budew: Natural Cure/Poison Point
Shuppet: Insomnia
Surskit: Swift Swim
Houndour: Early Bird/Flash Fire
Kecleon: Color Change
Drifloon: Speed Boost

A mysterious mansion in an isolated area like this, nothing weird about that at all 🙂 what could possibly go wrong…?

[816m] Route 816 Mansion
Route 816 house

**HMs Needed: Flash.

Pokemon Found
Gastly [Ghost/Poison] (Levels 24-26, Rate 40%)
Misdreavus [Ghost] (Levels 24-32, Rate 20%) {Spell Tag 5%}
Haunter [Ghost/Poison] (Levels 24-36, Rate 15%) {Spell Tag 5%}
Shuppet [Ghost] (Levels 24-26, Rate 10%) {Spell Tag 5%}
Duskull [Ghost] (Levels 24-26, Rate 10%) {Spell Tag 5%}
Wynaut [Psychic] (Levels 24-26, Rate 5%)

Gastly: Levitate
Haunter: Levitate
Misdreavus: Levitate
Shuppet: Insomnia
Duskull: Levitate
Wynaut: Shadow Tag

-ROOM 1-

Huh, well nothing unusual here except for the footprints all over the floor. What is going on here?


-ROOM 2-

Things don’t get better in this room, there are more footprints and there is a mess. There are also square-shaped holes in the floor, if you fall through them you’ll end up back in Room 1. In the northeast corner of the room is a Calcium and some books on the floor which indicate that a burglary happened here. The plot thickens. Just before you go through the north doorway, a woman suddenly appears behind you…and then she’s gone. What the…?

-ROOM 3-

Here you’ll find a Soul Dew. The item ball will bounce to the left when you try to pick it up for the first time, as if it’s a Poke Ball containing a Pokemon. Or was it something in the room which moved the item ball…? Return to Room 2 and head for the stairs. The body of an old man appears (?) and glides towards you then vanishes (?!).


-ROOM 4-

Seriously, what exactly have we gotten involved with in here? Someone (or something) is clearly screwing with us. There are 3 doorways here and a little girl facing the middle doorway. We’ll get to her soon. The left doorway leads to Room 5 which is occupied by a Lass who disappears went you try to speak to her. Should’ve said “occupied”. The right doorway leads to Room 6 where you’ll find a Big Pearl. As for the little girl, she’s gone before you even reach her. Proceed into Room 7 and check the TV for the source of all this weirdness – Rotom!

ROTOM – The Plasma Pokemon
Level: 30
Type: Electric/Ghost
Ability: Levitate
Moves: Uproar, Double Team, Shock Wave, Shadow Ball

Even after you’ve caught it, the craziness around the house doesn’t go away so hurry back to Room 2 and jump down any of the holes back to Room 1 and exit the mansion. Who was the burglar and what were they searching for? Couldn’t have been Rotom since the TV wasn’t taken. What a strange little detour 🙂 Go back to Route 818’s eastern section and go north onto another dirt road. You’ll see Masatoyo first then Madeline further up.

Black Belt Masatoyo
Lv31 Heracross [Bug/Fighting]
Lv33 Machoke [Fighting]
Lv32 Makuhita [Fighting]
Prize: P1056

Pokemon Ranger Madeline
((1 Full Restore))
Lv33 Torkoal [Fire]
Lv34 Forretress [Bug/Steel]
Prize: P1360

Go northwest after Madeline, Surf across a pool and then you’ll meet Nicolas the final Trainer on this route.

Pokemon Ranger Nicolas
((1 Full Restore))
Lv32 Victreebel [Grass/Poison]
Lv33 Rapidash [Fire]
Prize: P1320

Go east from Nicolas to cover the western side of Route 817.

Youngster Dan
Lv30 Slowbro [Water/Psychic]
Prize: P1320

Check the shrub just above his spot for a hidden Elixir and then the next shrub on the upper right has a hidden Oran Berry.

Pokemon azure horizons 4 march 2023 route 817
Azure horizons hrm 2021 route 817 oran berry

Phew, you’ve now covered the southwestern portion of the region 🙂 We can aim for the Zephar League now so return to Galena and Surf southeast onto Route 824. Be sure to bring Pokemon that can use Flash, Strength and Waterfall.

[rt824] Route 824
Route 824

**HMs Needed: Surf.

Pokemon Found
Wingull [Water/Flying] (Level 30-35, Rate 20%)
Gloom [Grass/Poison] (Level 32, Rate 20%)
Linoone [Normal] (Levels 32-35, Rate 10%) {Oran Berry 50%/Sitrus Berry 5%}
Weepinbell [Grass/Poison] (Level 33, Rate 10%)
Nuzleaf [Grass/Dark] (Level 34, Rate 10%)
Ariados [Bug/Poison] (Level 32, Rate 10%)
Pelipper [Water/Flying] (Levels 33-35, Rate 5%)
Purugly [Normal] (Level 32, Rate 5%)
Flaaffy [Electric] (Level 33, Rate 4%)
Skiploom [Grass/Flying] (Level 34, Rate 4%)
Masquerain [Bug/Flying] (Level 32, Rate 1%) {Silver Powder 5%}
Mankey [Fighting] (Level 33, Rate 1%)
Shellos (West/Pink Form) [Water] (Levels 20-25, Rate 60%)
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 20-35, Rate 39%)
Gastrodon (West/Pink Form) [Water/Ground] (Levels 35-40, Rate 1%)
Magikarp [Water] (Level 5, Rate 70%)
Finneon [Water] (Level 5, Rate 30%)
Poliwag [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 60%)
Magikarp [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Goldeen [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Poliwag [Water] (Levels 15-25, Rate 40%)
Poliwhirl [Water] (Levels 20-30, Rate 40%)
Gyarados [Water/Flying] (Levels 15-25, Rate 15%)
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 15-35, Rate 5%)

Wingull: Keen Eye
Pelipper: Keen Eye
Gloom: Chlorophyll
Linoone: Pickup
Weepinbell: Chlorophyll
Nuzleaf: Chlorophyll/Early Bird
Ariados: Swarm/Insomnia
Purugly: Limber/Own Tempo
Flaaffy: Static
Skiploom: Chlorophyll
Masquerain: Intimidate
Mankey: Vital Spirit
Shellos: Sticky Hold
Gastrodon: Sticky Hold
Psyduck: Damp/Cloud Nine
Magikarp: Swift Swim
Gyarados: Intimidate
Finneon: Swift Swim
Goldeen: Swift Swim/Water Veil
Poliwag: Water Absorb/Damp
Poliwhirl: Water Absorb/Damp

Once you reach the first island, turn south then continue east until you can go north and east to the Front Gate of the Pokemon League. There are 2 other exits inside, the north one leads to Route 825 while the one on the right leads to Route 826. We’ll have a look at that after covering 825.

[rt825] Route 825
Route 825

**HMs Needed: Surf, Waterfall.

Pokemon Found
Mankey [Fighting] (Levels 32-34, Rate 30%)
Fearow [Normal/Flying] (Level 40, Rate 20%) {Sharp Beak 5%}
Ekans [Poison] (Levels 32-34, Rate 20%)
Spearow [Normal/Flying] (Levels 32-34, Rate 14%)
Primeape [Fighting] (Level 42, Rate 5%)
Arbok [Poison] (Level 44, Rate 5%) {Poison Barb 5%}
Murkrow [Dark/Flying] (Level 42, Rate 4%)
Smeagle [Normal] (Level 44, Rate 1%)
Tentacool [Water/Poison] (Levels 20-25, Rate 60%)
Wingull [Water/Flying] (Levels 20-25, Rate 30%)
Psyduck [Water] (Levels 25-30, Rate 5%)
Whiscash [Water/Ground] (Levels 30-35, Rate 4%)
Tentacruel [Water/Poison] (Levels 35-40, Rate 1%)
Magikarp [Water] (Level 5, Rate 70%)
Barboach [Water/Ground] (Level 5, Rate 30%)
Luvdisc [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 80%) {Heart Scale 50%}
Magikarp [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Poliwag [Water] (Levels 15-25, Rate 40%)
Barboach [Water/Ground] (Levels 20-30, Rate 40%)
Luvdisc [Water] (Levels 15-25, Rate 15%) {Heart Scale 50%}
Whiscash [Water/Ground] (Levels 15-25, Rate 4%)
Sharpedo [Water/Dark] (Levels 25-35, Rate 1%) {Deepseatooth 5%}

Mankey: Vital Spirit
Primeape: Vital Spirit
Spearow: Keen Eye
Fearow: Keen Eye
Ekans: Intimidate/Shed Skin
Arbok: Intimidate/Shed Skin
Murkrow: Insomnia
Smeagle: Own Tempo
Tentacool: Clear Body/Liquid Ooze
Tentacruel: Clear Body/Liquid Ooze
Wingull: Keen Eye
Psyduck: Damp/Cloud Nine
Barboach: Oblivious
Whiscash: Oblivious
Magikarp: Swift Swim
Luvdisc: Swift Swim
Poliwag: Water Absorb/Damp
Sharpedo: Rough Skin

Follow the road north until you see Becky.

Ace Trainer Becky
Lv43 Meganium [Grass]
Lv44 Raichu [Electric]
Prize: P1584

She’s standing near a small lake, Surf to the western shore and check there for a hidden Max Ether.

Azure horizons hrm 2021 route 825 max ether

Continue to the southwest side, there’s a hidden Aspear Berry on the bottom left tile in the grass there.

Azure horizons hrm 2021 route 825 aspear berry

On the northeast side of the lake is Vincent.

Ace Trainer Vincent
Lv44 Sableye [Dark/Ghost]
Lv44 Skuntank [Poison/Dark]
Prize: P1584

You can heal your team in the house near him.

Pokemon Ranger Nanami
Lv44 Miltank [Normal]
Lv45 Ursaring [Normal]
Prize: P1800

After Nanami you’ll reach the top side of the ledge next to the healing house, move down along the ledge to the house and check the space next to it for a hidden Ultra Ball.

Azure horizons hrm 2021 route 825 ultra ball

Then continue north to find Jack under a waterfall.

Swimmer(M) Jack
Lv46 Sharpedo [Water/Dark]
Prize: P184

Above the waterfall is a Pokemon Center and…Terry standing by the entrance to Victory Road. Where has this guy been while you were dealing with Team Tundra? It would’ve been cool to have him more involved in that story since you both found out about the group together. Before we chat with Terry let’s hurry back to the Front Gate and cover Route 826.

[rt826] Route 826
Route 826

**HMs Needed: Surf, Cut.

Pokemon Found
Shroomish [Grass] (Level 32, Rate 20%)
Wingull [Water/Flying] (Level 31, Rate 20%)
Meditite [Fighting/Psychic] (Level 29, Rate 10%)
Taillow [Normal/Flying] (Level 36, Rate 10%)
Tangela [Grass] (Level 34, Rate 10%)
Sunkern [Grass] (Level 31, Rate 10%)
Pelipper [Water/Flying] (Level 34, Rate 5%)
Swablu [Normal/Flying] (Level 31, Rate 5%)
Pidgeotto [Normal/Flying] (Level 37, Rate 4%)
Sunflora [Grass] (Level 37, Rate 4%)
Swellow [Normal/Flying] (Level 40, Rate 1%)
Medicham [Fighting/Psychic] (Level 40, Rate 1%)
Tentacool [Water/Poison] (Levels 5-40, Rate 65%)
Wailmer [Water] (Levels 20-35, Rate 30%)
Tentacruel [Water/Poison] (Levels 35-40, Rate 4%)
Wailord [Water] (Levels 35-40, Rate 1%)
Magikarp [Water] (Level 5, Rate 70%)
Wailmer [Water] (Level 5, Rate 30%)
Horsea [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 80%)
Magikarp [Water] (Levels 5-15, Rate 20%)
Wailmer [Water] (Levels 15-35, Rate 41%)
Horsea [Water] (Levels 15-25, Rate 40%)
Gyarados [Water/Flying] (Levels 15-25, Rate 15%)
Seadra [Water] (Levels 25-35, Rate 4%)

Shroomish: Effect Spore
Wingull: Keen Eye
Pelipper: Keen Eye
Meditite: Pure Power
Medicham: Pure Power
Taillow: Guts
Swellow: Guts
Sunkern: Chlorophyll
Sunflora: Chlorophyll
Swablu: Natural Cure
Pidgeotto: Keen Eye
Tentacool: Clear Body/Liquid Ooze
Tentacruel: Clear Body/Liquid Ooze
Wailmer: Water Veil/Oblivious
Wailord: Water Veil/Oblivious
Magikarp: Swift Swim
Gyarados: Intimidate
Horsea: Swift Swim
Seadra: Poison Point

The first person you meet here is Nikki.

Ace Trainer Nikki
Lv44 Flygon [Ground/Dragon]
Prize: P1232

Continue east onto a bridge occupied by Tisha.

Swimmer(F) Tisha
Lv44 Octillery [Water]
Prize: P176

Across the bridge is Violet, still cosplaying as a male Ace Trainer 🙂

Aroma Lady Violet
Lv36 Bulbasaur [Grass/Poison]
Lv36 Ivysaur [Grass/Poison]
Lv36 Ivysaur [Grass/Poison]
Prize: P1008

Violet mentions seeing former Polaris Gym Leader Katie around here. Interesting, what would she be doing here? After Violet you’ll see an upper slope blocked by a skinny tree. There’s a hidden Max Repel on the rock at the left end of that slope.

Pokemon azure horizons 17 feb 2022 route 826 max repel

South from the slope is another rock above a cliff, there’s a hidden Pearl on it.

Pokemon azure horizons 17 feb 2022 route 826 pearl

As you carry on eastward you’ll see a building on the next slope just above you and Katie is standing by the door. Very interesting. On the right side below that slope is one more rock, check it for a hidden Stardust.

Pokemon azure horizons 17 feb 2022 route 826 stardust

The building is the Battle Hut and belongs to Katie, she says it still needs some work so you have to come back later. Fair enough since we’re so close to the League, we’ll check back after that. Behind the Battle Hut you’ll see Wallace standing at the top of a hill, watching the sea. He says he has something tell you but he’ll only reveal that after you’ve defeated all the Trainers at the Battle Hut. Double Fair enough 🙂 some post-game content to look forward to, eh? Back to Route 825 and perhaps what could be the final match against Terry.

Rival Battle

{(If Terry chose Piplup)}

Rival Terry
((4 Full Restores))
Lv45 Dusknoir [Ghost] {Pressure}
Lv46 Bronzong [Steel/Psychic] {Levitate}
Lv46 Dodrio [Normal/Flying] {Run Away/Early Bird}
Lv47 Slaking [Normal] {Truant}
Lv47 Ludicolo [Water/Grass] {Swift Swim/Rain Dish}
Lv49 Empoleon [Water/Steel] {Torrent} (Sitrus Berry)
Prize: P1568

DUSKNOIR: Shadow Ball, Fire Punch, Destiny Bond, Ice Punch
BRONZONG: Psychic, Future Sight, Recover, Reflect
DODRIO: Drill Peck, Tri Attack, Sand-Attack, Faint Attack
SLAKING: Hyper Beam, Cross Chop, Fire Punch, Yawn
LUDICOLO: Giga Drain, Hydro Pump, Leech Seed, Ice Beam
EMPOLEON: Surf, Steel Wing, Drill Peck, Body Slam

{(If Terry chose Turtwig)}

Rival Terry
((4 Full Restores))
Lv45 Dusknoir [Ghost] {Pressure}
Lv46 Glalie [Ice] {Inner Focus}
Lv46 Dodrio [Normal/Flying] {Run Away/Early Bird}
Lv47 Grumpig [Psychic] {Thick Fat}
Lv47 Lanturn Lanturn [Water/Electric] {Volt Absorb}
Lv49 Torterra [Grass/Ground] {Overgrow} (Sitrus Berry)
Prize: P1568

DUSKNOIR: Shadow Ball, Fire Punch, Destiny Bond, Ice Punch
DODRIO: Drill Peck, Tri Attack, Sand-Attack, Faint Attack
GLALIE: Fake Out, Crunch, Ice Beam, Explosion
GRUMPIG: Yawn, Shadow Ball, Psychic, Bounce
LANTURN: Thunder Wave, Thunderbolt, Recover, Hydro Pump
TORTERRA: Leaf Blade, Giga Drain, Rock Slide, Earthquake

{(If Terry chose Chimchar)}

Rival Terry
((4 Full Restores))
Lv45 Dusknoir [Ghost] {Pressure}
Lv46 Empoleon [Water/Steel] {Torrent}
Lv46 Dodrio [Normal/Flying] {Run Away/Early Bird}
Lv47 Ursaring [Normal] {Guts}
Lv47 Shiftry [Grass/Dark] {Chlorophyll/Early Bird}
Lv49 Infernape [Fire/Fighting] {Blaze} (Sitrus Berry)
Prize: P1568

DUSKNOIR: Shadow Ball, Fire Punch, Destiny Bond, Ice Punch
EMPOLEON: Hydro Pump, Body Slam, Drill Peck, Steel Wing
DODRIO: Drill Peck, Tri Attack, Sand-Attack, Faint Attack
URSARING: Fake Out, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Body Slam
SHIFTRY: Double Team, Crunch, Leech Seed, Leaf Blade
INFERNAPE: Flamethrower, Mach Punch, Bulk Up, Brick Break

Another loss for Terry but it’s not enough to make him give up on challenging you again next time. While he goes back to train some more, it’s time to explore the Zephar version of Victory Road!

[rtvr] Victory Road
Victory road 1f

**HMs Needed: Flash, Strength.


Pokemon Found
Zubat [Poison/Flying] (Level 32, Rate 20%)
Geodude [Rock/Ground] (Level 32, Rate 20%)
Onix [Rock/Ground] (Level 40, Rate 10%) {Hard Stone 5%}
Kangaskhan [Normal] (Level 43, Rate 10%)
Steelix [Steel/Ground] (Level 46, Rate 10%) {Metal Coat 5%}
Makuhita [Fighting] (Level 32, Rate 10%)
Numel [Fire/Ground] (Level 44, Rate 5%) {Rawst Berry 100%}
Golbat [Poison/Flying] (Level 44, Rate 5%)
Pupitar [Rock/Ground] (Level 44, Rate 4%)
Hariyama [Fighting] (Level 44, Rate 4%) {King’s Rock 5%}
Larvitar [Rock/Ground] (Level 46, Rate 1%)
Camerupt [Fire/Ground] (Level 46, Rate 1%) {Rawst Berry 100%}

Zubat: Inner Focus
Golbat: Inner Focus
Geodude: Rock Hard/Sturdy
Onix: Rock Head/Sturdy
Steelix: Rock Head/Sturdy
Kangaskhan: Early Bird
Makuhita: Thick Fat/Guts
Hariyama: Thick Fat/Guts
Numel: Oblivious
Camerupt: Magma Armor
Larvitar: Guts
Pupitar: Shed Skin

Go to the left and down the stairs, there are 2 Trainers we can reach in this south section of 1F: Dawson and Gregory who is on the southwest rocky platform.

Super Nerd Dawson
Lv43 Grumpig [Psychic]
Lv43 Lapras [Water/Ice]
Lv44 Lickilicky [Normal]
Prize: P2112

Pokemon Ranger Gregory
Lv44 Gliscor [Ground/Flying]
Lv46 Toxicroak [Poison/Fighting]
Prize: P1840

There are also 3 ladders, each of them goes to B1F. The ladder on the rocky platform above Dawson leads to a Max Revive (when you arrive just go north to find it) and the one below Gregory leads to TM50 Overheat. The one found in the bottom right corner just leads to the bottom right corner of B1F.

Victory road b1f


Pokemon Found
Zubat [Poison/Flying] (Level 32, Rate 20%)
Geodude [Rock/Ground] (Level 32, Rate 20%)
Onix [Rock/Ground] (Level 40, Rate 10%) {Hard Stone 5%}
Rhyhorn [Ground/Rock] (Level 43, Rate 10%)
Rhydon [Ground/Rock] (Level 46, Rate 10%)
Numel [Fire/Ground] (Level 32, Rate 10%) {Rawst Berry 100%}
Larvitar [Rock/Ground] (Levels 44-46, Rate 6%)
Golbat [Poison/Flying] (Levels 44-46, Rate 6%)
Camerupt [Fire/Ground] (Level 44, Rate 4%) {Rawst Berry 100%}
Steelix [Steel/Ground] (Level 44, Rate 4%) {Metal Coat 5%}

Zubat: Inner Focus
Golbat: Inner Focus
Geodude: Rock Hard/Sturdy
Onix: Rock Head/Sturdy
Steelix: Rock Head/Sturdy
Rhyhorn: Lightningrod/Rock Head
Rhydon: Lightningrod/Rock Head
Numel: Oblivious
Camerupt: Magma Armor
Larvitar: Guts
Pupitar: Shed Skin

Once you’re here from either bottom left or bottom right, move to the center to find Colby and Carleigh.

Ace Trainer Colby
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv44 Girafarig [Normal/Psychic]
Lv45 Magcargo [Fire/Rock]
Lv46 Aggron [Steel/Rock]
Prize: P1656

Ace Trainer Carleigh
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv43 Sableye [Dark/Ghost]
Lv43 Dodrio [Normal/Flying]
Lv44 Gastrodon (West/Pink Form) [Water/Ground]
Lv44 Alakazam [Psychic]
Prize: P1584

Get to the ladder that is in the northwest corner, it leads to a rocky platform on the north side of 1F where you’ll find a hidden Full Restore on the far right.

Azure horizons hrm 2021 victory road 1f full restore

Return to B1F and head for the exit just to the left of where Colby is standing.

Victory road


On the left from the entrance is TM37 Sandstorm. Cross the bridge on the right, meeting Daisuke halfway and then Nelson.

Black Belt Daisuke
Lv44 Primeape [Fighting] (Black Belt)
Lv44 Machoke [Fighting] (Black Belt)
Lv45 Hariyama [Fighting] (Black Belt)
Prize: P1080

Juggler Nelson
Lv45 Octillery [Water]
Lv46 Probopass [Rock/Steel]
Prize: P1840

He mentions that Terry went by here. Huh, he’s already done training? Wow, talk about progress 🙂 Near the next entrance is the Double-Edge Tutor. The entrance leads to the eastern side of B1F, once you’re inside go straight north to find a ladder that will take you to TM02 Dragon Claw on a 1F rocky platform. Then come back to B1F, go east onto the rocky platform and meet the last Legendary Bird.

Pokemon azure horizons 4 march 2023 moltres

MOLTRES – The Flame Pokemon
Level: 50
Type: Fire/Flying
Ability: Pressure
Moves: Fire Spin, Agility, Endure, Flamethrower

Continue northwest to the next ladder.

Ace Trainer George
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv44 Marowak [Ground]
Lv44 Lucario [Fighting/Steel]
Lv44 Mismagius [Ghost]
Lv44 Vileplume [Grass/Poison]
Prize: P1584

Ace Trainer Alexa
((1 Full Restore))
Lv46 Tauros [Normal]
Lv46 Claydol [Ground/Psychic]
Lv47 Leafeon [Grass]
Prize: P1656

The ladder takes you to the northern side of 1F.

Ace Trainer Naomi
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv44 Bronzong [Steel/Psychic]
Lv45 Rapidash [Fire]
Lv46 Donphan [Ground]
Prize: P1656

Descend the stairs below her, go all the way to the left side and check the rock in the bottom left corner for a hidden Ultra Ball.

Azure horizons hrm 2021 victory road 1f ultra ball

Then go up to reach Rolando.

Ace Trainer Rolando
((1 Hyper Potion))
Lv44 Sandslash [Ground]
Lv44 Azumarill [Water]
Lv44 Sunflora [Grass]
Lv44 Ludicolo [Water/Grass]
Prize: P1584

Northeast from him is a Rare Candy. Then head east and to the top of the rocky platform to the final exit. And that, ladies and gentlemen, was Victory Road (Zephar Edition). What do you think of it when compared to other Victory Roads?

You’ll step outside back on Route 825. On the left is a signboard in between two pedestals. Check the left pedestal for a hidden Leppa Berry.

Azure horizons hrm 2021 route 825 leppa berry

After passing under the first arch turn to the right, there’s a hidden Lum Berry.

Azure horizons hrm 2021 route 825 lum berry

On the upper left, behind the tree right next to the statue is a hidden Full Restore.

Azure horizons hrm 2021 route 825 full restore

Then continue north to scale up one more waterfall before finally making it to the League 🙂 AT LAST!

[zephl] Zephar League

Ultra Ball P1200
Great Ball P600
Full Restore P3000
Max Potion P2500
Revive P1500
Full Heal P600
Max Repel P700

You won’t be battling the Elite 4 in any order that you want unfortunately, you’ll be facing them in the traditional format. Get those last minute preparations done then proceed through the open doorway.

Elite 4 number 1 is Elios the Electric-type specialist.

Elite 4 Battle
Elite Four Elios
((2 Full Restores))
Lv50 Manectric [Electric] {Static/Lightningrod}
Lv52 Magneton [Electric/Steel] {Magnet Pull/Sturdy}
Lv53 Jolteon [Electric] {Volt Absorb}
Lv52 Raichu [Electric] {Static}
Lv54 Electivire [Electric] {Static} (Sitrus Berry)
Prize: P5400

MANECTRIC: Thunder Wave, Thunderbolt, Flamethrower, Ice Beam
MAGNETON: Thunderbolt, Lock-On, Zap Cannon, Screech
JOLTEON: Double Team, Shadow Ball, Signal Beam, Thunderbolt
RAICHU: Thunder Wave, Thunderbolt, Body Slam, Iron Tail
ELECTIVIRE: Cross Chop, ThunderPunch, Ice Punch, Body Slam

Elite 4 number 2 is the guy we haven’t seen in ages – Leon! Great, because he was never seen again after we returned his Journal in the previous version. As you would expect, Leon is a Bug-type specialist.

Elite 4 Battle
Elite Four Leon
((2 Full Restores))
Lv52 Ninjask [Bug/Flying] {Speed Boost}
Lv54 Armaldo [Rock/Bug] {Battle Armor}
Lv55 Heracross [Bug/Fighting] {Swarm}
Lv54 Flygon [Ground/Dragon] {Levitate}
Lv56 Scizor [Bug/Steel] {Swarm} (Sitrus Berry)
Prize: P5600

NINJASK: Silver Wind, Swords Dance, Aerial Ace, Baton Pass
ARMALDO: Rock Slide, Surf, Earthquake, Signal Beam
HERACROSS: Rock Slide, Brick Break, Earthquake, Aerial Ace
FLYGON: Dragon Claw, Earthquake, Signal Beam, Rock Slide
SCIZOR: Slash, Steel Wing, Swords Dance, Rock Slide

I thought he would be part of a group that has a role to play in the fight against Team Tundra. It’s a shame we didn’t get a proper subplot about that, could’ve been something cool. The 3rd Elite is Lin the Psychic-type specialist.

Elite 4 Battle
Elite Four Lin
((2 Full Restores))
Lv54 Espeon [Psychic] {Synchronize}
Lv56 Claydol [Ground/Psychic] {Levitate}
Lv57 Hypno [Psychic] {Insomnia}
Lv56 Gardevoir [Psychic/Fairy] {Synchronize/Trace}
Lv58 Starmie [Water/Psychic] {Illuminate} (Sitrus Berry)
Prize: P5800

ESPEON: Calm Mind, Psychic, Baton Pass, Wish
CLAYDOL: Ice Beam, Psychic, Earthquake, Calm Mind
HYPNO: Calm Mind, Toxic, Psychic, Thunder Punch
GARDEVOIR: Calm Mind, Thunderbolt, Psychic, Ice Punch
STARMIE: Surf, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Psychic

And then there’s Ariel the Water-type specialist. Wallace is her mentor interestingly enough.

Elite 4 Battle
Elite Four Ariel
((2 Full Restores))
Lv56 Vaporeon [Water] {Water Absorb}
Lv58 Ludicolo [Water/Grass] {Swift Swim/Rain Dish}
Lv59 Kingdra [Water/Dragon] {Swift Swim}
Lv58 Swampert [Water/Ground] {Torrent}
Lv60 Milotic [Water] {Marvel Scale} (Sitrus Berry)
Prize: P6000

VAPOREON: Double Team, Surf, Wish, Ice Beam
LUDICOLO: Rain Dance, Double Team, Leech Seed, Surf
KINGDRA: Surf, Ice Beam, Rest, Sleep Talk
SWARMPERT: Curse, Earthquake, Double-Edge, Hydra Pump
MILOTIC: Hypnosis, Ice Beam, Surf, Recover

It’s time to meet the Champion. Heal up and step through the doorway to find……Frost! Who, what, where, how, why? Well this is a surprise, because Terry was the Champ previously (which ties in with that Trainer who saw him on Victory Road). So that backup plan which he was going to fall back onto after Team Tundra was defeated, this is it. An interesting twist though, having the Champion also leading the main villain group in a game, but it also means that there’s no extra post-game content related to Frost or Team Tundra. I thought Frost’s story wasn’t over just yet. Anyway, it’s you vs Frost one more time and the championship is on the line this time. Good luck.

Zephar League Championship
Champion Frost
((4 Full Restores))
Lv59 Staraptor [Normal/Flying] {Intimidate}
Lv63 Mamoswine [Ice/Ground] {Oblivious} (Sitrus Berry)
Lv59 Gallade [Psychic/Fighting] {Inner Focus}
Lv61 Exeggutor [Grass/Psychic] {Chlorophyll}
Lv62 Dewgong [Water/Ice] {Thick Fat}
Lv60 Magmortar [Fire] {Flame Body}
Prize: P6300

STARAPTOR: Strength, Fly, Seismic Toss, Whirlwind
MAMOSWINE: Protect, Rock Slide, Earthquake, Ice Beam
GALLADE: Psychic, Cross Chop, Slash, Leaf Blade
EXEGGUTOR: Sleep Powder, Light Screen, Giga Drain, Psychic
DEWGONG: Hydro Pump, Horn Drill, Ice Beam, Body Slam
MAGMORTAR: Will-O-Wisp, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Thunderbolt

And with that, you’ve become the Zephar region’s new Champion! Well done 🙂 Frost had an interesting team but there could’ve been more Hold Items thrown in to spice things up instead of just a Sitrus Berry for Mamoswine. Same thing with the Elite 4. He shares a brief story about facing your brother for the championship some time in the past and winning. Your brother hasn’t battled since. Speaking of him, he shows up to congratulate you and chat with his old pal. We finally learn his name is Alfred and he knew all along that Frost was leading Team Tundra, but he was confident in you enough to let you handle that situation. What if you had failed, though? He could’ve helped in some way and be a part in the story. Afterwards Alfred is the one who accompanies you into the Hall of Fame and the credits roll…

Post-Game Arc

Welcome to the post-game side of things. In this version not only are there a couple of Legendary Pokemon to be caught and the Battle Hut but the HM Masters are available for rematches at the places where you found them. We’ll catch the Pokemon first then face the HM Masters again and finally visit the Battle Hut.

You’ll appear outside your house. Fly back to the Azure City Museum and descend into the Legendary exhibition room. The Gentleman sees that you’re the Champion now and gives you the Secret Passport, which allows you to board the S.S. Aurora and travel to two more islands: Navel Island and Birth Island.


Navel rock
Navel rock int

Head north to enter a cave and descend a number of ladders until you’re on the south end of a long corridor. Ignore the left and right turns which you’ll see as you go north. On the north side there’s a ladder on the left and a ladder on the right, both ladders lead to more ladders then a Legendary Pokemon. The left ladder takes you to Ho-Oh and the right ladder takes you to Lugia.

Pokemon azure horizons 4 march 2023 ho oh

HO-OH – The Rainbow Pokemon
Level: 70
Type: Fire/Flying
Ability: Pressure
Moves: Recover, Fire Blast, Sunny Day, Swift

Pokemon azure horizons 4 march 2023 lugia

LUGIA – The Diving Pokemon
Level: 70
Type: Psychic/Flying
Ability: Pressure
Moves: Recover, Hydro Pump, Rain Dance, Swift

Return to the ship, back to the mainland and select Birth Island.


Birth island

At the top of the island is that very familiar black triangular artifact. When you approach it for the first time it will slide to the bottom left. Go to it from either the top or from the right, the object will then move to the north and has turned a lighter shade. Go to it from the bottom, making it move to the southeast. Go to it from the left, the object moves northwest. Go to it from the right, it will go east. Go to it from the left, it will move south. Go to it from the top, it slides to the southwest. Go to it from the right, it slides to southeast. Go to it from the left, the object moves south. Go to it from the top and it moves north. It’s bright red now. Approach it from the bottom, there’s a minor quake and the artefact shatters. Here comes Deoxys!

Pokemon azure horizons 4 march 2023

DEOXYS – The DNA Pokemon
{Normal Forme}
Level: 30
Type: Psychic
Ability: Pressure
Moves: Wish, Blaze Kick, Brick Break, Yawn

Just like Mew, I only encountered Deoxys in ROM hacks for a while but I would go on to encounter it officially in Omega Ruby. Had no idea about the Aurora Ticket and the Birth Island event until many years after I first played Gen 3, so thank goodness for ROM hacks (and Omega Ruby) 🙂 Remember that the meteorite which changes Deoxys’ forms is in Crevasse City. Back to the mainland and prepare yourself for the HM Masters. You can face them in whichever order you like and as many times as you like, I’m going to list them in the HM number order.



Pokemon Trainer Dani
((4 Full Restores))
Lv56 Weavile [Dark/Ice] {Pressure} (Focus Band)
Lv57 Arcanine [Fire] {Intimidate/Flash Fire} (Charcoal)
Lv57 Sudowoodo [Rock] {Sturdy/Rock Head}
Lv58 Shiftry [Grass/Dark] {Chlorophyll/Early Bird} (Twisted Spoon)
Lv58 Girafarig [Normal/Psychic] {Inner Focus/Early Bird} (Silk Scarf)
Lv61 Zangoose [Normal] {Immunity}
Prize: P1464

WEAVILE: Slash, Ice Punch, Crunch, Fake Out
ARCANINE: Extremespeed, Flamethrower, Earthquake, Smokescreen
SUDOWOODO: Rock Slide, Brick Break, Double-Edge, Protect
SHIFTRY: Leaf Blade, Crunch, Slash, Whirlwind
GIRAFARIG: Psychic, Body Slam, Shadow Ball, Hypnosis
ZANGOOSE: Slash, Fire Punch, Swords Dance, Ice Punch


Pokemon Trainer Gilbert
((4 Full Restores))
Lv56 Breloom [Grass/Fighting] {Effect Spore} (Black Belt)
Lv57 Grumpig [Psychic] {Thick Fat/Own Tempo} (Black Belt)
Lv57 Gliscor [Ground/Flying] {Hyper Cutter/Sand Veil}
Lv58 Charizard [Fire/Flying] {Blaze}
Lv58 Flygon [Ground/Dragon] {Levitate} (Soft Sand)
Lv61 Crobat [Poison/Flying] {Inner Focus} (Poison Barb)
Prize: P1464

BRELOOM: Mach Punch, Razor Leaf, Spore, Leech Seed
GRUMPIG: Psychic, Shadow Ball, Mean Look, Yawn
GLISCOR: Toxic, Earthquake, Sludge Bomb, Aerial Ace
CHARIZARD: Flamethrower, Dragonbreath, Fly, Dragon Dance
FLYGON: Dragon Dance, Dragonbreath, Rock Slide, Earthquake
CROBAT: Fly, Toxic, Confuse Ray, Poison Fang


Pokemon Trainer Anya
((4 Full Restores))
Lv56 Typhlosion [Fire] {Blaze} (Black Belt)
Lv57 Ampharos [Electric] {Static} (Black Belt)
Lv57 Cradily [Rock/Grass] {Suction Cups} (Leftovers)
Lv58 Rampardos [Rock] {Rock Head} (Quick Claw)
Lv58 Snorlax [Normal] {Immunity/Thick Fat} (Leftovers)
Lv61 Gorebyss [Water] {Swift Swim} (Mystic Water)
Prize: P1464

TYPHLOSION: Flamethrower, Blaze Kick, Swords Dance, Brick Break
AMPHAROS: Thunderbolt, Dragonbreath, Thunder, Thunder Wave
CRADILY: Giga Drain, Hydro Pump, Rock Slide, Toxic
RAMPARDOS: Earthquake, Rock Slide, Double-Edge, Brick Break
SNORLAX: Body Slam, Surf, Snore, Rest
GOREBYSS: Surf, Ice Beam, Hydro Pump, Psychic


Pokemon Trainer Amber
((4 Full Restores))
Lv56 Tangrowth [Grass] {Chlorophyll}
Lv57 Machamp [Fighting] {Guts} (Black Belt)
Lv57 Espeon [Psychic] {Synchronize}
Lv58 Honchkrow [Dark/Flying] {Insomnia}
Lv58 Walrein [Ice/Water] {Thick Fat}
Lv61 Golem [Rock/Ground] {Rock Head/Sturdy} (Focus Band)
Prize: P1464

TANGROWTH: Leech Seed, Body Slam, Toxic, Leaf Blade
MACHAMP: Cross Chop, Earthquake, Bulk Up, Sky Uppercut
ESPEON: Psychic, Shadow Ball, Double Team, Morning Sun
HONCHKROW: Drill Peck, Faint Attack, Swords Dance, Mean Look
WALREIN: Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Yawn, Body Slam
GOLEM: Earthquake, Explosion, Rock Slide, Protect


Pokemon Trainer Tanya
((4 Full Restores))
Lv56 Yanmega [Bug/Flying] {Speed Boost} (Black Belt)
Lv57 Umbreon [Dark] {Synchronize} (Black Belt)
Lv57 Meganium [Grass] {Overgrow}
Lv58 Ampharos [Electric] {Static} (Magnet)
Lv58 Vespiquen [Bug/Flying] {Pressure}
Lv61 Xatu [Psychic/Flying] {Synchronize/Early Bird} (Twisted Spoon)
Prize: P1464

YANMEGA: Aerial Ace, Signal Beam, Ancient Power, Slash
UMBREON: Faint Attack, Curse, Sand-Attack, Moonlight
MEGANIUM: Leech Seed, Giga Drain, Synthesis, Body Slam
AMPHAROS: Thunder Wave, Dragonbreath, Thunderbolt, Confuse Ray
VESPIQUEN: Aerial Ace, Rock Slide, Megahorn, Swords Dance
XATU: Psychic, Confuse Ray, Air Slash, Shadow Ball


Pokemon Trainer Jagen
((4 Full Restores))
Lv56 Sableye [Dark/Ghost] {Keen Eye} (Quick Claw)
Lv57 Flareon [Fire] {Flash Fire} (Charcoal)
Lv57 Skarmory [Steel/Flying] {Keen Eye/Sturdy}
Lv58 Hippowdon [Ground] {Sandstream}
Lv58 Kingler [Water] {Hyper Cutter/Battle Armor} (Mystic Water)
Lv61 Hariyama [Fighting] {Thick Fat/Guts} (Black Belt)
Prize: P1464

SABLEYE: Toxic, Will-O-Wisp, Shadow Punch, Curse
FLAREON: Flame Wheel, Body Slam, Flamethrower, Double Team
SKARMORY: Steel Wing, Drill Peck, Toxic, Protect
HIPPOWDON: Rock Slide, Body Slam, Fire Punch, Earthquake
KINGLER: Crabhammer, Swords Dance, Protect, Slash
HARIYAMA: Belly Drum, Cross Chop, Knock Off, Rock Slide


Pokemon Trainer Dorothy
((4 Full Restores))
Lv56 Qwilfish [Water/Poison] {Poison Point/Swift Swim}
Lv57 Dusknoir [Ghost] {Pressure} (Leftovers)
Lv57 Roserade [Grass/Poison] {Natural Cure/Poison Point}
Lv58 Dragonite [Dragon/Flying] {Inner Focus}
Lv58 Swampert [Water/Ground] {Torrent} (Soft Sand)
Lv61 Gyarados [Water/Flying] {Intimidate} (Mystic Water)
Prize: P

Yup, Qwilfish and Swampert just knows 3 moves.

QWILFISH: Toxic, Poison Tail, Waterfall, —
DUSKNOIR: Shadow Punch, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Curse
ROSERADE: Toxic, Magical Leaf, Leech Seed, Sludge Bomb
DRAGONITE: Fly, Dragon Claw, Thunder Wave, Waterfall
SWAMPERT: Earthquake, Slash, Waterfall, —
GYARADOS: Waterfall, Bounce, Flamethrower, Crunch

…Several weeks later…

And so ends that rematch tour, phew that took a while. Fly back to Route 825 now and return to Route 826. Katie is still outside the Battle Hut and reveals that she quit being a Gym Leader because she wasn’t fighting at full power, so she went on to build the Battle Hut and establish a place where Trainers can battle without holding back. She wants to see what you’re capable of now that you’re here. Go ahead and show her.

Trainer Battle
Gym Leader Katie
((4 Full Restores))
Lv57 Electrode [Electric] {Soundproof/Static}
Lv59 Jolteon [Electric] {Volt Absorb}
Lv59 Magnezone [Electric/Steel] {Magnet Pull/Sturdy}
Lv58 Raichu [Electric] {Static}
Lv58 Manectric [Electric] {Static/Lightningrod}
Lv61 Electivire [Electric] {Static}
Prize: P6100

ELECTRODE: Barrier, Thunderbolt, Selfdestruct, Supersonic
JOLTEON: Thunder Wave, Sand-Attack, Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt
MAGNEZONE: Thunderbolt, Supersonic, Signal Beam, Protect
RAICHU: Agility, Volt Tackle, Thunderbolt, Body Slam
MANECTRIC: Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Flamethrower, Roar
ELECTIVIRE: Thunderbolt, Thunder Punch, Body Slam, Rock Slide

Katie is impressed and encourages you to join the Battle Hut.


The Trainers that Katie has also invited here are the other Gym Leaders and Terry. A Nurse is here too if you need to heal up. You can face the Trainers in whichever order that you like, I’m going to list them in the regular order. Here we go.

Gym Rematch Tour

Gym Leader Quinn
((4 Full Restores))
Lv57 Pinsir [Bug] {Hyper Cutter}
Lv58 Heracross [Bug/Fighting] {Swarm/Guts}
Lv58 Butterfree [Bug/Flying] {Compoundeyes}
Lv61 Yanmega [Bug/Flying] {Speed Boost}
Lv59 Ariados [Bug/Poison] {Swarm/Insomnia}
Lv59 Forretress [Bug/Steel] {Sturdy}
Prize: P6100

PINSIR: Guillotine, Signal Beam, Aerial Ace, Strength
HERACROSS: Cross Chop, Megahorn, Rock Slide, Swords Dance
BUTTERFREE: Toxic, Aerial Ace, Stun Spore, Sleep Powder
YANMEGA: Aerial Ace, Silver Wind, Sonicboom, Hypnosis
ARIADOS: Toxic, Megahorn, Poison Fang, Signal Beam
FORRETRESS: Toxic, Explosion, Rock Slide, Protect

Gym Leader Jay
((4 Full Restores))
Lv57 Flareon [Fire] {Flash Fire}
Lv61 Arcanine [Fire] {Intimidate}
Lv58 Magcargo [Fire/Rock] {Magma Armor/Flame Body}
Lv58 Magmortar [Fire] {Flame Body}
Lv59 Houndoom [Dark/Fire] {Early Bird/Flash Fire}
Lv59 Typhlosion [Fire] {Blaze}
Prize: P6100

FLAREON: Toxic, Sunny Day, Flamethrower, Body Slam
ARCANINE: Flamethrower, Extremespeed, Crunch, Sunny Day
MAGCARGO: Flamethrower, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Sunny Day
MAGMORTAR: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Thunderbolt, Psychic
HOUNDOOM: Crunch, Will-O-Wisp, Sunny Day, Heat Wave
TYPHLOSION: Flamethrower, Smokescreen, Draining Kiss, Sunny Day

Gym Leader Veronica
((4 Full Restores))
Lv57 Arbok [Poison] {Intimidate}
Lv59 Roserade [Grass/Poison] {Natural Cure/Poison Point}
Lv58 Gengar [Ghost/Poison] {Levitate}
Lv58 Venomoth [Bug/Poison] {Shield Dust}
Lv59 Seviper [Poison] {Shed Skin}
Lv61 Nidoqueen [Poison/Ground] {Poison Point}
Prize: P6100

ARBOK: Toxic, Sludge Bomb, Confuse Ray, Body Slam
ROSERADE: Sludge Bomb, Magic Coat, Leech Seed, Toxic
GENGAR: Toxic, Curse, Shadow Ball, Sludge Bomb
VENOMOTH: Toxic, Sleep Powder, Signal Beam, Sludge Bomb
SEVIPER: Poison Tail, Shadow Ball, Screech, Toxic
NIDOQUEEN: Earthquake, Toxic, Crunch, Poison Fang

Gym Leader Robyn
((4 Full Restores))
Lv57 Altaria [Dragon/Flying] {Natural Cure}
Lv61 Skarmory [Steel/Flying] {Keen Eye/Sturdy}
Lv58 Noctowl [Normal/Flying] {Insomnia/Keen Eye}
Lv59 Togekiss [Normal/Flying] {Hustle/Serene Grace}
Lv58 Mantine [Water/Flying] {Swift Swim/Water Absorb}
Lv59 Swellow [Normal/Flying] {Guts}
Prize: P6100

ALTARIA: Dragonbreath, Dragon Dance, Aerial Ace, Perish Song
SKARMORY: Steel Wing, Sky Attack, Drill Peck, Rock Slide
NOCTOWL: Psychic, Aerial Ace, Light Screen, Hypnosis
TOGEKISS: Psychic, Wish, Heat Wave, Air Cutter
MANTINE: Hydro Pump, Recover, Ice Beam, Protect
SWELLOW: Aerial Ace, Frustration, Steel Wing, Fly

Gym Leader Grant
((4 Full Restores))
Lv57 Dugtrio [Ground] {Sand Veil/Arena Trap}
Lv58 Gliscor [Ground/Flying] {Hyper Cutter/Sand Veil}
Lv58 Flygon [Ground/Dragon] {Levitate}
Lv59 Donphan [Ground] {Sturdy}
Lv59 Claydol [Ground/Psychic] {Levitate}
Lv61 Swampert [Water/Ground] {Torrent}
Prize: P6100

DUGTRIO: Earthquake, Rock Slide, Slash, Dig
GLISCOR: Earthquake, Toxic, Rock Slide, Aerial Ace
FLYGON: Double Team, Earthquake, Sandstorm, Dragonbreath
DONPHAN: Iron Tail, Body Slam, Earthquake, Toxic
CLAYDOL: Calm Mind, Earthquake, Ice Beam, Psychic
SWAMPERT: Curse, Surf, Ice Beam, Earthquake

Gym Leader Cole
((4 Full Restores))
Lv57 Lapras [Water/Ice] {Water Absorb/Shell Armor}
Lv59 Mamoswine [Ice/Ground] {Oblivious}
Lv58 Weavile [Dark/Ice] {Pressure}
Lv61 Walrein [Ice/Water] {Thick Fat}
Lv58 Froslass [Ice/Ghost] {Inner Focus}
Lv59 Glalie [Ice] {Inner Focus}
Prize: P6100

LAPRAS: Perish Song, Ice Beam, Surf, Thunder
MAMOSWINE: Hail, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Body Slam
WEAVILE: Shadow Ball, Hail, Brick Break, Aerial Ace
WALREIN: Crunch, Blizzard, Ice Beam, Surf
FROSLASS: Ice Beam, Hail, Shadow Ball, Blizzard
GLALIE: Hail, Blizzard, Ice Beam, Crunch

Gym Leader Andre
((4 Full Restores))
Lv57 Probopass [Rock/Steel] {Sturdy/Magnet Pull}
Lv58 Scizor [Bug/Steel] {Swarm}
Lv59 Skarmory [Steel/Flying] {Keen Eye/Sturdy}
Lv58 Steelix [Steel/Ground] {Rock Head/Sturdy}
Lv59 Aggron [Steel/Rock] {Rock Head/Sturdy}
Lv61 Metagross [Steel/Psychic] {Clear Body}
Prize: P6100

PROBOPASS: Sandstorm, Rock Slide, Zap Cannon, Psychic
SCIZOR: Swords Dance, Rock Slide, Slash, Metal Claw
SKARMORY: Spikes, Steel Wing, Toxic, Drill Peck
STEELIX: Sandstorm, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Iron Tail
AGGRON: Thunder Wave, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Iron Tail
METAGROSS: Thunder Wave, Meteor Mash, Earthquake, Psychic

Gym Leader Blake
((4 Full Restores))
Lv57 Sharpedo [Water/Dark] {Rough Skin}
Lv58 Sableye [Dark/Ghost] {Keen Eye}
Lv58 Absol [Dark] {Pressure}
Lv59 Umbreon [Dark] {Synchronize}
Lv59 Dusknoir [Ghost] {Pressure}
Lv61 Houndoom [Dark/Fire] {Early Bird/Flash Fire}
Prize: P6100

SHARPEDO: Fake Out, Crunch, Slash, Waterfall
SABLEYE: Will-O-Wisp, Faint Attack, Curse, Shadow Ball
ABSOL: Confuse Ray, Slash, Crunch, Swords Dance
UMBREON: Curse, Pursuit, Moonlight, Toxic
DUSKNOIR: Curse, Confuse Ray, Shadow Ball, Will-O-Wisp
HOUNDOOM: Toxic, Roar, Flamethrower, Crunch

It’s nice to see that Terry has found a place where he can continue his training, but his story could’ve been much more eventful especially in the post-game.

Rival Battle

{(If Terry chose Piplup)}

Rival Terry
((4 Full Restores))
Lv58 Dusknoir [Ghost] {Pressure}
Lv59 Bronzong [Steel/Psychic] {Levitate}
Lv59 Dodrio [Normal/Flying] {Run Away/Early Bird}
Lv60 Slaking [Normal] {Truant}
Lv60 Ludicolo [Water/Grass] {Swift Swim/Rain Dish}
Lv62 Empoleon [Water/Steel] {Torrent}
Prize: P1984

DUSKNOIR: Shadow Ball, Fire Punch, Destiny Bond, Ice Punch
BRONZONG: Psychic, Future Sight, Recover, Reflect
DODRIO: Drill Peck, Tri Attack, Sand-Attack, Faint Attack
SLAKING: Hyper Beam, Cross Chop, Fire Punch, Yawn
LUDICOLO: Giga Drain, Hydro Pump, Leech Seed, Ice Beam
EMPOLEON: Surf, Steel Wing, Drill Peck, Body Slam

{(If Terry chose Turtwig)}

Rival Terry
((4 Full Restores))
Lv58 Dusknoir [Ghost] {Pressure}
Lv59 Glalie [Ice] {Inner Focus}
Lv59 Dodrio [Normal/Flying] {Run Away/Early Bird}
Lv60 Grumpig [Psychic] {Thick Fat}
Lv60 Lanturn Lanturn [Water/Electric] {Volt Absorb}
Lv62 Torterra [Grass/Ground] {Overgrow}
Prize: P1984

DUSKNOIR: Fire Punch, Destiny Bond, Ice Punch, Shadow Ball
DODRIO: Drill Peck, Tri Attack, Sand-Attack, Faint Attack
GLALIE: Fake Out, Crunch, Explosion, Ice Beam
GRUMPIG: Yawn, Shadow Ball, Psychic, Bounce
LANTURN: Thunder Wave, Thunderbolt, Recover, Hydro Pump
TORTERRA: Leaf Blade, Giga Drain, Rock Slide, Earthquake

{(If Terry chose Chimchar)}

Rival Terry
((4 Full Restores))
Lv58 Dusknoir [Ghost] {Pressure}
Lv59 Empoleon [Water/Steel] {Torrent}
Lv59 Dodrio [Normal/Flying] {Run Away/Early Bird}
Lv60 Ursaring [Normal] {Guts}
Lv60 Shiftry [Grass/Dark] {Chlorophyll/Early Bird}
Lv62 Infernape [Fire/Fighting] {Blaze}
Prize: P2232

DUSKNOIR: Shadow Ball, Fire Punch, Destiny Bond, Ice Punch
EMPOLEON: Hydro Pump, Body Slam, Drill Peck, Steel Wing
DODRIO: Drill Peck, Tri Attack, Sand-Attack, Faint Attack
URSARING: Fake Out, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Body Slam
SHIFTRY: Double Team, Crunch, Leech Seed, Leaf Blade
INFERNAPE: Flamethrower, Mach Punch, Bulk Up, Brick Break

There are plenty of powerful teams with some powerful moves among all those Battle Hut Trainers, but no Hold Items to spice up the rematch challenge even more. A PC in the corner could’ve helped too for players who would want to adjust their teams before facing a Gym Leader. Once you’re done, exit and let’s finally hear what Wallace wanted to tell you…which comes after you face him in one more battle 😀

Pokemon Trainer Wallace
((4 Full Restores))
Lv59 Wailord [Water] {Water Veil/Oblivious}
Lv55 Tentacruel [Water/Poison] {Clear Body/Liquid Ooze}
Lv60 Ludicolo [Water/Grass] {Swift Swim/Rain Dish}
Lv61 Gyarados [Water/Flying] {Intimidate}
Lv61 Whiscash [Water/Ground] {Oblivious}
Lv63 Milotic [Water] {Marvel Scale}
Prize: P1512

WAILORD: Blizzard, Water Spout, Earthquake, Body Slam
TENTACRUEL: Toxic, Sludge Bomb, Rain Dance, Hydro Pump
LUDICOLO: Fake Out, Giga Drain, Leech Seed, Ice Beam
GYARADOS: Rock Slide, Waterfall, Crunch, Bounce
WHISCASH: Rain Dance, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Surf
MILOTIC: Hydro Pump, Dragonbreath, Blizzard, Recover

He reveals that the battle is a trial of sorts, meant to test Trainers before they can face the final challenge – Rayquaza!

Pokemon azure horizons 4 march 2023 rayquaza

RAYQUAZA – The Sky High Pokemon
Level: 70
Type: Dragon/Flying
Ability: Air Lock
Moves: Fly, Rest, Extremespeed, Outrage

Wallace can be battled again if you wish for a rematch. There’s nothing else going on for the post-game so we have now reached the end of our adventure.

Final Section

Thank you for making use of this walkthrough, I hope it was helpful and entertaining as well. A big thank you to Frostbite for the game, to Hacksrepairman for fixing it and to Admin Jeiboy aka PokeCoder for the platform on this site.

If you would like to contact me regarding future walkthroughs you can reach me via email [email protected] or leave a comment on my blog site https://mrtkallen.blogspot.com

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Take care!

About Allen

Allen is a skilled Pokemon fan and ROM hack expert. He creates the helpful walkthroughs on PokemonCoders. His many years of playing and understanding different Pokemon ROM hacks give him a lot of knowledge and a special approach to his walkthrough guides.

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